Monday, March 28, 2011

Finland - tobacco products go under the counter in 2012..


Finland - cigarettes go under the counter in 2012..

December 24, 2010 - A ban on displaying cigarettes in shop windows and shelves comes into effect in Finland in 2012. Consumers interested in purchasing cigarettes will be handed simple catalogues illustrating cigarette packages and price information.

The Finnish National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (“Valvira”) has recently issued guidelines regarding the display prohibition of tobacco products, which will enter into force on 1 January 2012.

The guidelines instruct retailers on how to replace or amend the current open tobacco stands with closed ones. The purpose is to conceal the tobacco products from the customers. According to the guidelines, the retailer is nevertheless entitled to offer the customer upon request a list or catalogue, which presents the tobacco products on sale.

Vending machines adjacent to checkout points will have to show a number instead of the image of a cigarette pack.

References: New Guidelines on the Upcoming Display Ban of Tobacco Products in Finland">,, 3/22/2011; a href="">Finland to close doors of perception – heaven or hell?, Tobacco Reporter, 3/28/2011

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