Saturday, December 4, 2010

India - cigarettes and bidis manufacturers halt production seek clarification on pictorial health warnings..

December 4, 2010 - India's largest cigarette firm ITC, maker of India Kings, Gold Flake and Navy Cut, has stopped production at all its manufacturing units in view of uncertainty over pictorial warnings to be carried on tobacco products starting this month. The company said there was no clarity on types of warnings to be carried on the packages. ITC has stopped production at all five units located across India since yesterday. Confirming the development an ITC spokesperson said, "Units (for making cigarettes) are shut because of the ambiguity in pictorial warnings to be carried from December 1 onwards."

The implementation of new pictorial health warnings became effective on December 1, 2010..

Tobacco giant ITC today plunged by 3.5 per cent in the early trade on BSE after the company said it has halted production of cigarettes at all its manufacturing units in view of uncertainty over pictorial warnings. (ITC scrip down 3.5% on news of production halt, Press Trust of India / Mumbai, Business Standard, 12/3/2010.)

According to industry sources, even Godfrey Phillips India (GPI), the country's second largest cigarette maker after ITC that owns brands like Four Square, Red and White and Cavanders, has stopped production.

Companies making cigarettes and bidis have been forced to close down production due to the uncertainty regarding the warning," Tobacco Institute of India director Udayan Lall said.

He said the companies had written a letter to the ministry seeking clarity on the the kind of pictorial warnings to be carried on packs, but no clarity has emerged from the government on the same. "We have not received any response so far," Lall added.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had notified in May this year that all tobacco product packages in the country must carry pictorial health warnings depicting a cancer-stricken mouth etc., from December 1, 2010.

Cigarette manufacturers want the duration of each warning to be fixed for at least 2-3 years. Sources said the health ministry would now review the situation on the behest of leading cigarette manufacturers.

India is the world's second-largest producer and consumer of tobacco behind China, according to the American Cancer Society and the World Lung Foundation. An estimated 241 million people in India use tobacco in some form. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine published in February 2008 estimated that one in 10 deaths in India from 2010 onwards would be smoking-related. Tobacco use kills a million Indians every year, according to the Cancer Foundation of India.

In October 2008, India widened an existing, but poorly enforced ban on smoking in public places and prohibited the sale of tobacco products near schools and hospitals -- but the regulations are still flouted in many places.

References: ITC shuts cigarette plants due to uncertainty in warnings, Press Trust of India / New Delhi, Business Standard, 12/2/2010; Tobacco majors halt production, BS Reporter / Kolkata/ New Delhi, Business Standard, 12/3/2010; India cigarette firms stop production over health warnings, Agence France-Presse (AFP), 12/3/2010; No smoking kills Rs 100 cr revenue, Ashish Sinha, Indian Express, 12/4/2010.

India - some related news briefs:
*India - Tobacco Board warns farmers against planting unauthorized crop..;
*India - revised pictorial warnings on tobacco products will be implemented from December 1, 2010..;
*ndia - pictorial warning will appear on every tobacco pack sold from June 1 , 2010..;
*India - government set to ban foreign direct investment in tobacco..;
*India - despite tobacco control measure in place - tobacco sales increase..;
*India - still confusion pictorial warnings on cigarette packs..;
*Mumbai, India - NGO activists want closure of hookah bars..;
*India - gutkha and bidi companies NOT pictorial warnings..;
*India - cigarette packs with pictorial warnings are here..; *ndia - NO graphic pictorial warnings yet..;
*India - Still no pictorial warnings on cigarette packs..;
*India - pictorial warning on cigarettes and tobacco products effective May 31, 2009..;
*India - pictorial warning on cigarettes and tobacco products will be implemented from May 31 - no doubts about it..;
*India - will pictorial or graphic health warnings be implemented from May 30, 2009..;
*India - placing pictorial warnings on tobacco products delayed again..

EU - proposing a full-scale ban on branded cigarettes..

December 4, 2010 - The European Union (EU) is proposing a full-scale ban on branded cigarettes, forcing tobacco companies across the continent to sell their products in generic, plain packaging. Under the new rules, packs would carry nothing more than a health warning and the name of the brand, both in a standardized format with a specified typeface. Since cigarette advertising was outlawed across Europe in 2003, packaging -- known as "the silent salesman" -- has been the only way for cigarette manufacturers to keep their brands in the spotlight.

Australia - world set to follow Australian tobacco policy...

Opponents of the move have until December 15 to make their case heard, with a decision expected in February, 2011. Even if the EU decides in favor of plain packaging, it could take another five years before the law comes into effect -- especially if the tobacco companies carry out their threat to make a legal challenge against the ruling.

Andrew Lansley, the U.K. secretary of state for public health, believes that plain packs would de-glamorize the habit and stop young people from taking up smoking. (United Kingdom - govt wants cigarette packaging in plain brown wrappers..)

But the Tobacco Manufacturers Association said, "We do not believe any plans for plain packaging are based on sound public policy, nor any compelling evidence."

The International Advertising Association (IAA) has written to the EU to argue against the prohibition of on-pack cigarette branding. Erich Buxbaum, VP and area director for Europe, said, "All brands are registered trademarks. This could lead into a vast legal process -- companies will sue the EC. They pay a lot of money every year for their trademarks."

Imperial Tobacco, manufacturer of cigarette brands including Davidoff, JPS, Gitanes and Gauloises Blondes, called plain packs "unnecessary, unreasonable and unjustified." In a statement the company said, "Governments that consider introducing plain packaging risk breaching a range of legal and treaty obligations relating to intellectual property rights, international trade and European Union law."

Anne Edwards, director external communications, Philip Morris International, said, "To date every country that has considered plain packaging has rejected it due to lack of evidence and associated [intellectual property] issues. Even in Australia ... the government's own intellectual property body, IP Australia, recently advised ... that plain packaging 'may not be consistent with Australia's intellectual property treaty obligations' and 'would make it easier for counterfeit goods to be produced and would make it difficult to readily identify these counterfeit goods.'"

The counterfeit issue was also raised by Mr. Buxbaum, who claimed that 10% of all trade in Europe is in counterfeit goods. Illicit cigarettes, he said, deny significant revenues to European governments, most of which claim 50% of the sale price in tax, and -- according to the IAA letter -- "come with no guarantee about the ingredients and product safety."

However, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), a campaigning public-health charity in the U.K., said it has heard all these arguments before. Martin Dockrell, the organization's director of research and policy, said, "The tobacco companies used the same arguments against the tobacco advertising ban. They still retain their rights over their logos -- but it doesn't mean they can use them however they like. They can't use them on billboards and soon they won't be able to use them on packaging."

Mr. Dockrell said that unbranded packs would not lead to an increase in smuggling. He argued that branded and unbranded packs are equally easy for counterfeiters to replicate.

As well as the introduction of unbranded packaging, the EU is also considering a ban on in-store cigarette displays and on cigarette vending machines.

The IAA has chosen to concentrate its efforts on a protest against the packaging ban. Mr Buxbaum said, "I don't want to become a spokesman for the tobacco industry. I am concentrating on the packaging issue because plain packaging would kill branding." The IAA has no tobacco companies as members in Europe, although it does have a couple in the U.S.

Independent of the EU, the English parliament voted last year in favor of a ban on the display of tobacco products in shops in England. Larger shops will have to comply by 2011, while smaller shops will have until 2013. However, a change of government in May means that the new legislation is not guaranteed to go ahead. (UK government could scrap tobacco control plans..)

Also the European Commission is preparing to introduce legislation in 2011 to ban smoking in public places right across the union. (European Union - commission wants no exceptions to smoking bans..)

Reference: EU Proposes End to Branded Cigarettes Packages Would Carry Only Warning and Name of Brand in Plain Text, Posted by Emma Hall, Advertising Age, 12/1/2010.

