Saturday, August 7, 2010

Maine cigarette sales rise, New Hampshire cigarette sales fall..

August 7, 2010 - PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- Cigarette sales are rising in Maine for the first time in more than 20 years, and New Hampshire's higher cigarette taxes may be one reason why.

According to Maine Revenue Services, the number of cigarette tax stamps sold in Maine during the first six months of 2010 is up about 5 percent over a year ago.

Officials say there are a number of factors -- a crackdown on illegal Internet sales, a rise in youth smoking rates and last year's increase in New Hampshire's cigarette tax to $1.78 a pack, only 22 cents a pack less than Maine (cigarette tax stands at $2.00 per pack). With New Hampshire no longer the land of cheap cigarettes, more Mainers may be buying their smokes at home rather than going across the border.

New Hampshire officials say cigarettes sales have fallen since the tax hike.

Reference: Cigarette sales rise in Maine, fall in NH, Tammy Demers, Multimedia Producer, - Associated Press, 8/7/2010.

New Hampshire - some related news briefs:
New Hampshire - sues 2-retailers that allow customers to roll their own cigarettes..;
New Hampshire - high school students smoking less but smokeless tobacco and cigars use UP..;
New Hampshire - legislation to ban smoking on beaches filed..;
New Hampshire Cigarette Tax Goes Up By 25 Cents A Pack..;
New Hampshire - cigarette tax increase - ON HOLD..;
Massachusetts cigarette tax jumps $1 per pack..;
uly 1, 2007 - as of 7/1/2007 Smokers in five states will take a hit to their wallets as the tax increase..;

Maine - related news briefs:
Maine - light cigarette lawsuit judges ruling sets case back.;
Maine - conference on a class-action lawsuit against the makers of light cigarettes..;
Maine - new law bans smoking in outside dining areas..;
Maine - smoking prohibited at states parks, beaches and historic sites..;
Maine - law banning flavored tobacco products - July 1, 2009..
Maine - illegal to smoke in cars while children present..
Star Scientific gets Maine lawmakers to repeal a ban enacted last September 20, 2007 on the sale of a tobacco lozenge product known as hard snuff..;
Maine - ban on flavored tobacco products..;
Maine Tobacco Tax Hike.

Nunavut , Canada - very high smoking rates, very high tobacco related diseases..

August 7, 2010 - The 10-year-old territory has the highest rate of smoking in the country: 53 percent of people over the age of 12 surveyed by Statistics Canada reported lighting up daily - even though cigarettes here can cost $16 a pack.

Background information can be found in this news brief.. Nunavut Territory - highest rate of smoking in Canada...

See reference below for more information..

Nunavut's smoking rate is more than double the national average (22 percent) and is considerably higher than those in the Northwest Territories (36 percent) and Yukon (30 percent).

Among Nunavut's Inuit, 85 percent of the territory's population, the rates are even worse. The 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey found that 64 percent of the territory's Inuit over the age of 15 light up daily; another eight per cent called themselves occasional smokers.

"The levels here are exceptionally high compared to the rest of the country," says Dr. Geraldine Osborne, Nunavut's deputy chief medical officer of health, who has worked in the territory since 2001.

The tobacco problem is shared by Inuit across Canada and by many First Nations communities.

The territory already has a tough set of anti-smoking laws. In 2004, Nunavut's Tobacco Control Act made the territory one of the first jurisdictions to ban smoking in public places, including bars. The law made it illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under 19; banned cigarette vending machines; and eliminated most tobacco retail displays.

Since 2000, the government has also run a series of public education campaigns that have warned parents to smoke outdoors, away from their children. The latest tobacco control strategy targets youth and pregnant women.

Despite the efforts, Nunavut's smoking rate is going down "very slowly," says Osborne. "I'm realistic. Things aren't going to change overnight," she says. "Particularly in public health."

A pack-a-day habit in the North can cost $6,000 a year, a price magnified in families with three or four smokers. "It's taking money out of their food budgets," says Dr. Ron Aspinall, a family physician who works in the Nunavut hamlet of Rankin Inlet. The territorial government spends almost one-quarter of its $1.2 billion annual budget on health care. (About $1 billion of the budget comes from federal transfers.)

The federal government's renewed interest in the North - fuelled by a desire to secure Canada's claim to the Arctic and its resources - has brought the region's health and social problems into sharper focus. Canada also has an Inuk - former Nunavut MLA Leona Aglukkaq - serving as the federal health minister. She understands the problem, Curley says, and earlier this year she announced $734,000 will be spent over two years to encourage aboriginal youth to quit smoking. One program will train young people in Nunavut to educate their peers about the dangers of smoking; another offers prizes to young aboriginals who take part in a smoking-cessation challenge.

Reference: Doctors call Nunavut's alarming smoking rates 'a health crisis' by Andrew Duffy, Ottawa Citizen,, 8/6/2010.

