Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Poland - even non-smokers oppose smoking ban in eateries..

September 28, 2010 - The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), launched in February 2007, is designed to produce national and sub-national estimates on tobacco use, exposure to second hand smoke, quit attempts among adults across countries and indirectly measure the impact of tobacco control and prevention initiatives. The GATS is intended to enhance the capacity of countries to design, implement, and evaluate tobacco control and prevention programs.

On September 23, the Government of Poland released the results of the first-ever Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) to be carried out in that country.

GATS Fact Sheet: Highlights Poland: 2009–2010..

Within the total, 36.9 percent of men and 24.4 percent of women smoke.

Fifty three point one percent of adults are not in favor of a ban on smoking in gastronomic (serving food) venues, including restaurants, coffee shops, bistros and bars; so a significant proportion of non-smokers are not in favor of such a ban.
Thirty five point three per cent of adults are not in favor of a ban on smoking in workplaces.

Reference: OPoland - even non-smokers oppose smoking bans, Tobacco Reporter, 9/28/2010.

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