Friday, December 3, 2010

RAI - announces executive appontments..

Susan Ivey - before and after..

Susan Ivey announced that she would retire from Reynolds American Inc. (RAI) after nearly 30 years in the tobacco industry. Ivey, 51, has retired as chairwoman on October 31, 2010 and will retire as chief executive, president and member of the board of directors on February 28, 2010.

The Reynolds board named Daniel “Daan” Delen, 44, to succeed her as president, chief executive and board member, effective January 1, 2011. The board elected Thomas Wajnert, 67, as a non-executive chairman, effective November 1, 2010 . He has been the board’s lead director since 2008. The company said that Ivey plans to move to Florida to be near family and to spend more time traveling with her husband, Russell Cameron, who is already retired. (Reynolds American Inc - Susan Ivey, Ms. Everything, to retire..)

Reynolds American Inc. has elected John P. Daly, chief operating officer of British American Tobacco PLC. (BAT), to the RAI board of directors.

Back in August 2010 Reynolds American Inc. said that Nicandro Durante, the chief operating officer (COO) of British American Tobacco PLC (BAT), will resign from the Reynolds board of directors, effective December 1, 2010. In June, Durante was named by BAT, as the heir apparent to its chief executive post. He will take over as chief executive in late February 2011 when Paul Adams retires. Durante will become chief executive designate on September 1, 2010 BAT said.

Durante joined the Reynolds board in 2008 as one of five BAT appointees. BAT owns 42 percent of Reynolds as part of the 2004 deal in which Reynolds bought Brown & Williamson Corp., the U.S. subsidiary of BAT. (BAT COO resigns from Reynolds American board of directors..) (Frequently Asked Questions: What is the history of Reynolds American Inc.?)

For more on the RAI executive appointments click on address below.

Reference: Reynolds American announces executive appointments; elects Daly to board.., Tobacco Reporter, 12/3/2010.

Bulgaria - tobacco growers seeking more subsidies..

Protest over unpaid tobacco subsidies..
December 3, 2010 - Thousands of tobacco-growers gathered in front of the building of the Bulgarian Parliament to request more state subsidies as the legislative body debates on second reading the state budget for 2011. Minister of Agriculture Miroslav Naydenov came out to answer to protesters' demands, saying he worked hard to ensure a BGN 140 M of state aid for the sector. He added that should budget 2011 outperform, tobacco-producers will receive an additional BGN 70 M mid-year 2011.

In Parliament, the Movement of Rights and Freedoms (MRF) as usual has spoken out strongly in support of tobacco-producers, many of whom are of a Turkish ethnic origin.

News briefs related to tobacco subsidy:
Bulgaria - subsidy for tobacco growers included in govt budget for 2010..;
Bulgaria - tobacco growers again mass protests over unpaid subsidies..;
Bulgaria - govt no more tobacco growers protests over subsides..;
Bulgaria - prime minister not happy with giving tobacco growers subsidies..;
Bulgaria - finance minister comments may be good news for tobacco farmers..;
Bulgaria - European Commission authorizes payment to tobacco producers for 2009 crop..;
Bulgaria - tobacco producers propose Bulgartabac transfer..;
Bulgaria - government, tobacco growers reach subsidy agreement...

Reference: Bulgaria's Tobacco-Growers Strike as Parliament Debates Budget, (Sofia News Agency), 12/2/2010.

South Korea - BAT releases Dunhill Orient as a limited edition..

Click to enlarge..
December 3, 2010 - British American Tobacco (BAT) Korea released "Dunhill Orient" this week as a limited edition. Dunhill is BAT’s primary king-size brand in Asia’s fourth-largest economy.

Korea - BAT - winning the hearts and minds of customers based on tactics tailored to local tastes..

BAT Korea said Wednesday, December 1st that the new product will definitely gain popularity in the market thanks to its expert blending aimed at offering a distinct, subtle aroma featuring a rare oriental blend from the fine leaves grown in the mountainous regions of Greece.

"Dunhill Orient is expected to provide Korean adult smokers with the finest quality tobacco full of an aromatic taste," BAT Korea Marketing Executive Director Guy Meldrum said in a statement. "We hope consumers can truly taste and feel the smooth yet rich flavor while enjoying a moment of indulgence with Dunhill Orient." Dunhill Orient is available in three tar amounts of 6 milligrams, 3 milligrams and 1 milligram at the price of 2,500 won a pack.

British American Tobacco (BAT) Korea released a limited edition menthol product called Dunhill Freeze in July 2009. BAT Korea Managing Director Guy Meldrum said in a press release at that time, "This summer, Dunhill Freeze has been specially designed to offer our consumers a truly cooling experience. "It's a combination of high mentholation and Dunhill's distinctive rich flavor in this new icy pack emits the unique, intense chilling sensation." (BAT Korea Releases New Product, by Kim Tae-gyu Staff Reporter, Korea Times, 6/30/2009.

Reference: Dunhill Orient on sale,, Korea Times, 12/1/2010.

South Korea - some related news briefs:;
South Korea - stop people from smoking go ahead and triple the price of cigarettes..;
South Korea - Smoking Manner Campaign - promoting cigarette butt-free streets..;
South Korea - in 2007, world's 12th largest cigarette exporter..;
South Korea - study finds higher prices most effective method to discourage smoking..;
South Korea - a new Raison line extension..;
next month enforcement of ban on smoking by taxi drivers..;
South Korea - fines collected for dumping cigarette butts are down.. ;
South Korea - BAT launches new cigarette seems similar to Camel Crush..;
South Korea - rate of male smokers probably higher than any other OECD country..;
South Korea - BAT to further invest in Sacheon factory..;
South Korea - a look at KT&G Corporation with 63% of the market..;
South Korea - streets and parks of Seoul City could be designated as non-smoking areas..;
PMI - slide presentation South Korean Cigarette Market..;
South Korea - KT&G forms alliance with Imperial Tobacco Group..;
South Korea - more smokers in 2009 than in 2008..;
South Korea - remote island going smoke-free, car-free and night lights-free..;
South Korea - Stressed-out Koreans smoking more..;
South Korea - to ban smoking in public places from 2011..;
Korea - BAT - winning the hearts and minds of customers based on tactics tailored to local tastes..;
Korea - sets target to reduce smoking 10% in 5-years..;
Korea - stricter regulation of the tobacco industry coming..;
South Korea - tobacco imports surge 396-fold over 10-years..;
Korea - slight increase in men smoking.. ;
South Korea - anti-tobacco campaign - body painting..;
Korea - smoking ban just about everywhere by end of 2009..;
Tobacco marketing in South Korea has been deliberately aimed at girls and young women..;
Korea - smoking rates fall for men and women...

Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease..

December 3, 2010 - A study of ancient bodies has determined that cancer is a man-made disease, one fueled by the excesses. Tumors turn out to be extremely rare until very recent times, when pollution and poor diet became issues.

Researchers analyzed potential references to the disease in classical literature, and also searched for signs in the fossil record and in mummified bodies. But despite examining tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies, they confirmed only one case of cancer

According to the Daily Mail (see sources below):
"Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones did occur. Fossil evidence of cancer is also sparse, with scientific literature providing a few dozen, mostly disputed, examples in animal fossil".

Daily Mail October 15, 2010;
Nature Reviews Cancer October 2010; 10: 728-733
Cancer September 1977; 40(3): 1358-1362

According to the latest statistics compiled by the American Heart Association, cancer surpasses heart disease as the top killer among Americans between the ages of 45 to 74. (From Dr. Mercola's comments..)

Reference: Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease, Posted By Dr. Mercola, 12/03/2010.

Following Lorillard's lead Philip Morris, Reynolds cigarettes to raise prices..