Florida - tobacco companies ordered to pay $2.2 million to widow of smoker..

August 7, 2010 - A jury Thursday, August 5th ordered Big Tobacco to pay a Royal Palm Beach widow $2.2 million for enticing her husband to smoke, causing him to die of lung cancer at age 55.

In addition, the jury of three men and three women found R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris had acted recklessly by promoting cigarettes despite years of medical research that showed smoking kills. The finding sets up the next stage of the trial, where the same jurors will decide how much the companies should pay 60-year-old Liz Piendle in punitive damages.

The verdict came after roughly three days of deliberations following a nearly month-long trial that detailed why Charles Piendle started smoking in his teens and continued a two-pack-a-day habit for three decades before quitting seven years before his death in 1996.

The case marks the first time one of hundreds of cases pending in Palm Beach County Circuit Court, accusing tobacco companies of causing smoking-related diseases and death, has gone to trial. An estimated 8,000 similar cases are pending statewide.

During closing arguments this week, attorneys representing Liz Piendle said her husband believed years of lies from cigarette-makers. "If you lie, deceive and conceal and kill people, that is not right," attorney Greg Barnhart told the jury during closing arguments. "They killed people for profits over safety."

He played news clips of tobacco executives testifying before Congress, insisting that cigarettes were neither dangerous nor addictive. Jurors were shown years of television of cigarettes ads, many using celebrities, that promoted the joys of smoking.

Attorneys representing the two tobacco giants countered that Piendle could have quit like millions of other Americans. Since a landmark 1964 surgeon general's report, it was widely known that cigarettes are inherently dangerous, said Peter Biersteker, who represents R.J. Reynolds. "There's no evidence that Mr. Piendle chose to become a regular smoker because of advertising," he said.

Attorney Frank Kelly, who represents Philip Morris, argued that even if his company hadn't produced Marlboros and Merits, which Piendle favored at times over the years, the Marine vet would have smoked another brand. Therefore, he said, his company couldn't be held responsible for Piendle's death.

Attorney Jack Scarola scoffed at the argument. "What kind of defense is that?" he asked. "If we didn't break into Liz Piendle's house, someone else would have? If we didn't kill Charlie Piendle, somebody else would have?"

The Piendle case, like the other pending cases, sprung from a 1994 Miami class-action lawsuit. A jury in 1999 awarded smokers and their survivors $145 billion in damages after finding that cigarette companies negligently omitted and concealed facts about the dangers of smoking. Background: The original Florida lawsuit was filed in 1994 by a Miami Beach pediatrician, Dr. Howard Engle, who had smoked for decades and couldn't quit. The class of smokers was estimated at up to 700,000 when the giant $145 billion award was issued in 2000. (Dr. Howard A. Engle, the veteran pediatrician who lent his name to a landmark class action suit against Big Tobacco, dies..)

In 2006, the Florida Supreme Court threw out the damage award, ruling that smokers must file separate lawsuits to explain how they were uniquely impacted by cigarettes and the tobacco companies' actions. (Cigarette Makers Face Thousands of New Florida Lawsuits..)

Before today's verdict, 21 of the cases had gone to trial. Tobacco companies won three.

Reference: Tobacco companies ordered to pay $2.2 million to widow of smoker, formerly of Royal Palm Beach by Jane Musgrave, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer, The Palm Beach Post News, 8/5/2010 - SEE PHOTOS.

Some related news briefs in Florida:
Florida - individual cases against big tobacco can move forward, can rely on Engle jury findings..;
Florida - jury awards smoker $21M from Philp Morris USA.;
Florida - can big tobacco survive all these lawsuits they continue to lose??;
Florida - big tobacco loses another case..;
Florida - jury awards $26.6 million to smoker's widow..;
Florida - 9 year old case, appeals court upholds $24.8 million award..;
Florida - $300 million jury award to former smoker overturned..;
Florida - jury awards $300 million in ex-smoker's suit..;
Florida - tobacco companies ask court to block ruling..;
Florida - plaintiff drops case to avoid paying legal fees for Philip Morris USA..;
R.J. Reynolds to appeal plaintiff's award of $30 million..;
R.J. Reynolds loses Florida court trial - widow gets $30 million..;
Broward County Florida jury awards widow of smoker $1.5 million..

New Zealand - health board says no to psychiatric hospital smoking ban..

August 7, 2010 - Moves to ban all smoking on hospital premises faltered yesterday, August 5th when the Southern District Health Board voted against smoke-free mental health services.

