Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ireland - more smokers now than before the smoking ban in 2004..

December 19, 2010 - The Irish Government has heard that there are now more smokers in Ireland than before the indoor smoking ban was enacted in 2004.

Áine Brady, Minister of State for Health, said that 29 percent of the population in Ireland smokes. This is despite the ban on indoor smoking, abolition of packs of less than 20 cigarettes, a ban on displays or advertising and the cost of cigarettes in Ireland being of “the highest in the world," at €8.55 ($11.27) a pack. (Ireland - highest tobacco prices in the EU..)

Fine Gael’s health spokesman, Dr James Reilly observed that there’s now two percent more smokers in Ireland.

He also referred to the Irish Cancer Society figures. He said, “Tobacco kills more people in Ireland than road accidents, suicide, drugs, farm accidents and Aids combined. It causes 30 per cent of all cancers, including 95 per cent of all lung cancers."

Mr Reilly called on the Government to implement the legislation which was passed 18 months ago to “print pictorial warnings on cigarette packets to help smokers visualise tobacco-related illnesses."

They spoke as Ireland’s Parliament passed the Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill, introduced to allow for the amalgamation of the Office of Tobacco Control into the Health Service Executive.

TD for Kerry North Jimmy Deenihan commented on the number of young girls smoking. He said, “Unless there is a proactive and aggressive approach in our primary and post-primary schools to point out the physical and mental health effects of smoking, we will continue to lose the battle.” (Ireland - smoking on the increase with young women in lower-income groups..)

Jan O’Sullivan, Labour’s spokesperson for health, pointed out that young people were not worried about “cardiovascular or any other type of disease," but “they might think about effects such as smelly breath or cost." “These issues are more likely to sway young people. The emphasis in advertising should be on these areas.”

Ireland - time for major effort to crackdown on tobacco smuggling..

Reference: More smokers in Ireland since 2004 smoking ban
by CATHY HAYES, Staff Writer,, 12/18/2010.

Some Ireland related news briefs:
Ireland - Office of Tobacco Control to be dissolved..;
Ireland - cigarette dealers are now selling their smuggled goods door-to-door..;
Ireland - 2009 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General..;
Ireland - police force says gangs making €3m a week from illegal cigarette sales..;
Ireland - time for major effort to crackdown on tobacco smuggling..;
Ireland - tobacco smuggling has reached record levels..;
Ireland - Office of Tobacco Control 2009 Annual Report..;
Ireland retailers claim since display ban smuggling up - denied by health campaigners..;
Ireland - highest tobacco prices in the EU..;
Ireland - smoking on the increase with young women in lower-income groups..;
Ireland - Illicit tobacco trade booms..;
Ireland - no increase in excise duty on tobacco products worry about smuggling..;
reland - ASH will never give up - get smoking out of cars (and homes) when kids are present..;
Ireland - harder to quit when switching to low tar cigarettes..;
Ireland - after 2004 smoking ban decline in maternal smoking rates as well as lower risk for preterm births..;
Ireland - cancer society urges government to increase cigarette tax..;
Ireland - increase fine for cigarettes imported illegally..;
Ireland - roll your own cigarettes making a comeback..;
Ireland - lots of smokers - lots of sickness - resulting in premature death - THIS HAS TO STOP..;
Ireland - people responding well to the ban on cigarette displays..;
Ireland - Prof Clancy not enough spent on prevention..;
Ireland - tobacco vendors must register by October 1, 2009..;
Children - exposed to cigarette smoke in cars have greater chance of respiratory distress..;
Ireland - tobacco companies not helping small retailers - display ban..;
Tobacco control initiatives starting Wednesday, July 1, 2009..;
Ireland - Office of Tobacco Control 2008 annual report - Positive..;
Ireland - modest penalty for cigarette smuggling..;
Ireland - to amend tobacco legislation to to include pictoral warnings..;
Ireland - as of July 1, 2009 no advertising or display of tobacco products will be permitted in retail outlets..;
Ireland - cigarette tax abandoned over smuggling fears..;
Ireland - may raise tax on cigarettes as part of emergency budget..;
Ireland - ban smoking in cars when kids are present..;
Ireland - further provisions of the Public Health (Tobacco) Acts 2002 and 2004 are to be commenced on 1 July 2009.;
Ireland - 80% of smokers want a ban on tobacco advertising in shops to stop youngsters starting the habit..;
Ireland to ban tobacco displays..;
Ireland - reduction in admissions for acute coronary syndrome...

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