December 3, 2010 - RICHMOND, Va. & WINSTON-SALEM, N.C -- Both Altria Group Inc. and Reynolds American Inc. have confirmed an eight-cents-per-pack price increase on all Philip Morris USA and R.J. Reynolds (RJR) cigarette brands. The PM USA increase is effective with shipments on December 6, and the RJR increase kicks in the next day.

The announcements follow on the heels of a six-cents-per-pack price increase from Greensboro, N.C.-based Lorillard, as reported earlier this week. (Lorillard - price increases take effect Tuesday, November 30, 2010..)

"The company periodically evaluates its pricing strategy, and how to most effectively manage its business against marketplace dynamics," Altria spokesperson Greg Mathe told CSP Daily News. "So this pricing increase is a result of that evaluation."

PM USA cigarette brands include Marlboro, Alpine, Basic, Benson & Hedges, Bristol, Cambridge, Chesterfield, Commander, Dave's, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Merit, Parliament, Players, Saratoga and Virginia Slims.

The increase equates to roughly a 2.2% increase on Marlboro, according to a report from tobacco analyst Nik Modi, UBS Securities LLC, New York.

Altria, Richmond, Va., had increased prices in May of this year, and Marlboro continued to deliver strong retail share results. Marlboro's retail share for the three- and nine-month periods ended Sept. 30 increased 0.7 and 0.8 share points, respectively, versus the prior-year periods.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N.C., is the second-largest U.S. tobacco company. RJR only has two growth brands, i.e., Camel and Pall Mall. They no longer promote Salem and Kool - two menthol cigarettes that could compete head on with Lorillard's Newport - TW.

August 29, 2010 - U.S. tobacco companies still count on raising cigarette prices not on sales of smokeless products to earn profits..;
July 24, 2010 - Altria, RAI and PMI q2 2010 earnings boosted by higher prices...

Reference: Altria, RJR Join Price HikePhilip Morris, Reynolds cigarettes to rise 8 cents per pack, following Lorillard by Linda Abu-Shalback Zid, CSP (Convenience Store/Petroleum) Daily News, 12/3/2010.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Japan Tobacco - domestic release of a d-spec Mild Seven and new packaging with rounded corners..

December 2, 2010 - - Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) today, December 2nd announced a nationwide launch at the middle of January 2011 of Mild Seven D-SPEC One 100's Box in Japan, a new addition to the Mild Seven line, the brand with the highest share of domestic tobacco sales(*1). Since its launch in June 1977, Mild Seven has been a favorite with many of our consumers and one of the few truly major brands. In 1978 it reached the No.1 slot(*1) in the share of domestic tobacco sales, a position it has kept for over 30 years.

1mg D-spec product - "Mild Seven D-SPEC One 100's - D-spec products produce less odor (less smoke smell) and are therefore more acceptable to people who find tobacco smoke unpleasant.

JT has announced that the packages of 12 box-type products in non-menthol category of Mild Seven will be getting a makeover and will be sold in round corner boxes.
Gradual changeover is scheduled depending on the products' tar levels. Changes in five low-tar products ranging from 1mg to 3mg tar are planned after the middle of February 2011 and in seven medium/high-tar products ranging from 6mg to 10mg tar are planned after the middle of May 2011.

Mild Seven Impact One 100's Box and Mild Seven D-SPEC Super Lights Box will be getting not only a makeover to round corner boxes but package design changes.

Reference: JT redesigns and extends Mild Seven brand, Tobacco Journal International, 12/2/2010.

Hong Kong - as of December 1st smoking ban extended to 131 bus terminals..

December 2, 2010 - As a smoking ban came into force at 131 bus terminals yesterday, December 1st members of the public were still lighting up and pleading ignorance.
Those smoking or carrying a lit cigarette, cigar or pipe at 129 open air and two covered public transport facilities are now liable to a HK$1,500 (193.16 USD) fixed-penalty notice. Despite no-smoking signs and maps highlighting the smoke-free zones, many passengers failed to notice and lit up anyway.

The Department of Health said it hopes the extension of the smoking ban will further protect the public from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

A smoker waiting at a bus terminal near Wan Chai pier said he did not know anything about the new rules. Another traveler thought he could smoke in any open area.

The ban is being implemented in phases with a total of 54 indoor and 48 covered public transport facilities first being affected from January 1, 2007, and September 1, 2009, respectively. More than 15,000 summonses and 8,000 fixed-penalty notices were issued to offenders from January 2007 to October this year by the Tobacco Control Office.

For example: a smoking ban at six types of listed establishments will take effect on July 1, 2009 in accordance with the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap 371). These establishments are bars, clubs, night-clubs, bathhouses, massage establishments and mahjong-tin kau premises. (Hong Kong - total smoking ban in effect - Wednesday, July 1, 2009..)

Separately, at Kwun Tong Magistrates' Court a 49-year-old man was sentenced to 80 hours' community service for assaulting a Tobacco Control Inspector and obstructing a public officer in a no smoking area. The man was found smoking at an amusement arcade in Wong Tai Sin on October 6 and assaulted the officer from the inspection team. STAFF REPORTER

Reference: Smoking bans at bus stations fare badly on first day, STAFF REPORTER, the Standard, 12/2/2010.

Hong Kong related news briefs:
Study - many benefits including improvement in your sex life when you quit tobacco..;
Hong Kong - from August 1, incoming passengers allowed to import a maximum of 19 cigarettes, one cigar or 25 g of cut tobacco..;
Hong Kong - ways to beat the smoking ban..;
Hong Kong - smokers defy smoking ban, no penalty for owners of
China - can they learn tobacco control from Hong Kong??;
Hong Kong - 50% increase in tax on tobacco products approved..;
Hong Kong - cigarettes too cheap, tax only 61 and 66 percent of retail price..;
Hong Kong study - further proof, women have a harder time quitting cigarettes..;
Hong Kong - as of November 1st no tobacco advertising at newsstands - now display boxes..;
Member states of WHO's Western Pacific region agree to new tobacco control action plan..;
Hong Kong - Is the fixed-penalty fine for smoking offenses effective?;
Hong Kong - more unions are starting to enforce extended smoking ban..
Hong Kong - unions refuse to hand out penalty tickets for smoking..
Hong Kong - tobacco smokers may be prone to developing life-threatening complications from swine flu..;
Hong Kong - total smoking ban in full force no exceptions..
Hong Kong - total smoking ban in effect - Wednesday, July 1, 2009..;
Hong Kong - smoking statistics..;
Hong Kong - movie poster woman smoking - NOT ALLOWED..;
Hong Kong - bar owners an employees march to protest smoking ban starting July 1, 2009..;
Hong Kong - attempt to delay July 1, 2009 smoking ban fails..;
Hong Kong - cigarette smuggling soars after tax increase..;
Hong Kong - Tax on cigarettes pushed up by 50 percent..;
Honk Kong - smoking increase raise tobacco duties??;
Hong Kong - temporary smoking ban exemption ends July 1, 2009..;
Hong Kong - after smoking ban cigarette consumption up 14 percent..;
Hong Kong - public smoking ban - smoking rooms??;
Shanghai Tobacco's Golden Deer Cigarettes - Hong Kong..;
More on Philip Morris International of the Future...

NAAG asks R.J. Reynolds Tobacco to stop promotional campaign for Camel cigarettes - appeals to young people..

December 2, 2010 - The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) is asking cigarette maker RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. to stop a promotional campaign for Camel cigarettes that the group says appeals to young people. In a November 23 letter the group said Reynolds' "Break Free Adventure" campaign has substantial youth appeal and may encourage underage tobacco use.

November 13, 2010 - R.J. Reynolds - trying their hardest to recruit new tobacco users.. - second part of this news brief.

"We are concerned that this advertising campaign is using aspects of popular culture, including independent music, art, motor sports, and 'hip' or countercultural attitudes, to advertise Camel cigarettes in a way that is appealing to young people's psychological needs for rebelliousness, sensation-seeking, and risk-taking," the group reportedly said in a Nov. 23 letter.

