April 1, 2010 -
The Tamil Nadu Voluntary Health Association, a non-governmental organisation, wants new pictorial warnings on cigarette packs to have captions printed in local languages, according to a story on The Hindu Online.
Directly related news brief: India - pictorial warning will appear on every tobacco pack sold from June 1 , 2010...
The pictorial warnings were proposed in July 2006 under the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003. The new warnings have been pretested for their effectiveness by the Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) and the Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health. (Tobacco warnings go explicit, Savita Verma, New Delhi, India Today, 3/11/2010.)
India makes critical decision on education that will help convince children not to use tobacco. The government on Thursday, April 1st brought into force a new law that makes education free and compulsory for every child from age 6 to 14—the latest government initiative aimed at harnessing the economic potential of its young population. About a third of India's 1.2 billion people are under the age of 14, one of the highest ratios in the world. (Joining hands in the interest of children, Kapil Sibal, The Hindu, 1/31/2010)
Reference: Stress on need for displaying warning on tobacco packs in regional languages, thehindu.com, 4/2/2010.
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