Monday, October 4, 2010

Saskatchewan, Canada - ban on smoking in cars with child passengers now in force..

Saskatchewan Coat-of-Arms
Click to enlarge..
October 4, 2010 - Police now have the power to ticket people who are caught smoking in vehicles with children inside. The new law means drivers, as well as passengers, have to butt out if anyone in the vehicle is under 16.

Background: Tough smoking laws came into effect on Friday, October 1, 2010 including a ban on smoking in cars with child passengers. The new rule aims to protect children under 16 from second-hand smoke in vehicles and is part of the the Tobacco Control Amendment Act. (Ban on smoking in vehicles with children, Rebecca Lawrence, Moose Jaw Times Herald, 9/27/2010.)

Saskatchewan - proposed legislation to ban people from smoking in cars carrying kids plus..
The exact monetary fine for an offence is still being finalized by the provincial government. But in the meantime, police still have the ability to lay a charge using a "long form summons" and the court would determine the penalty, said Regina Police Service spokesperson Elizabeth Popowich. When the objective is to change behaviour, police officers may use their discretion in the early stages and issue warnings, she said. But Popowich suggested a driver's best bet for avoiding a ticket is to start abiding by the new law right away.

The Ministry of Health said when finalized, the fines for smoking in cars when a child is present will be in line with those for existing offences under the Tobacco Control Act, which range from $150 (146.70 USD) to $500 (489.04 USD).

Reference: Smoking restrictions officially expanded,, 10/2/2010.

Saskatchewan - some related news briefs:
Saskatchewan, Canada - tobacco tax increase begining April 1, 2010..;
Saskatchewan - proposed legislation to ban people from smoking in cars carrying kids plus..;
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