The attorneys general compare Camel's "Break Free Adventure" promotion to its iconic Joe Camel campaign, which landed R.J. Reynolds in court in 1998 for marketing to children and young people. To comply with the courts ruling, the company took the cartoonish images off the pack.

"Joe Camel may have been put out to pasture, but his spirit lives on in R.J. Reynolds' latest marketing campaign that once again tries to make Camel cigarettes cool, fun and rebellious - and appealing to kids," wrote Matthew L. Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. "It is deeply disturbing that RJR is using the good name and hard-earned reputation of these great American cities to market deadly and addictive cigarettes, especially in a way that blatantly appeals to children."

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Gov. Chris Gregoire of Washington is calling on R.J. Reynolds to pull its use of Seattle and Mount Rainier as icons in its "Break Free Adventure" marketing campaign, which features a tour of America's hip locales. (Governor doesn't like use of Seattle, Mount Rainier in Camel marketing campaign.., posted by John Henrikson, The News Tribune, 11/30/2010.

Reynolds will come right back at you with something else geared toward "replacement tobacco users." This whole Break Free Campaign should be stopped - take a look at some of the ads.

Reference: Attorneys General: "Hipster" Camels Must Go,, 12/2/2010.

United Kingdom - High Court upheld govt's plan to ban cigarette vending machines starting October 1, 2011..

December 2, 2010 - Government plans to ban cigarette vending machines to help prevent under-age smoking were upheld as lawful by the High Court today, December 1st.
Background: (previous news briefs)
October 8, 2010 - Northern Ireland - July 1, 2011 date of start of cigarette display ban..;
September 30, 2010 - Scotland - Imperial Tobacco loses attempt to overturn ban on cigarette displays and removal of vending machines..;
September 25, 2010 - United Kingdom - Cigarette point-of-sale displays ban must go ahead, say leading doctors..;
August 17, 2010 - England - teenage smoking rates dropped since legal age to buy cigarettes raised to 18..;
July 15, 2010 - UK government could scrap tobacco control plans..;
July 1, 2010 - Scotland - Imperial Tobacco in legal action to stop ban on cigarette displays and vending machine removal..;
April 17, 2010 - Wales set to ban the display of tobacco products..;
February 11, 2010 - UK - Vending Machines..Imperial Tobacco seeks Judicial Review..;
February 2, 2010 - United Kingdom - halve the number of smokers by end of decade..;
January 29, 2010 - Scotland - parliament votes to ban retail cigarette displays and vending machines..;
November 12, 2009 - Across the UK - a ban on cigarette vending machines is set to begin 2011..
October 27, 2009 - United Kingdom - Packaging people - tobacco display ban - Counterfeit cigarettes could thrive..;
October 13, 2010 - United Kingdom - House of Commons - ban cigarette displays a step closer/vending machine ban even closer..;
October 11, 2010 - United Kingdom - 3rd reading of Public Health Bill including ban on tobacco displays..;
October 8, 2010 - United Kingdom - limiting access to cigarette vending machines not possible..;
September 17, 2010 - UK - Richard Branson makes high-profile plea for tobacco control measures to protect children..;
September 17, 2009 - Scotland - tobacco firms claim proposed display ban is unnecessary..;
July 6, 2009 - United Kingdom survey results adults back proposals to protect children from tobacco..;
May 20, 2009 - Scotland - cigarette vending machines removal..;
February 26, 2009 - Scotland to ban cigarette displays and outlaw cigarette vending machines..;
December 11, 2008 - England, Wales to ban tobacco displays in shops..;
December 9, 2010 - UK - Strategies to be implemented to prevent underage tobacco use..;
September 1, 2008 - Northern Ireland - Must Be 18 to Buy Cigarettes..;
August 18, 2010 - Wales - still easy for youngsters to buy cigarettes...
Vending machine operators are considering an appeal, saying the death of their multimillion-pound industry will lead to mass redundancies. Imperial Tobacco plans to appeal against a ruling by the High Court which upheld the Government's plan to ban vending machines in order to stop children buying cigarettes. (Imperial plans to fight cigarette vending ban by John Aston,, 12/2/2010)

The National Association of Cigarette Machine Operators (NACHO) argued there was absolutely no need to impose the ban as it had designed and developed a fail-safe radio frequency system which "locked" machines and prevented minors from making a purchase.

But a judge ruled against the operators. Sir Anthony May, president of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court, said it was well known that Government legislative policy in recent years was to discourage people from smoking tobacco and "to take progressive measures to reduce its harmful and destructive effect". He declared: "In the present case, the ban was appropriate to attain the legislative aim which I have identified, and did not go beyond what was necessary, given the Parliamentary judgment that a scheme for age restriction technology was inadequate."

The judge rejected an application by Sinclair Collis Ltd, a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco Ltd, seeking to overturn the proposed ban, due to be introduced on October 1 2011. The application was supported by members of NACHO. Sinclair Collis challenged the legality of provisions of the Health Act 2009 and the Protection from Tobacco (Sales from Vending Machines) Regulations 2010. Dinah Rose QC, for the company, argued both the Act and the regulations contravened EU (European Union) law.

The judge said it was obvious that measures aimed at reducing smoking were likely to damage businesses or individuals who made money out of the manufacture or sale of cigarettes. The proposed ban would adversely affect about 50,000 vending machines in the UK and some 550 people directly employed in the industry, with several hundred more employed by suppliers. Sinclair Lewis owned about 20,000 machines, with the rest owned by independent operators.

The judge said cigarettes from machines cost substantially more than those sold in shops or supermarkets, and a vending machine in a pub could provide the publican with an annual royalty of £300-£700. The machines also provided a secure point of sale in hotels, bars, nightclubs and bingo halls. Estimated turnover of the industry in 2004 was £434 million, although there was clear evidence that it had declined significantly since then, said the judge. NACHO had estimated that the annual gross margin of the industry was approximately £102 million.

But the judge ruled the general interest in domestic and EU law in the protection of human health meant the ban was "neither manifestly unreasonable or inappropriate".

Reference: High Court upholds bid to ban cigarette machines,, 12/1/2010.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jamestown, NY - kids being targeted by cigarette makers with a massive amount of advertising in local stores..

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December 1, 2010 - Tobacco companies call them "replacement smokers." You call them your children. Either way, area kids are being targeted by cigarette makers with a massive amount of advertising in local stores according to a survey released today by Tri-County Tobacco Free Programs, the Reality Check Program and the American Cancer Society.

Stores were randomly selected from a list of retailers licensed to sell tobacco in Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua counties and 21 stores were visited during the month of October. Key findings of the Tri-county observational survey, released as part of the community education effort include: 86 percent of stores featured tobacco product displays behind the cash register. 38 percent of tobacco ads appeared near toys and/or candy. 98 percent of stores surveyed contained interior tobacco ads.

Directly related news briefs:
Buffalo, New York - moving ahead with plans to regulate the sale and advertisement of tobacco products..;
Study finds teens twice as likely to try smoking if they frequent stores plastered with cigarette ads..;
Tobacco Marketing Promotes Youth Cigarette Use...

Research in the U.S. and abroad suggests that exposure to in-store tobacco promotions is a primary cause of youth smoking. Nearly 90 percent of regular smokers start smoking at or before the age of 18. Very few begin after high school.

"It's shocking. We've been able to limit tobacco company advertising in mass media, but they've changed their approach and are taking full advantage of one of their last outlets to lure youth into smoking," said Mike Porpiglia, community executive for the American Cancer Society. "By invading stores with highly-lit displays and bright ads placed at kids' eye level, they continue to focus on our youth as their next generation of customers."

