Sunday, June 20, 2010

Britain - 86 percent would support ban on smoking in cars when kids are present..

June 20, 2010

Smoking in cars when children are passengers should be banned, according to a survey of parents carried out by the British Lung Foundation. Of the 1,000 parents surveyed, 86 percent said they would support such a ban when passengers are under 18 years old. Support was also high among parents who smoke, with 83 percent of this group backing such a ban.
A few directly related news briefs..let's get the law passed already.. Senior British Doctors demand banning smoking in vehicles when children are present...

We never understood why ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) UK called for a debate on this subject - This is a NO Brainer - do you want the best for your children??

More evidence - vehicles most dangerous space for second-hand smoke inhalation..; Scotland - government no plans to ban smoking in cars and public places used by children..; New South Wales politician smoking comment totally inaccurate...

Some positives.. England - decline in kids secondhand smoke exposure - we can do better..; United Kingdom - halve the number of smokers by end of decade...
Among former smokers surveyed, five percent admitted to smoking in the car with the window open when travelling with their children and this figure rose to 13 percent among those parents who currently smoke. Half of smokers and former smokers surveyed said they had exposed their children to second-hand smoke.

Dame Helena Shovelton, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: "Parents are sending a clear message to the government that smoking in cars with children under the age of 18 should be banned.

"Smoking just one cigarette, even with the car window open, creates a greater concentration of second-hand smoke than a whole evening's smoking in a pub or a bar. A ban on smoking in the car with children would prevent some of the 22,000 new cases each year of asthma, caused as a direct result of passive smoking."

The survey has been carried out as part of a campaign by the charity surrounding the dangers of passive smoking. This includes a national poster advertising campaign, featuring an image of a child being forced to smoke a cigarette in a car by an adult, with the caption "when you smoke in the car, they smoke".

Reference: Smoking in cars carrying children should be banned, says survey of parents by Joe Lepper, Children & Young People Now, 6/17/2010.

United Kingdom, UK, Britain, British Isles, Northern Ireland
kids, child, children, youngsters
auto, automobile, vehicle

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