The board had been asked to endorse implementing its smoke-free policy for mental health services and facilities, following a lengthy discussion at its hospitals advisory committee meeting, but yesterday, August 5th the board vote was lost on voices.
Background: VIDEO - Psychiatric patients at Hillmorton Hospital say they're angry and annoyed at the smoking ban that came into force today, July 1st

As of July 1, 2010 mental health facilities across Canterbury are now completely smokefree, along with many others around the country - but that's no comfort to vulnerable, stressed out patients. (Psych patients angry at smoking ban by Juliet Speedy, 7/1/2010)
The hospitals advisory committee last week endorsed a plan to ban smoking at Wakari Hospital and Dunedin Hospital mental health wards.

However, the plan had been opposed by board member, Richard Thomson, who said the ban was akin to forced treatment for psychiatric patients who were not entitled to leave hospital grounds.

Thomson research had showed it was not an effective way of getting patients to stop smoking and could put patients off seeking the treatment they needed He referred to an email he had received from a person with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia who said he refused to access health care because of the " totalitarian anti-choice regime in psychiatric hospitals".

References: Mental services smoking ban fails by Elspeth McLean, Otago Daily Times, 8/6/2010; Health board says no to psychiatric hospital smoking ban, Tobacco Reporter, 8/6/2010.

New Zealand related news briefs:
New Zealand - report on illicit trade and options to control growth of illicit trade..;
New Zealand - ASH Year 10 Snapshot Survey - Dramatic youth smoking decline..;
New Zealand - plain cigarette and tobacco packs could turn teenagers off smoking..;
New Zealand - Tobacco companies target women..;
New Zealand - lobby group of small retailers formed to protest tobacco price hike..;
New Zealand - more than half of the people want to end tobacco sales by 2020..;
New Zealand - revenue department has begun a review of BAT financial transactions..;
New Zealand - increase in tobacco excise forced through Parliament by the Government..;
New Zealand - Christchurch prepares for meeting with tobacco select committee..;
New Zealand - biggest drop in smoking rates seen in a decade..;
New Zealand - Maori affairs committee continues to gather information..;
New Zealand - study quit-smoking products that are acceptabe and effective..;
New Zealand - smoking ban results in decrease in heart attacks..;
New Zealand - BAT attends Maori Affairs select committee meeting on tobacco..;
New Zealanders want cigarettes banned by 2020..;
New Zealand - Maori women - almost 50% smoke..;
New Zealand - more and more teenagers turned off by smoking..;
New Zealand - loophole in the law banning tobacco sponsorship..;
New Zealand - University of Auckland to go smokefree - 1st university in country..;
New Zealand - smoking ban in bars results in less smoking at home..;
New Zealand - study, tobacco displays leads to increase in youth smoking..;
New Zealand - graphic warnings cigarette maker selects less offensive images..;
New Zealand - Maori committee to investigate smoking..;
New Zealand - Tairawhiti Board wants tobacco sold only on prescription..;
New Zealand - health researchers calling on government to ban importation of tobacco..;
New Zealand - 1st trial ever of e-cigarettes..;
New Zealand - BAT reducing prices discouraging people from quitting..;
New Zealand - stop smoking campaigns NOT working..;
BAT awarded worst corporation in New Zealand..;
New Zealand - government may NOT support tobacco display bans..;
New Zealand More Evidence Needed to Ban Tobacco and Cigarette Displays..;
More evidence - tobacco displays increase the risk of teens smoking..;
Horror photos go on New Zealand cigarette packs..;
Country to Eliminate Smoking - The South Pacific nation of Niue;
Ireland to ban tobacco displays..;
Smokefree NZ within 10 years..;
By law, oral snuff cannot (but nasal snuff is allowed) be sold in New Zealand and can be imported only for personal use..

Wisconsin - fewer young people smoking..

August 7, 2010 - A survey by two state agencies shows that 18-percent of high school students were smoking this year, down from 21-percent in 2008. And three-point-nine percent of middle school youngsters had started smoking, down from four-point-three percent a couple years ago.

Governor Jim Doyle creates better education and higher cigarette taxes for the drop in youth smoking. The Departments of Health Services and Public Instruction conducted the survey. Forty-three high schools and 45 middle schools participated.

Reference: Fewer young people are smoking in Wisconsin, Wisconsin News - Pierce County Herald, 8/6/2010.