In-store promotions are a major cause of youth smoking. A National Cancer Institute study concluded that exposure to cigarette advertising causes nonsmoking adolescents to start smoking and to move toward becoming regular smokers. Another study found young people are more likely to be influenced by cigarette advertising than by peer or parental smoking. A paper published earlier this year found a direct relationship between the frequency that a kid visited stores containing tobacco advertising and his or her risk of becoming a smoker.

Katie Thrasher, a 17-year-old Reality Check Youth, said, "It's crazy to think that so many stores have tobacco products or ads that are targeting children who look at the ads and think they're such a great idea. I have a lot to look forward to in my life other than getting hooked on death sticks, the tobacco ads are working against me right in the stores I visit on a regular basis."

As a result of the recent Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (FDA law) and the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA), retail stores are one of the last places where tobacco companies can expose kids to their advertising. Consequently, tobacco companies spend billions of dollars each year marketing their deadly products in stores. This is done by controlling dominant display space in retail stores and through in-store advertising. Both are typically found around the cash register, sometimes referred to within the industry as the "goal post" because it is the one place in the store where everyone must go. Tobacco companies also invest a lot at these locations in creating so-called "power walls," large appealing displays of products intended to attract the interest of customers.

"Most adults are unaware of the harmful exposure that in-store tobacco ads have on our youth," stated Laurie Adams, Tri County Tobacco Free program director. "The latest study regarding tobacco product marketing and our local observations confirm that our youth are being targeted by the tobacco industry. Parents and community members need to be educated on this type of exposure and take steps to protect our youth."

"Furthermore, we must never give up on the future of our young people, their lives are in our hands," stated Falconer senior and Reality Check Youth, Amosharay McDonald. "Let's lead them into a smoke free lifestyle."

Smokers who want to quit should log on to a newly created American Cancer Society web site - The focus of the web site is on living a healthy, active life. Visitors are asked to share their reason for quitting and are provided with resources and tips to help make their attempt a success. Additional support and help in quitting is also available from the New York States Smokers' Quitline at 866-NYQUITS, 866-697-8487 or

Reference: Survey Shows Tobacco Retailers Targeting Children, Jamestown Post Journal, 11/30/2010.

Bhutan - strict application of the Tobacco Control Act to come into effect from January 2011..

December 1, 2010 - Tobacco Control Board 27 November, 2010 - Tobacco Control Act.. A person is allowed to bring into the country a maximum of 200 sticks of cigarette or 30 pieces of cigar or 150 g of other tobacco products a month. However, they should be 18-years and above and can bring in only one tobacco product at a time. They will be charged 200 percent sales tax and customs duty for tobacco products originating from countries other than India. Those from India will be charged 100 percent sales tax.

At the customs, the person should produce either a citizenship card, passport or a voter identity card. Following that the person will be issued a receipt, reflecting the details of the product and identity of the person. The receipt will be considered valid for a month from date of issue and the person will have to hang on to it every time he smokes.

Finalised by the tobacco control board yesterday, in accordance to the tobacco control Act of Bhutan, the rules will be put into “serious practice”, when the Act becomes operative in January 2011.

January 2011 tobacco control Act on: 200 maximum number of cigarette sticks permissible, 1 month receipt validity, 1-3 years prison term if caught smoking in restricted areas without receipt, 3-5 years prison term for smuggling tobacco products, Nu 500 (11.03 USD) on the spot fine for smoking in restricted areas, Nu 10,000 (220.56 USD) for failing to display signboards and notices, 200% tax for products from countries other than India, 100% tax for those from India.

“Any person, who brings in extra, will be liable for smuggling,” Bhutan narcotic control agency legal officer Sonam Tshering said. This translates into a fourth-degree felony, which means a three to five-year prison term.

He said any person caught smoking in restricted areas will have to pay Nu 500 fine on the spot. “He will then be asked to produce a receipt issued by customs division, or else he’ll be asked to reveal his cigarette supplier,” he said. Upon revealing the source, it is evident the person was engaged in tobacco transaction, which is a misdemeanour, meaning a prison term of one to three years. If the person fails to reveal the source, he will be charged for smuggling in tobacco products, meaning another three to five year prison term, in addition to previous charges. “And this is non-compoundable,” he said.

While representatives from police, trade, customs and the agency will conduct the monitoring, cooperation would also be sought from institutions and other counterparts like hoteliers.

Sonam Tshering said a person operating public places and transport will have to display notices indicating prohibition of smoking.

“It isn’t compulsory, but they can have designated rooms for smoking with proper ventilation,” he said, adding that signboards and notices should be displayed in Dzongkha and English, accompanied by the no-smoking sign.

Failing to do so would result in paying a fine of Nu 10,000 for each incident.

The implementation of the Act, which was endorsed in the fifth parliament session in June this year, was pushed to January 2011, since it was felt there was a need to educate public on the provisions and penalties of the Act.

Considering strong provisions in the act, agency’s executive director, Kinley Dorji, said implementing the act was going to be a challenge. “But we feel good about the overall intention of the Act,” he said. “That one day Bhutan will become a tobacco-free country, and our people will enjoy better mental and physical health.” He said that, along with the enforcement of the act, they would pursue a vigorous awareness program, starting with the vulnerable dzongkhags like those along the borders.

Sonam Tshering said notices would be issued to all dzongkhags (districts in Bhutan), gewogs, institutions and organisations. “We’re starting now because, if we’d launched our advocacy program earlier, people would have forgotten,” he said, adding after that, ignorance of law would be no excuse.

Reference: Stubbing it out Strict application of the Act to come into effect from January 2011 by Kesang Dema,, 11/27/2010.

Related news brief:
Bhutan - parliament passes Tobacco Control Bill..;
Bhutan - tobacco control bill endorsed..;
Kingdom of Bhutan - assembly debating penalties for people that violate tobacco control bill..

England - government releases white paper - emphasis on prevention..

December 1, 2010 - On November 30, 2010 the UK Department of Health released a white paper entitled: Public Health England – A New Service to Get People Healthy..

Public Health England – A New Service to Get People Healthy..

Britain is now the most obese nation in Europe. They have among the worst rates of sexually transmitted infections on record. Rising levels of harm from alcohol, and over 80,000 lives lost every year because of smoking. This White Paper marks the most fundamental shift in how we tackle our public health challenges since the inception of the NHS itself. (Paul Burstow writes… Healthy lives, healthy people by Paul Burstow MP, Libeal Democratic Voice, 11/30/2010)

VIDEO (with ad): Healthy lifestyle role 'for all society' by Nick Triggle Health reporter, BBC News, 11/30/2010.

India - Tobacco Board warns farmers against planting unauthorized crop..

December 1, 2010 - The Tobacco Board chairman has warned farmers against planting unauthorised crop. He said the farmers would not be allowed to bring unauthorised produce to auction centres. Speaking to Business Standard, G Kamalavardhana Rao said the board had allowed planting of 175 million kg tobacco for the next season. Though the board permitted over 170 million kg for the just-concluded season, the farmers planted over 230 million kg.

India is the third largest producer and eighth largest exporter of tobacco and tobacco product in the world..

Directly related news briefs:
August 28, 2010 - India - govt keen to help tobacco farmers grow alternative crops..;

October 23, 2009 - Indian government tries to rein in tobacco growers with new penalty..;

July 6, 2009 - India - tobacco production rose 25 percent in 2008-2009...
Stating that the board would not allow unauthorised product in any auction centre, he said, “If a farmer grows more than what he is authorised to do, his product will be banned from the auction centre. Similarly, if any farmer grows tobacco without authorisation, the product will not be allowed into the auction centre,” he said. Field Friends would make this point clear to the farmers in the next couple of weeks and ensure that no unauthorised tobacco was grown anywhere, he added.

Reference: Tobacco Board chief warns against illegal farming, D Gopi / Guntur, Business Standard, 12/1/2010.

Northern Ireland - 9 of 10 households would welcome a ban on smoking in cars with children present..

