Friday, February 4, 2011

Norway - snuff posts only growth on declining Norwegian tobacco market..

February 4, 2011 - Norwegian food retailers sold 1.6 billion cigarettes last year, down by 54.4 million or 3.2 percent from the level of sales the previous year, according to an Esmerk Norwegian News story quoting statistics from Nielsen Norge.

Pipe and rolling tobacco turnover declined by 6.1 percent, while snuff turnover increased by 12.4 percent, a lower growth than was recorded in 2009.

Interesting report: Tobacco consumption among men and women 1927–2007 K E Lund, M Lund, A Bryhni, Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2009; 129:1871-4.

Reference: Snuff posts only growth on declining Norwegian market, Tobacco Reporter, 2/4/2011.

Norway - some related news briefs:
Norway - directorate would like to raise the legal age for buying tobacco from 18 to 20..;
Norway - WHO wants govt to ban smoking in private home/gardens how about starting with cars when kids are present??;
Norway - the state of public health 2010 – new report published..;
Norway - health secretary no graphic warnings on snus boxes for now..;
Norway - Philip Morris announces lawsuit challenging tobacco product display ban..;
Norway - drops top cigarette makers from wealth fund..;
Norway - starting January 1, 2010 - tobacco no longer on display..;
Norway strict tobacco display ban by October 2009..

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