Wisconsin related news briefs:
Wisconsin - statewide smoking ban starts Monday, July 5, 2010..;
Wisconsin - with smoking ban coming tavern league selling discounted e-cigarettes - is this legal??;
Wisconsin - will July 5th smoking ban lead to more cigarette litter..;
Wisconsin - preparing residents for a more complete smoking ban starting in July 2010..;
Appleton, Wisconsin - will city get grant to fight dissolvable tobacco products seen as a threat to children..;
Wisconsin - lawmakers defeat plan to eventually eliminate candy-flavored tobacco..;
Wisconsin - almost last state to require fire-safe cigarettes..;
Wisconsin - government anti-smoking programs cut from $15.3 million a year to $6.9 million..;
Wisconsin - tobacco taxes to go up tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1, 2009..;
U.S. - Midwest States smoking bans do not hurt business..;
Wisconsin Governor Doyle signs smoking ban..;
Wisconsin - legislature passes smoking ban in restaurants, bars and other businesses..;
Count Wisconsin as the 26th state to ban smoking..;
Wisconsin may be the 26th state to ban smoking in all bars and restaurants..;
Wisconsin - Increased Sales Tax Decrease in Smoking..;
Wisconsin's achieves the lowest adult smoking prevalence ever..;
The primary reason to increase the tax on tobacco is to get smokers to quit and dissuade kids from starting..;
Wisconsin cigarette tax and tax on other tobacco products to increase January 1, 2008..;
Wisconsin to Increase Tax on All Tobacco Products..;
Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly (2-to-1) favor upping cigarette taxes by $1.25 a pack..

Friday, August 6, 2010

Star Scientific launches a lozenge that is suppose to reduce the urge to smoke..

August 6, 2010 - Yesterday, August 5th Star Scientific, Inc. announced that CigRx(TM), a dietary supplement developed by the company's Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals subsidiary, has been launched in the greater Richmond, Virginia area.

CigRx(TM), a mint-flavored lozenge that dissolves in the mouth and is swallowed, contains neither nicotine nor tobacco and was developed for adult dependent smokers. CigRx(TM) temporarily reduces the urge to smoke using a unique combination of dietary ingredients: anatabine is an alkaloid found in plants that are members of the Solinaceae family including tobacco, eggplant, green tomatoes and potatoes. It appears to interact with some of the neurotransmitter cells in the brain in a way that mimics what occurs when a person smokes a cigarette.

Anatabine has been combined with an extract of the leaves of the yerba mate tree to temporarily reduce the urge to light a cigarette in any environment where smoking is prohibited or unacceptable. Yerba mate is a small evergreen tree that is native to South America. Its leaves are used to brew a tea beverage that is consumed by millions of people on that continent, and it recently has become popular in the United States as well. Those who drink the beverage believe that it provides them a variety of benefits. This combination of dietary ingredients is intended to temporarily reduce the urge to smoke.

CigRx(TM) is being marketed and sold via a direct response campaign that includes an infomercial airing on television stations in the greater Richmond area. The infomercial offers a toll-free number, 1-800-778-2031, through which adult smokers can order the product. The product website,, also includes a shopping cart for CigRx(TM) purchases as well. Both the infomercial and the website are directed at educating adult smokers about the alternative that this non-tobacco, non-nicotine product offers. In conjunction with these initiatives, the company has partnered with InVentiv Health, as was announced in November, 2009. Rock Creek believes that InVentiv has both expertise and a well-proven track record in launching new products.

Recently there has been speculation that Star Scientific is a takeover target.

Reference: CigRx(TM) Dietary Supplement Launch In Richmond, Virginia Announced by Star Scientific, Inc., SOURCE Star Scientific, Inc., PR Newswire, 8/5/2010.

Some related Star Scientific news briefs:
Star Scientific asks FDA to certify Ariva-BDL lozenges as less harmful than traditional forms of tobacco..;
Star Scientific - Star Scientific q1 2010 financial report..;
Star Scientific - continue incurring losses on its smokeless-tobacco products..;
Star Scientific asks FDA to certify lozenge less harmful..;
Star Scientific denied new trial in patent infringement - files appeal..;
Star Scientific - NASDAQ trading symbol changed to CIGX..;
Star Scientific - new product (in 2010) to help adult smokers maintain a nicotine-free metabolism..;
Star Scientific - will use its low-nitrosamine tobacco curing process to formulate smokeless tobacco dissolvable smokeless products..
Star Scientific - q2 2009 report..;
Star Scientific - Filing patent for zero-nitrosamine tobacco curing process..;
Star Scientific - 2008 annual report/Stonewall vs other OTC NRTs..;
Star Scientific Corporate Study Stonewall Lozenge in NRT..;
Star Scientific Files Third Quarter Financial Report..;
Star Scientific wants to augment sales of their tobacco lozenges..;
Star Scientific , second quarter 2008, sales down 23.6%..;
Star Scientific Applauds Recent State Legislation - Banning Smoking in Cars with Children..

Swedish Match develops new lid for Red Man Moist Snuff..

August 6, 2010 - Swedish March has announced that Red Man Moist Snuff will have a new lid. The brand that pioneered the foil fresh pouch more than 40 years ago continues to drive innovative packaging with the launch of the new FlavorFresh™ Lid, a packaging improvement specifically designed for Red Man Moist Snuff. The new lid creates a tight seal, improving moisture retention and locking in freshness so every can of Red Man Moist Snuff is as fresh as the day it was made.

