Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ATSA consultation meeting Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb 1-3, 2011..

February 1, 2011 - The last quarter of 2010 was marked by the end of projects funded under the African Tobacco Situational Analyses (ATSA), a two-year initiative to understand the critical determinants of success for tobacco control in selected countries south of the Sahara.

Over 100 tobacco control stakeholders are expected from February 1 – 3, 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa for final consultation meeting aimed at capitalizing upon the main lessons learnt from implementing this research project.

The successes and lessons learned are revealing and critical to enhancing future tobacco control policy and program efforts across sub-Saharan Africa. And as tobacco control continues to evolve in Africa, it is also an opportunity to highlight present initiatives such as the African Tobacco Control Consortium and the WHO/TFI project on building institutional capacity for tobacco control in Africa, as well as new partnerships between the ACS and the University of Cape Town School of Economics and the University of Pretoria School of Dentistry and School of Health Systems and Public Health.

For more information please contact Amanda Newcomb at ATSA_Meeting@cancer.org.

The Agenda..

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