Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina - new ordinance prevents people from lighting up in parks..

February 1, 2011 - The new ordinance doesn't completely outlaw tobacco in city parks, on greenways and at city-owned venues; it only prevents people from lighting up. It also lets people smoke in city parking lots and anywhere in Nash Square and Moore Square downtown - both owned by the state.

Receptacles for cigarette butts and "No Smoking" signs will be placed in parks and other venues.

Directly related news briefs:
January 19, 2011- Raleigh, N.C. - city council to develop no smoking ordinance for city parks..;
January 5, 2011 - Raleigh, North Carolina - vote on smoking ban in parks delayed..;
November 29, 2010 - Raleigh, NC - may ban smoking in city parks...

Raleigh tried to ban smoking in some parks three years ago, but the city lacked the legal authority to do so at the time. A year-old state law that bans smoking in indoor workplaces now allows local governments to ban smoking in public places. (North Carolina (NC) - beginning in January 2010 fire safe cigarettes ( FSC), smoking ban in public places..)

Councilmen John Odom and Thomas Crowder voted against the ordinance, which takes effect in July, 2011.

"(The ban) will significantly reduce exposure to second-hand smoke for all park visitors," Laura Aiken, executive director of Advocates for Health in Action, said in a statement. "This change will also have the secondary benefits of reducing litter."

Reference: Raleigh bans smoking in city parks, Web Editor: Matthew Burns, WRAL.com, 2/1/201.

Some other North Carolina news briefs:
Wake County, North Carolina - school system gets $3million in settlement of tobacco case..;
Raleigh, North Carolina - vote on smoking ban in parks delayed..;
North Carolina - smoking ban being challenged by some small businesses..;
North Carolina - air quality improved - reaping the benefits of state smoking ban..;
North Carolina - smokers be careful where you flick your cigarette..;
North Carolina - nine sentenced in cigarette-smuggling ring..;
North Carolina - U.S. cigarette consumption in 2009 fell 9.3% so share of MSA payment reduced..;
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina - you can smoke on the beach but don't drop them..;
North Carolina - reaping the benefits of statewide smoking ban..;
North Carolina - may restore tax stamp to reduce smuggling..:
North Carolina - smoking ban forces smokers outside in the cold..;
North Carolina - some hookah bars owners stay open after smoking ban begins..;
North Carolina (NC) - beginning in January 2010 fire safe cigarettes (FSC), smoking ban in public places..;
North Carolina - smoking ban simple details, January 2, 2010..;
North Carolina - smoking ban does not allow hookah bars to operate - RIGHT..;
North Carolina smoking ban includes banning hookah bars..;
North Carolina Governor Purdue signs smoking ban law..;
North Carolina - legislators approve smoking ban..;
North Carolina - smoking ban scaled back again..;
North Carolina Senate Health Committee votes for stricter smoking ban..;
North Carolina House poised to pass smoking ban..;
North Carolina - ban on smoking in public places passes 1st test...

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