Consumer research shows that moist snuff users are demanding freshness. "For adult moist snuff users, freshness is extremely important in their purchase decision," according to Steve Abbot, Senior Brand Manager for Red Man Moist Snuff. "For our consumers, the new lid means that the tobacco stays moist and fresh, ensuring that Red Man Moist Snuff always tastes great."

The launch of the new FlavorFresh™ Lid will be supported by a national sweepstakes that gives adult consumers a chance to win a fresh American experience in the Alaskan Wild. Abbot adds, "We think you have to travel pretty far to find an experience fresher than the one under the Red Man Moist Snuff Flavor Fresh™ Lid. To prove it, we're sending one lucky dipper deep into America's freshest frontier -- the Alaskan wilds. "

Reference: Red Man Moist Snuff Creates Revolutionary New FlavorFresh™ Packaging Alaskan Adventure Contest Highlights Launch Campaign, SOURCE Swedish Match, PR Newswire, 8/5/2010.

PACT Act - sometimes soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan can't get the cigarettes they want..

August 6, 2010 - A new federal law intended to make sure mail-order cigarette sellers don’t avoid taxes is frustrating well-meaning people who want to mail smokes, including a Louisville man who can no longer send Marlboro Menthols to his grandson, a Marine serving in Afghanistan. “Why punish a serviceman with this act when he can’t even have a cigarette over there,” Jack Gray said. “That’s not believable.”

Marlboro menthols are a very popular cigarettes. Mr. Gray should ask to have these cigarettes made available to those that want to smoke then his grandfather could send his grandson the money to purchase the cigarettes at a much lower price. But even better tell his grandson it's time to STOP SMOKING. Why survive Afghanistan and die after years of suffering from a tobacco related chronic disease. The military is trying its hardest to get smokers to stop smoking. Also, U.S. Military - phased in ban on smoking...

A spokeswoman for the bill’s sponsor in the senate, Sen. Herbert Kohl, D-Wisc stated, It's an unintended consequence of the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act, or PACT Act as it’s known for short.

June 28, 2010 - The new PACT (Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking) law begins on June 29, 2010. After this date, all cigarettes, including roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless tobacco, cannot be mailed by the United States Postal Service (USPS), except in certain instances. Cigars can still be sent through the mail.

The new law requires that all shipments of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco (except for shipments within Alaska and Hawaii – see below) must be sent with a service that provides tracking and confirmation of delivery. Therefore, USPS® will require Express Mail® service to be used to send any package containing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco through the U.S. Mail, using one of the exceptions provided in the law.

The main goal for passage of the PACT Act: to Protect Our Children - Make it illegal to use the U.S. Postal Service to deliver any form of tobacco product..
In response to the law, which was passed and signed by President Obama in March, the U.S. Postal Service adopted a new policy at the end of June that nearly bans mailing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Most exceptions require they be sent via Express Mail, which allows the post office to confirm the package is delivered to an adult. But Express Mail isn’t available in Iraq or Afghanistan.

“We are working to fix it as soon as possible,” Kohl spokeswoman Dawn Schueller said Tuesday. Rep. Duncan Hunter, a California Republican, filed a bill July 30 to create an exemption for mailing tobacco to members of the Armed Forces in combat zones. The bill has been referred to a committee.

United Parcel Service (UPS) hasn’t delivered cigarettes to consumers since 2005, spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg said, adding that the decision came as various states passed restrictions. She said the postal service was the last major commercial carrier delivering cigarettes to consumers. A FedEx spokeswoman said the company only ships tobacco products between licensed distributors.

The bill included a provision that allows cigarettes to be mailed to individuals “who are not minors for noncommercial purposes.” “We included that provision specifically to allow care packages to service members,” Kohl spokeswoman Schueller said, acknowledging that the Postal Service used Express Mail to verify the age of the recipient.

“We’re just following the law, said David Walton, a USPS spokesman in Louisville. “The ban is not something that we initiated. It’s a law that’s very exacting.”
As for sending the package without declaring what’s inside, Walton said packages being mailed overseas require a customs form and anyone caught lying about the contents could be prosecuted.

Reference: New cigarette law snags cartons for troops too by Gregory A. Hall (, Louisville Courier-Journal, 8/3/2010.