December 1, 2010 - Nine out of 10 households across Northern Ireland would welcome a ban on smoking in cars with children on board, new research has found. Action Cancer estimates up to 13,500 children across the province could be at risk.
Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland (click on map upper right), it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west. At the time of the 2001 UK Census, its population was 1,685,000, constituting about 30% of the island's total population and about 3% of the population of the United Kingdom. (Northern Ireland)
Health Minister Michael McGimpsey and the Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride have both ruled out a ban on smoking in cars with children on board in the past. But Action Cancer, which commissioned the research, said the findings show huge public support for the move. Geraldine Kerr of Action Cancer said: “Children are one of the most vulnerable groups affected by passive smoking. “The effect of second-hand smoke on a child’s metabolism can be attributed to doubling the risk of sudden infant death, wheezing and meningitis. “In a confined environment such as a car, smoking just one cigarette can put air quality into the unhealthy category. That same cigarette will emit 50 times more fine particles into a car than those emitted by the car’s exhaust.”
Supporting information: Every parent wants their children to lead healthy and happy lives. There's an abundance of evidence that children are more susceptible to the negative effects of second-hand smoke (ETS, environmental tobacco smoke, involuntary smoking, sidestream smoke, passive smoking).

As pointed out by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Australia in a February 2009 paper the evidence of second-hand smoke harm to children in enclose spaces is extensive and irrefutable. A 2004 survey of over 1300 Australians in 800 households showed over 90 percent (including 73 percent of smokers) support banning smoking in cars carrying children. A Harvard School of Public Health report indicated that secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home.

Vehicles have been found to be the most dangerous space for second-hand smoke levels. Kids exposed to smoke are at higher risk since they breathe in more air by weight than adults. Both the respiratory rate and heart rate are higher in children below the age of 13 than in adults. The younger the child, the greater the potential for exposure. Since the lungs of children are still developing, exposure to second-hand smoke can lead to ear infections, asthma, bronchopneumonia and other illnesses.

Comments from prominent physicians: Just about every physician in the United Kingdom insists that smoking should be banned in cars when a child is present.

Wales - Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Jewell we must protect children from second-hand smoke, especially in cars..;

Professor Steve Field, chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners (GPs), has has stated, parents that smoke in front of their children at home at in cars are "committing a form of child abuse." Professor Field, represents 42,000 GPs across the United Kingdom (UK). (United Kingdom - head GP physician calls smoking in front of children "child abuse"..);

Twenty of Britain’s most senior doctors call today for a ban on smoking in cars as part of a sweeping expansion of laws to protect children against the effects of inhaling smoke. (Senior British Doctors demand banning smoking in vehicles when children are present...)

Comment from Philip Morris: David Sutton, a spokesman for Philip Morris USA said the company believes the public "should be guided by the conclusions of public health officials regarding the health effects of secondhand smoke" and "particular care should be exercised where children are concerned."
A spokeswoman from the Northern Ireland's Department of Health said: “The Action Cancer campaign will help to further highlight the dangers of second-hand tobacco smoke to children and young people travelling in private cars. “Increasing awareness of the harm caused by second-hand smoke, particularly to children, is very important in encouraging parents and other adults to make their homes and private vehicles completely smoke-free.”

Reference: Northern Ireland backs smoking ban for cars carrying children by Lisa Smyth, Belfast Telegraph, 11/30/2010.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

India - revised pictorial warnings on tobacco products will be implemented from December 1, 2010..

November 30, 2010 - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India (GOI)- the implementation of new pictorial health warnings becomes effective on December 1, 2010 from the earlier commitment of introducing them from June 1, 2010.

The pictorial warnings were proposed in July 2006 under the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003 and were suppose to appear on every tobacco pack sold from June 1, 2010..

India ranks 100 among 175 countries surveyed on warning size and fulfilment of requirements for picture-based warnings on cigarette packets. Under the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), an international treaty signed and ratified by India, the parties are required to carry health warnings on all packages of tobacco products describing the harmful effects of tobacco use. The warnings "should be 50% or more of the principal display areas, but shall be no less than 30% of the display areas", and include pictorial warnings. (India ranks a lowly 100 in campaign against tobacco, Kounteya Sinha, The Times of India, 11/21/2010)

References: Pictorial warnings on tobacco packs in India from Dec 1,, by Kounteya Sinha, TNN, 5/18/2010; A majority of Indians want stringent pictorial warnings on tobacco products to warn smokers against the hazards of consuming tobacco,, 11/26/2010.

India - some related news briefs:
*ndia - pictorial warning will appear on every tobacco pack sold from June 1 , 2010..;
*India - government set to ban foreign direct investment in tobacco..;
*India - despite tobacco control measure in place - tobacco sales increase..;
*India - still confusion pictorial warnings on cigarette packs..;
*Mumbai, India - NGO activists want closure of hookah bars..;
*India - gutkha and bidi companies NOT pictorial warnings..;
*India - cigarette packs with pictorial warnings are here..; *ndia - NO graphic pictorial warnings yet..;
*India - Still no pictorial warnings on cigarette packs..;
*India - pictorial warning on cigarettes and tobacco products effective May 31, 2009..;
*India - pictorial warning on cigarettes and tobacco products will be implemented from May 31 - no doubts about it..;
*India - will pictorial or graphic health warnings be implemented from May 30, 2009..;
*India - placing pictorial warnings on tobacco products delayed again..

Lorillard - price increases take effect Tuesday, November 30, 2010..

November 30, 2010 - Lorillard, Inc. (LO) raised the list price for Newport (menthol only), Kent, and True by about 1.5% or $3.00 per thousand, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs. This is the third cigarette price increase of the year and highlights the pricing power of Newport, according to the firm.

from UBS Investment Research, US Tobacco - Lorillard Takes Its 3rd Price Increase This Year
�� LO Takes $0.06/Pack Price Increase on Newport, Kent, and True - Effective tomorrow, Lorillard is raising prices on Newport (menthol only), Kent, and True by $0.06 per pack – which equates to a 1.5% price increase.

Lorillard’s move follows Liggett’s $0.075 per pack price increase in early October on the majority of its brands. (Liggett increased the list price of LIGGETT SELECT, EVE, and GRAND PRIX by $0.60 per carton in January 2010, an additional $0.65 per carton in May 2010, and an additional $0.75 per carton in October 2010. (VECTOR GROUP LTD, Quarterly Report, 11/5/2010)

Thus far this year, LO has taken a cumulative $0.15 per pack in pricing on Newport (or 3-4%). UBS expect Altria and Reynolds American will follow Lorillard’s move in the near future.

�� No Change to Maverick - In this round of price increases, Lorillard left the Maverick brand unchanged. Maverick has been a source of volume share gains for the past several quarters. However, we note that Lorillard raised Maverick pricing by $0.045 per pack in February. (q3 2010 - Lorillard said cigarette volumes were up by 5.8% to more than 10 billion cigarettes, helped by gains of 2.9% at its Newport menthol brand and a 30.9% jump in sales of lower-priced brands such as Maverick. Lorillard - highlights q3 2010 earnings report..)

�� Bullish Tobacco Pricing Thesis Remains Intact - UBS continue to see pricing as the key driver of Tobacco profits and stock performance. As we (UBS) wrote in our Q-Series® piece from May 25 “How Sustainable is Cigarette Pricing?”, we believe Big 3 tobacco is favorably positioned as the group continues to take market share from deep discount players who are struggling in an environment with a higher cost of business largely due to new FDA regulations. We (UBS) believe all Big 3 names should benefit from sustainable pricing, and we favor Altria Group and Lorillard.

August 29, 2010 - U.S. tobacco companies still count on raising cigarette prices not on sales of smokeless products to earn profits..;
July 24, 2010 - Altria, RAI and PMI q2 2010 earnings boosted by higher prices...

