Monday, October 4, 2010

Canada - tobacco companies accused of skirting the law that bans the sale and distribution of flavored cigarillos..

October 4, 2010 - Tobacco companies are being accused of skirting highly publicized federal legislation -- announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- designed to keep kids from getting hooked on flavoured cigarettes. Importers of those little cigarillos that come in flavours like vanilla, strawberry and peach have changed the size and characteristics on their product in order to get them in the country.

One anti-smoking advocate describes it as a direct reaction to the law and an attempt to circumvent it. "It's a game of cat and mouse," according to Rob Cunningham, senior policy analyst at the Canadian Cancer Society Society. He's concerned about the impact of the continued sale of the cigarillos which are sold under brand names like Honey T, Prime Time, and Bullseye. Bullseye cigars are cigars meant not really for the cigar aficionado but more for beginners or teenagers looking to get a little more flavor out of the cigar.

Ontario Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best warned that some tobacco companies seem to be intent on manoeuvring around our health protection laws. The ban that took effect on July 1, 2010 prohibits the sale and distribution of flavoured cigarillos, with the exception of menthol flavour. The amendment actually became law in the fall but included a transition period for retailers and manufacturers to adjust. The nine-month transition period was too long and allowed manufacturers to find loopholes in the law. Since the regulation applies only to items Health Canada believed were being geared toward youngsters, irresponsible manufacturers started making flavoured, larger cigars and they have replaced the smaller cigarillos on some tobacco shelves. (Canada - loophole flavored cigarettes, cigarillos banned, manufactures may start making larger flavored cigars..)
During the 2008 federal election campaign, Harper promised to take action against tobacco marketing practices that targeted young people. That led to a federal law which received support from all political parties and which came into force at the retail level last July 5, 2010.

The law defines little cigars as any product that weighs 1.4 grams or less and uses a cigarette filter. So the cigars are now slightly heavier and the filters are gone. Extra tobacco now fills in the spot where the filters used to be. Casa Cubana, a Montreal-based company that imports various brands, maintains its products remain legal because they do not qualify as "little cigars" under the new federal definition. The product is now available only in boxes of 10 and 20. In the past, the little cigars were also sold individually -- in coloured plastic cylinders at convenience stores right next to the cash register.

Cunningham, says flavoured cigarillos didn't exist as a product in Canada 10 years ago, but that sales have skyrocketed. "For us it's absolutely unacceptable that you can flavour a tobacco product with fruit, ice cream and candy flavours to make it taste better and easier to smoke," he said. Cunningham also complains that unlike cigarette packs that carry health warnings on both sides, the little cigar packages have warnings only on the back.

But Luc Martial, who handles government affairs for Casa Cubana, says there's no research that proves flavoured cigars attract kids to smoking. If that were true, he says, the federal government could have simply banned flavoured tobacco. "There is absolutely no proof -- in government or out -- that suggests kids start or continue smoking because of flavours," Martial said.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fact Sheet: Flavored tobacco products have become increasing common in the United States. These products containing flavors like vanilla, orange, chocolate, cherry and coffee, are especially attractive to youth. They are considered to be starter products, establishing smoking habits that can lead to a life time of addiction. Like all tobacco products, flavored tobacco products have serious health risks and are not considered safe by the FDA. (USA FDA - CTP - highly popular machine made flavored cigars..)

Martial also points to 2008 statistics from the Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, which is co-sponsored by Health Canada and Statistics Canada. "Clearly it shows that in terms of all tobacco products, the one tobacco product that kids are consuming the least of are flavoured little cigars," Martial said. He says statistics reveal that at its peak in 2009, the flavoured tobacco market in Canada represented less than half of one per cent of tobacco consumed in the country.

Martial says it's "nonsensical" for people to be sounding the alarm and it's "ridiculous" to suggest the product targets kids. Martial admits that young people are still getting their hands on the cigarillos -- though they represent only a tiny share of customers. "These same kids are getting far greater access to non-flavoured tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and non-prescription drugs," Martial added.

References: Flavoured tobacco law already being flouted: critics, CTV News, 10/4/2010; Cigarillo distributors sidestepping the new Tobacco Act “Next generation” of flavoured plus-sized cigar products hit the market by Joe Strizzi, from From Tobacco Info No. 2 - September 2010,, 9/2010.

Canada - cigarillo news briefs:
Canada - Bill C-32 besides banning flavored tobacco will also further limit advertising..;
Canada - loophole flavored cigarettes, cigarillos banned, manufactures may start making larger flavored cigars..;
Canada - ban on flavored tobacco products comes into effect July 2010..);
Canada - youth survey finds levels of cigarillo use persist, but users don't consider themselves 'smokers'..;
Canada - bill to ban flavored tobacco products gets final approval - Burley Tobacco..;
Canadian bill to ban flavored tobacco products worries Kentucky burley growers..;
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - 2008..;
Canadian House of Commons passes bill to prevent production of mini-cigars or cigarillos..;
Canada - Bill C-32 to amend Tobacco Products Control Act..;
Canada - federal government introduces legislation to ban flavored tobacco products..;
Quebec - Teens Switch from Cigarettes to Cigarillos..;
Canada - little cigar/cigarillos smoking declined from 2007 - 2008..;
Canadian Cancer Society calls for federal ban on flavored cigars..;
Ontario to outlaw candy flavored cigars..;
Ontario poised to ban flavored cigarillos..;
Canada: a bill introduced to snuff out drive to recruit young smokers..;
Still sucking our youngsters in...

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