Some PACT related news briefs:
U.S. PACT Law takes effect June 29, 2010..;
President Obama Signs PACT Act Into Law..;
U.S. House passed PACT Act again now awaits presidential signature and it's law..;
U.S. Senate - unanimously passes the PACT Act..;
Disappointment - U.S. legislators from New York State are delaying passage of PACT Act..;
NATO - urging retailers to call their U.S.Senators to get the PACT Act passed..;
U.S. let's get the PACT bill passed by congress and then signed into law..;
NY State - Seneca Indians - lobbying against the PACT act.;
U.S. - Senate Judiciary Committee Approves PACT ACT..;
U.S. - Senate Committee scheduled to vote on PACT..;
Web-Based Companies must stop selling flavored cigarettes..;
Internet, Flavors everywhere - snuff being marketed to kids as hip, cool and healthy..;
U.S. customs officials bar imports bearing the Philip Morris USA trademark..;
Let's Get It Passed - Prevent All Tobacco Trafficking Act of 2009..;
U.S - PACT legislation passed by House..;
U.S. - PACT Legislation to be considered by House this month..;
We must get the United States Postal Service (USPS) out of the tobacco delivery business..;
PACT Legislation now in the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee..;
U.S. House Passes Bill to Prevent Tobacco Delivery By Mail..;
We must get the United States Postal Service (USPS) out of the tobacco delivery business..
Protect Our Children - Make it illegal to use the U.S. Postal Service to deliver any form of tobacco product...

Nik Modi UBS Tobacco Analyst - cigarettes will go from 80% to 45% of tobacco sales by 2025..

Click to enlarge..
August 6, 2010 - Comments from the 2010 CSP Tobacco Review Meeting..

Panelists agreed in a business environment of suffocating regulation, the job of communicating what new tobacco products are about will start falling to the retailer.

Denise Indovina, vice president of sales, ICOM, Epsilon Targeting of Dallas, revealed results of its internal marketing survey of U.S. smokers. In one finding, 80% of smokers in a "dark" scenario where no signage or visible product existed at the store said they would ask for their usual brand. "Trial and switching will be driven by couponing and communication with clerks," she said. In Indovina's research, the potential for switching and trial lies among younger consumers, who are more likely to be influenced by couponing, direct mail and even out-of-stocks than their older counterparts.

According to fellow panelist Nik Modi, household products, cosmetics and tobacco global consumer staples coordinator for UBS Investment Research, New York other evidence points in this direction.. He said international examples of successful retailer-based training exist, such as what Winston-Salem, N.C.-based Reynolds American Inc. (RAI) learned from marketing Colgate in other countries. "With tobacco, [the responsibility] will move to the retailer to build brand equity," he said, adding that RAI may be one of the first companies to initiate consumer education through the retailer.

Creating ways to better inform retailers about new products will become increasingly more important, Modi said. He projects that cigarettes will steadily lose its share of the tobacco category, going from 80% today to 70% in 2015 and then to 45% in 2025.
Near-term, the news for the category is positive, Modi said. With cigarette use skewing towards lower-income demographics, stimulus efforts by the federal government and growing consumer optimism indicate a positive trend.

While agreeing for the most part on this trend, a couple of attendees raised contradictory thoughts. One supplier, Steve Sandman, vice president of sales and marketing for Republic Tobacco, Glenview, Ill., noted that the Colgate example was partly one of educating the population on the values of brushing teeth as well as how to do it, so its relevance may be a consideration.

A retailer, Anne Flint, senior manager of tobacco for Cumberland Farms Inc., Framingham, Mass., noted the difficulty of communicating messages to consumers in a fast-paced, c-store environment. She said cashiers are trying to move lines and at the same time, promote any number of in-store food and drink specials.

Reference: Teaching Tobacco Consumer messaging falling to retailers? by Angel Abcede, Convenience Store/Petroleum (CSP) Daily News, 8/6/2010.

Camel SNUS employee badge - March 2009..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Scotland, Grampian Region - latest word, NHS Grampian hospital smoking clampdown delayed..

August 5, 2010 - The northeast region of Scotland is called Grampians (see map click to enlarge). National Health Service (NHS) Grampian is responsible for improving the health of the Grampian population and for providing safe high-quality health care when it is needed and where it is needed.

The Scottish Government has backed NHS Grampian’s controversial plans to extend the smoking ban to all its grounds, car parks and even to staff arriving for work in their uniforms. The health board faced an angry backlash last week when the proposals were revealed, but later on today its executive committee is expected to approve the scheme. Patients will be warned they could be refused treatment if they ignore strict new rules, which will also apply to staff and visitors.

The Latest Word: The NHS Grampian board met on August 3rd and decided to delay the smoking ban from all of NHS Grampian's premises by 2012 amid concerns over enforcing the measures. The board deferred the decision for six months after agreeing more discussion was needed with staff, patients, the public and other health authorities. (NHS Grampian hospital smoking clampdown delayed, BBC News, 8/3/2010)One campaign group has questioned the legality of such a move, saying the smoking ban enacted in 2007 can be applied only indoors. But last night the Scottish Government confirmed that there are provisions within the law for such a ban – and that it supported the move.
“The Scottish Government has ambitious plans to build on the ban on smoking in enclosed public places as we move towards a smoke-free Scotland,” a spokeswoman said yesterday. “To this end, we have passed legislation which will see a ban on cigarette vending machines and cigarette displays in shops.” (Scotland - parliament votes to ban retail cigarette displays and vending machines..)