References: Goldman Sachs Reiterate Bullish Stance On Lorillard (LO) On Latest Price Increase,, 11/30/2010; UBS Investment Research, US Tobacco, LO Takes Its 3rd Price Increase This Year, 11/29/2010.

Windsor, Ontario - hospital halts practice of using cigarettes to help calm mentally ill patients..

November 30, 2010 - Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital in Windsor, Ontario. The hospital CEO Warren Chant. "I was quite surprised," said Chant, who is quoted in the news release from the Ontario PC (Progressive Conservative Party of Canada) caucus, saying "'it is not an unusual practice' for hospitals to hand out cigarettes."

"That is totally taken out of context," Chant told The Star. The PCs claimed in a news conference that Hotel-Dieu distributes cigarettes to lure patients into its emergency department.

But hospital spokeswoman Luann Kapasi said what really happened -- until the practice was halted Nov. 4 -- was that mental health outreach workers bringing in a distraught, agitated person occasionally would take the patient outdoors and give him a cigarette to calm him down during a long wait in the ER. "If the person is a smoker and they're overstressed, they'll give them a cigarette," she said. "They're not standing out there handing out cigarettes to people, saying 'Come in to our ER.'"

The program is called COAST, for Community Outreach and Support Team, made up of an outreach worker and a Windsor police officer who respond when there's a call about, for example, a neighbour who's behaving bizarrely. The team makes a visit and, if necessary, can drive a mentally ill person to the ER. The wait to see a doctor could take hours, and if the person is a smoker and needs a cigarette to calm down, it could be supplied. The smokes were donated by a native reserve.

Cigarettes are just one of a number of items that can be offered. Sandwiches, coffee, hygiene products and meal replacement drinks can be given to people described as among the most vulnerable people in our community -- people with acute mental illnesses who aren't accessing the normal community programs.

Reference: Hospital halts using cigarettes to calm patients Tories attack Hotel-Dieu Grace by Brian Cros, Windsor Star, 11/27/2010.

Ghana - will tobacco tax increase bring changes in smokers??

November 30, 2010 - Just last week the Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, read the budget on the increment of tobacco tax for health reasons, and also to better align with international agreements on excise duty on cigarettes, which will rise from 140 to 150 percent.

The Government has been urged to, as matter of urgency, increase taxes on tobacco products, especially cigarettes to make them expensive and help raise revenue to finance health related disorders in accordance with the framework Convention on Tobacco Control. (Gov’t Tasked to Raise Toll on Tobacco Products, Ghana Govt Official Portal, 11/10/2010)

WHO urges all countries to strengthen health financing so more people can use services

Ghana - ratified FCTC in 2004 but no Tobacco Control Law yet..

Ghana’s Cheap Cigarettes…Even Children Can Buy,, 12/21/2009.
Tobacco is known as very dangerous to human health, especially, to those who do not smoke. This is because exhaled cigarette smoke could be very cancerous, due to the tobacco content in it. It has been noted that tobacco is projected to kill over 10 million smokers and passive smokers by 2030, with 70 percent in developing countries, including Ghana.

Even though the Food and Drugs Boards and the Ghana Health Service are putting up measures to reduce to the minimum, disease and deaths caused by tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke, the government has taken the initiative of reducing the smoking of cigarettes due to the tax increment.

A walk through the streets of Accra for views on the effects of the increment on tobacco taxes revealed that most of the bar tenders affirmed that they usually attract more customers, and even if the prices go up, they will still sell the cigarettes till their customers give up.

A bar tender at Feehi Valley Beach Hotel at Korle-Gonno said, 'Mine is to give out what my customers want, so if prices increase, mine also increases, but I'll decrease my supply, because I think they will also decrease their demand,' adding, 'I have been purchasing about 10 to 15 boxes every week.'

Meanwhile, a cigarette smoker spotted around Barca Spot at Mamprobi, told the Accra File, 'I am addicted to smoking, and if people addicted to cocaine can purchase cocaine with millions of cedis, I can also buy, because it is something I really enjoy doing.'

Moreover, most pubs and drinking bars assume cigarette selling brings a lot profit, because that was one of the reasons customers patronise their businesses.

The Accra File noticed that the cigarette packs had inscriptions like 'Smoking causes cancer' and 'Smoking hurts the smoker and people around,' but yet still, smokers smoke, and cigarettes are still on our markets, and the smokers and sellers have turned blind eyes to the inscriptions.

A smoker declared, 'We are all aware every smoker has got health problems, and for me, I have a doctor who attends to me, so I don't think I have any problem with smoking and the inscriptions on it.'

So how would the Accra File call it now, would the increment bring changes in smokers, or will it still remain as before?

Reference: Accra residents on new tobacco tax,, 11/26/2010.

Ghana - related news briefs:
Ghana - ratified FCTC in 2004 but no Tobacco Control Law yet..;
Ghana - WHO FCTC meeting - alternatives to growing tobacco..;
Ghanaians - spend more on alcohol and tobacco than on food and other beverages..;
Africa - the increase in tobacco use must be prevented..;
Ghana - Tobacco Control Bill to parliament this month, July 2009..;
Ghana to ban smoking in public places in November 2008..;
FCTC Member Ghana - NO Law Banning Sales of Tobacco to Minors..
British American Tobacco (BAT) - 100 years in Africa..
Ghanaians - spend more on alcohol and tobacco than on food and other beverages..;
Africa - the increase in tobacco use must be prevented..;
Ghana - Tobacco Control Bill to parliament this month, July 2009..;
Ghana to ban smoking in public places in November 2008..;
FCTC Member Ghana - NO Law Banning Sales of Tobacco to Minors..
British American Tobacco (BAT) - 100 years in Africa..

Monday, November 29, 2010

Great Lakes Region of News South Wales, Australia - smoking banned in outdoor eating areas..

November 29, 2010 - The Great Lakes region is on the Central coast of New South Wales (NSW).

Smoking is to be banned in council controlled outdoor eating areas in the Great Lakes. The local council has decided to implement the restriction to reduce the public's exposure to second hand cigarette smoke. The council's Ron Hartley says the ban will be gradually enforced at outdoor eating venues...

"It would be implemented gradually as leases are expired or renewed, council would insert clauses which required compliance with council's new policy," he said. "It needs some formalisation in terms of policies and written documents and that will be done over the next few weeks."

Mr Hartley says the council is trying to create a healthier community. "Well councillors are concerned about the impact of second hand smoke on people's health and it was seen as an extension of the restrictions that have been imposed on indoor eating areas. Council feels people have the right to dine whether indoors or outdoors in a smoke-free environment."

Reference: Smoking banned in Great Lakes outdoor eating areas, ABC News, 11/29/2010.

Raleigh, NC - may ban smoking in city parks..

November 29, 2010 - Raleigh, capital of the state of North Carlina which is ranked first in the United States in the production of tobacco, considering a ban on smoking in city parks. Raleigh reported that the city's parks board unanimously approved a ban last week. The City Council has the final say on the proposed ordinance. Parks board member Rodger Koopman says he worries the ban would be difficult to enforce.

The City Council considered banning smoking in children's public play areas in 2007, but didn't have the authority to do that until a new law passed last year. The same law that banned smoking in most restaurants and bars statewide allows local governments to ban smoking in public places.

Mayor Charles Meeker says the ban is an outgrowth of the belief that smoking in places that affect other people is no longer acceptable.

Reference: City may outlaw smoking in parks by RAY MARTIN - Staff, Raleigh News & Observer, 11/27/2010.

Indonesia - by banning smoking inside buildings smokers could be considered criminals.

November 29, 2010 - The National Clove Cigarette Community called for the repeal of a gubernatorial decree banning smoking inside buildings, saying the regulation treated smokers as criminals. This community said in a press conference Thursday, November 25th that the decree lowered the status of law-abiding cigarette smokers to that of criminals who had to be socially exiled. “For us, the city administration has completely discriminated against smokers, who are clearly consumers of legal products and who deserve the same legal protection,” community coordinator Abhisam said.

