Monday, December 13, 2010

Quezon City, Philippines - will strictly enforce anti-smoking measures..

December 13, 2010 - The Quezon City (QC) government, a member of the so-called G7, renewed its commitment in consistently implementing Republic Act 9211, or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, during a seminar dubbed as “Greater Teeth and Tools for the Enforcement and implementation of Tobacco Regulation Act Project” conducted by the University of the Philippines College of Law Development Foundation Inc.

G7 is an anti-smoking alliance of seven cities in the National Capital Region composed of Quezon City, Makati City, Manila, Marikina City, Mandaluyong City, Pasig City and Caloocan City which is spearheading a campaign for a smoke-free Philippines.
(7 metro cities to clamp down on smoking by Gigi Muñoz David, Manila Standard Today, 12/7/2010)

In an executive order Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista created a “Smoke-Free Task Force’’ that aims to reinforce and monitor full compliance with the law in public places and conveyances, buildings, both public and private, and other public places in order to protect the public from the harmful effects of tobacco substances.

Recently the public was informed that aside from first and secondhand smoke they should also be wary of thirdhand smoke which is the harmful chemicals left by the smokers on clothing, curtains, bed sheets and other things.

Data from the Tobacco Burden of Facts in the Philippines revealed that 35 percent of Filipinos aged 18 above smoke cigarettes and 55 percent of the youth aged 13-15 in the Philippines are exposed to second-hand smoke in their homes and 65 percent to secondhand smoke in public places. It revealed that smoking is killing over 35,000 Filipinos each year through lung cancer, trachea and bronchus.

Reference: QC strictly enforcing anti-smoking measure by CHITO A. CHAVEZ, (Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp.), 12/12/2010.

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