“Smoking is extremely harmful to health and is responsible for more than 13,000 deaths a year in Scotland. “We are sending out a powerful message that smoking is actively discouraged in modern Scotland, and this is helping to bring about a cultural shift which we believe will make smoking less acceptable.

“NHS boards have the power to ban smoking on their premises and the Scottish Government is supportive of any moves in this direction. “Staff, patients and visitors should respect any such decision by a health board.”

A similar ban is already in place at health facilities across the Highlands and, once the Grampian ban is fully implemented by the beginning of 2012, patients will face the threat of treatment being withdrawn if they ignore requests to stub out. The ban would even stop staff from smoking while wearing their uniforms at any time.

The proposals were brought forward originally in February 2009 but shelved just months later following a public backlash. Union officials previously described the proposals as “ridiculous”.

Staff will be banned from smoking at any point during their working day, even during breaks, and will also be in charge of enforcing the new rules. Any staff found not complying with the ban will face disciplinary action and could be sacked. Even carrying tobacco will be deemed an offence.

Reference: NHS Grampian bid to extend smoking ban wins backing Scottish government says health board has legal right to implement plans by Ryan Crighton,, 8/3/2010.

Scotland - related news briefs:
Scotland - bribing people to live a healthy lifestyle..;
Scotland - Imperial Tobacco in legal action to stop ban on cigarette displays and vending machine removal..;
Scotland - tobacco industry says massive increase in illegal cigarettes..;
PAPER: Scotland Unhealthy risk factors those with lack of education/ low income..;
Scotland - renewing efforts to stop pregnant women from smoking..;
Scotland - cigarette smoking quit attempts increase by 35%..;
Scotland - retailers can provide input on future to ban the display of tobacco..;
Scotland - campaigners want more to be done to protect young people from passive smoking..;
Scotland - government no plans to ban smoking in cars and public places used by children..;
Scotland - smokers will be banned from fostering or adopting children, comments from Professor Banzhaf..;
Scotland - parliament votes to ban retail cigarette displays and vending machines..;
Scotland - health minister urges smokers to quit..;
Scotland - some men beginning to lead a healthier lifestyle and therefore living longer..;
Scotland - self-reporting of smoking by pregnant women underestimates true number of pregnant smokers..;
Scotland - tobacco firms claim proposed display ban is unnecessary..;
"Glasgow effect" - prevalence of cigarette smoking impact on poor health..;
Scotland - tobacco industry will try to stop attempts to curb sales to young people..;
Scotland - cigarette vending machines removal..;
Scottish politicans most have the courage to protect the health of their constituents..;
Scotland - small businesses given extra 2-years to remove tobacco displays..;
Northern Ireland - assembly approves ban on display of tobacco items..;
Scotland to ban cigarette displays and outlaw cigarette vending machines..;
Bar workers who smoke also benefit from smoking ban..;
17 countries in the world ban indoor smoking - ENFORCEMENT..;
England, Wales to ban tobacco displays in shops..;
Definite Health Benefits of Smoking Bans..;
Northern Ireland raising age for sale of tobacco from 16 to 18 joining the other three United Kingdom (UK) countries..;
Scotland proposes to implement more measures to discourage tobacco use including the banning of tobacco displays..;
Raise Age to 21 to Purchase Tobacco Products...

Western Australia - even in outdoor, well-ventilated areas, second-hand smoke presented a health risk..

Click to enlarge..
August 5, 2010 - It can take just two people to smoke in alfresco (taking place outdoors) areas to put non-smokers at risk of developing respiratory problems, Perth researchers have found.

Curtin University, the University of Western Australia and the Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) conducted air quality tests at 28 cafes and pubs across Perth. In determining the health risk to non-smokers, researchers used a particle monitor to measure how many microscopic air pollutants the same size as tobacco smoke particles were in the air.

Curtin University Professor of Health Policy Mike Daube said the research revealed that even in outdoor, well-ventilated areas, second-hand smoke (SHS, passive smoking, environemntal tobacco smoke, ETS, involuntary smoking, sidestream smoke) a presented a health risk. Prof. Daube said the tests found that when there was no one smoking tobacco, smoke particle concentrations were about four micrograms per cubic metre of air. When at least one person began smoking that number increased to 14.25 micrograms per cubic metre of air. "The amount of second-hand smoke detected increased with the number of people smoking," he said.

Curtin researcher Julia Stafford said the findings backed legislation which comes into effect in September this year and which will restrict smoking in alfresco areas.
"This research supports smoking bans in areas where people may spend extended periods of time, such as outdoor eating and drinking venues," she said.

Western Australia - strict anti-smoking laws come into effect on September, 22, 2010..