Background: Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo announced on Friday, May 21st that a city bylaw to totally ban smoking in all public buildings would soon be finalized. If the ban is treated seriously, unlike earlier attempts to restrict smoking in public areas, Jakarta could finally join the growing list of major cities around the world that have virtually eliminated smoking inside bars, restaurants, offices and shopping malls.

As an interim measure, issued a decree to revise a widely ignored 2005 bylaw on smoke-free areas that mandated the creation of smoking rooms in public buildings.
Under the 2005 bylaw, smokers can be fined Rp 50 million ($5,400) or even jailed for six months for violating the ban, but enforcement has been virtually nonexistent.

The revised bylaw, which still has to be ratified by the City Council, states that smoking areas have to be separated physically from any public building and cannot be located next to an entrance or exit door. This would replace the current system of smoking rooms.

The gubernatorial decree, which makes smoking inside buildings or even near entrances and exits a fineable offense, has been a sore point not just for smokers across the capital, but also the entertainment and tourism industries who believe it will adversely impact their business. Jakarta’s Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD), late last month said the ban would be enforced at entertainment and tourism venues, offices, shopping malls, schools, health clinics and hospitals. (Full Public Smoking Ban, Ulma Haryanto, Jakarta Globe, 5/21/2010)

On November 1st protesters from the so-called 100 Percent Love Indonesia Coalition, a pro-tobacco lobby group representing tobacco farmers and the cigarette industry, rallying in front of Governor Fauzi Bowo’s office in Central Jakarta on Monday to demand the city administration revoke a recently issued gubernatorial decree banning smoking inside public buildings. (Protesters Rail Against Indonesia Smoke Ban, Arientha Primanita, Jakarta Globe, 11/1/2010)
Pro-smoking advocates had previously alleged that anti-tobacco groups, and the issuance of the decree, were backed by multi-national pharmaceutical companies through the Bloomberg Initiative, and that their main goal was to bring down Indonesia’s clove cigarette industry. “Clove cigarettes are an Indonesian trademark. There is no other place in the world that can produce high quality clove cigarettes,” Abhisam said.

The National Commission for Tobacco Control claims 65 million people consume cigarettes in Indonesia, with the largest segment of smokers between the ages of 15 and 19. Of the total number of smokers, 65 percent are men, while 80 percent of smokers use clove-flavored cigarettes, or kretek. The commission also said that 70 percent of smokers in Indonesia were from low – to middle-income families.

Indonesia - paradise for smokers and paradise for tobacco companies...

Reference: Smokers treated like criminals: Group, Hans David Tampubolon, The Jakarta Post, 11/26/2010.

Indonesia some related news briefs:
Indonesia - govt to raise cigarette excise up to 10 percent starting January 2011..;
Indonesia - tobacco companies provide volcano rescue relief..;
Indonesia - health minister drafting regulation on tobacco advertising ban..;
Indonesia - police drop tobacco graft case, sparking suspicions..;
Indonesia - Australian bands (2) will they perform at tobacco sponsored musical festival??;
Indonesia - confusion regarding possible suspects regarding the missing clause from the health bill passed in September 2009..;
Indonesia - 2-year old kicks the habit - COLD Turkey..;
Indonesia - agrees to ratify the WHO FCTC public health treaty..;
WTO - US rejected call by Indonesia to rule on dispute on ban of clove cigarettes in the US..;
Indonesia - on June 22nd will ask WTO to rule on US ban on clove cigarettes..;
Indonesia - PT Djarum Tobacco to sponsor badminton events..;
Indonesia - CNN Video on 2-year old nicotine addict..;
Indonesia - more on the 2-year old addicted to nicotine..;
Indonesia - paradise for smokers and paradise for tobacco companies..;
Indonesia - House Finance and Banking Commission opposes govt plan to lower cigarette production..;
Jakarta, Indonesia - more on the Kelly Clarkson tobacco sponsored concert April 29th..;
Jakarta, Indonesia - Singer Kelly Clarkson will she perfom concert sponsored by major tobacco company..;
Indonesia - launches formal dispute with WTO over U.S, ban on clove cigarettes..;
Indonesia - parents encourage 4-year old boy to continue smoking habit..;
Hemoglobin obtained from pigs may be used in cigarette filters..;
Indonesia - government may raise cigarette tax and cut cigarette output..;
Indonesia - Muhammadiyah-owned university students demonstrate against edict against smoking..;
Indonesia - kretek cigarette maker Gudang Garam's 2009 net profit jumps 84 percent..;
Indonesia - persons accused of eliminating clause designating tobacco as addictive..;
Indonesia - second largest Muslim organization launched a fatwa against smoking..;
Indonesia - 18 tons of illegal cigarettes destroyed..;
Indonesia - Government to limit cigarette production..;
Indonesia - BAT, Bentoel shareholders approve planned merger..;
Indonesia - another protest rejecting the new cigarette excise tax..;
Indonesia - workers from small cigarette producers protest excise tax increase..;
Indonesia - cigarette industry has pledged to stage a demonstration to protest a government plan to increase excise tax.;
Indonesia - the last paradise for a puff in Southeast Asia..;
Indonesia - trade minister officials want to meet with US counterparts to discuss ban on clove cigarettes..;
Indonesia - PT BAT Indonesia to merge with PT Bentoel International Investama Terbuka..;
Indonesia - missing tobacco regulation in approved Health Law..;
Indonesia - section on tobacco in health bill disappears..;
Indonesia - Constitutional Court by close vote rules that tobacco ads can continue..;
Indonesia - parent smoking can negatively affect the nutrition of children..;
Indonesia - new council member suspect in cigarette fraud case..;
Indonesia - an NGO commission assists cigarettes must be banned in films..
Indonesia - a paradise for tobacco companies..
Indonesia - after buying cigarettes very little left for food..;
Indonesia - will they ratify the first world public health treaty..;
Indonesia - last paradise to smoke in public places in Southeast Asia..;
Indonesia - Industry minister to close tobacco to new foreign investment..;
Indonesia Finance Ministry to cap tax deductions for tobacco companies..;
Indonesia - Smoking hits poor families the hardest, making the poor even poorer..;
Indonesia - Cigarette makers defy crisis, grows stronger..;
Indonesia - government may raise cigarette excise tax next year..;
WHO - Indonesia is crying out for your help..;
Indonesia - dispute with U.S. over banning the use of clove in cigarettes..;
Indonesia 'cash cow' for Philip Morris International..;
Tobacco industry has long targeted young people as "replacement smokers";
Indonesia - district court dismisses request to ratify FCTC..;
Asean Countries - Tobacco Industry Blocking Global Treaty On Tobacco..; Indonesia - farmers hold rally protest tobacco controls..;
Indonesia - tobacco farmers reject Islamic council's edict..;
Indonesia - Ulema Council - debate results is split on smoking..;
Indonesia - Withdraw Sponsorhip of Another Rock Concert..;
Indonesia to increase tax on tobacco products..;
Semarang, Indonesia - Cigarette Smoking Areas to be Prepared..;
Jakarta, Indonesia - Malls help enforce non-smoking ban..;
Indonesia - federal anti-smoking laws in one year - MAYBE..;
Indonesia - NGO's (non-government organizations) Demand the Government Ratify WHO's FCTC.;
Indonesia to raise cigarette tax by 6 to 7% in 2009..;
Surabaya, Indonesia - anti-smoking bylaw 10/2009 - FOR REAL??
Indonesians smoking more than ever before..;
Indonesia further rise in the excise tax would hurt the cigarette industry..;
Alicia Keys - Jakarta Concert (July 31st) tobacco companies forced to withdraw sponsorship.. and
Most Indonesians support moves to ban tobacco advertisements..