Thursday, February 10, 2011

e-cigarettes - delivery NOT by U.S. mail, or other carriers..

February 10, 2011 - For now the U.S. court system wants e-cigarettes (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems = ENDS) to be considered tobacco products. (U.S. FDA - D.C. Court of Appeals Won't Revisit Decision On E-Cigarettes..)

As a result these tobacco products can not delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEX and DSL.

The PACT Act from June 29, 2010 makes it illegal to use the U.S. Postal Service to deliver any form of tobacco product (cigarettes and smokeless tobacco). FedEx, UPS and DSL — have bowed to state pressure and have refused to ship tobacco products. (U.S. PACT Law takes effect June 29, 2010..)

As we know most e-cigarettes are made in China. When these items are shipped they should be clearly marked - TOBACCO so they can be returned to the sender..

Prominent non-profit health organizations such as The American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Heart Association and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, have called for e-cigarettes to be removed from the market. The groups say e-cigarettes have yet to be proven safe and that kids may be attracted to the products, some of which come in flavors like chocolate and strawberry. (Controversy Swirls Around E-Cigarettes by LAUREN ETTER, The Wall Street Journal, 6/2/2009) The American Medical Association (AMA) recommends that electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) be classified as drug delivery devices, subject to the same FDA regulations as all other drug delivery devices. (US AMA policy - e-cigarettes FDA should treat as a drug delivery device..) Even Russia has proposed to ban electronic cigarettes - until the manufacturers have carried out clinical studies and toxicity analysis. (Russia - electronic cigarettes to be banned..)

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