Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Doctor has called for more research into "electronic" cigarettes following the death of one of his patients..

March 30, 2011 - A UK doctor has called for more research into electronic cigarettes following the death of one of his patients, according to a BBC online story.

Dr. Rob Allcock made his call after an inquest recorded an open verdict in respect of the death of Terence Miller of Gateshead.

Miller, who is said to have used ‘large quantities of the substitutes’, suffered from the lung disease, severe lipoid pneumonia.

Allcock, who treated Miller at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, believes the disease could have been associated with his use of electronic cigarettes.

He said that the brand Miller had been using seemed to involve a mixture of nicotine and oil.

"There's extensive literature in the medical world on damage to the lungs due to inhaling oil, which looks very similar to his disease," he said.

Reference: Gateshead doctor calls for research into 'e-cigarettes',, 3/28/2011.

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