Monday, March 28, 2011

Russia - smoking ban coming- do you believe it??

March 28, 2011 - Moscow city Duma (government) plans to introduce a smoking ban on apartment block landings and state-owned premises.

The head of Moscow’s healthcare committee Lyudmila Stebenkova said the ban will not affect privately-owned premises, reported.

The project proposes a “step-by-step move towards a smoke-free Moscow,” said one of the document’s developers Dmitry Yanin.

At the moment, the number of teenagers that smoke in Moscow is 25 per cent more than on average in Russia, and about half of school graduates smoke.

References: Stubbing out staircase smoking, Source: Evgeniya Chaykovskaya, The Moscow News, 3/21/2011; Moswcow will ban smoking,, 10.2.2010.

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