"While the new regulations on alfresco smoking are an important step forward, we urge all venues to go 100 per cent smoke-free to protect the health of their staff and customers."

This reinforces the finding in a peer-reviewed study by Stanford University that demonstrated "under certain conditions, and these were not uncommon, you can be exposed to the same level of second-hand smoke particles outside as you can inside. (Study confirms the risk of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke at sidewalk cafes and other outdoor settings by Mark Shwartz, Stanford News Release, 5/2/2007)

Bar Chart - even a small amount of SHS can be dangerous..

Reference: Second-hand smoke risk in alfresco areas, © 2010 AAP, The Sydney Morning Herald, 8/4/2010.

Western Australia related news briefs:
Western Australia - strict anti-smoking laws come into effect on September, 22, 2010..;
Smoking during pregnancy - potentially negative effect on reproductive health in the next generation..;
Australia - social cost of smoking $31 billion to economy..;
Western Australia - kids no longer interested in smoking..;
Western Australia - added sweetners make cigarettes easier to tolerate..;
Western Australia - major tobacco companies were worried about tobacco controls...

Lorillard to launch non-menthol variety of Newport in November 2010..

Click to enlarge..
August 5, 2010 - With menthol coming under fire from federal regulators, Lorillard Inc. yesterday announced its plan to launch a non-menthol variety of its flagship Newport brand in November 2010. Lorillard said that it believes it will further strengthen its competitive position and its Newport brand family with the national introduction of Newport Non-Menthol.

Newport, Lorillard's menthol-flavored premium cigarette, is the second-largest brand in the industry and is the top-selling menthol brand.
January 10,2009 - Newport, gives Lorillard 94% of its revenue, 92% of its volumes, 34% share of all menthol cigarette sales in the US, as well as an overall domestic tobacco market share of 10%. The only other cigarette in Lorillard's stable (Kent, Satin, True, Max, Old Gold)that shows growth is the price/value (discount) brand Maverick. (Lorillard was spun off from conglomerate Loews in June, 2008.)

Newport Non-Menthol will be a premium product with broad competitive consumer appeal that delivers the high quality tobacco taste that adult smokers have grown to expect from Newport, the company said. "We are excited to leverage Newport, one of the most recognized names in the cigarette industry," said Martin Orlowsky, chairman, president and chief executive officer. "With the introduction of Newport Non-Menthol, Lorillard will be afforded greater opportunity to compete in the largest segment of the U.S. cigarette market, as the non-menthol category represents approximately 70% of total industry volume."

The rollout comes as the U.S. Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC) is examining the health effect of menthol cigarettes on minors and certain ethnic groups. The committee must make recommendations to the FDA in March, 2011. (FDA CTP SAC - 2nd Meeting - July 15, 16, 2010 plus..)

** Non-menthol Newports in Full Flavor and Lights were sold in United States during the mid to late 1990s, possibly as late as 2002; however they have since been discontinued. The packs were identical in design to standard menthol Newports except the turquoise-colored area was red on the Full Flavors and mustard-yellow on the Lights. Newport Slim 120s (introduced 1998), Newport "Stripes", and Newport "M-Blend" were other varieties that have also been discontinued. (Newport Cigarettes Online Shop)

In February 2010 More - Lorillard will launch new moist smokeless product in not-too-distant future... When Marty Orlowsky was questioned at the q2 2010 earnings webcast he responded: We’re still continuing on a path of having, of being in a position to compete in that category. I don’t have anything specific to add at this point, but we still continue to have the interest. (Highlights - Lorillard q2 2010 earnings report)

Lorillard's SNUS entry Triumph was discontinued in February 2010.

Lorillard at a glance.

Reference: Lorillard Launching Newport Non-Menthol
Tobacco company extending flagship cigarette line
, Convenience Store/Petroleum (CSP) Daily News, 8/5/2010.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photojournalism Series: In the Tobacco Industry, Two Worlds..

The Cigarette Park at the Hongta Group, China
which also has a tobacco museum. Photo by
Rocco Rorandelli. Click to enlarge..

August 4, 2010 - When the photographer Rocco Rorandelli traveled to China and India, the world's largest tobacco producers, he found startling differences between the two, as Emily Epstein reports. He spent nearly a year making plans before he troaveled to China and India, the first and second largest tobacco producers in the world, respectively. What he found were startling differences: in China, the cigarette stands for prosperity; in India, undeniable poverty.

In the Tobacco Industry, Two Worlds by EMILY ANNE EPSTEIN, LENS Photography, Video and Visual Journalism, 8/3/2010.

LENS is the photography blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting — photographs, videos and slide shows.

Kenya - BAT has started exporting tobacco from Kenya..

Click to enlarge.. BAT factory in Nairobi, Kenya
August 4, 2010 - Nairobi — British American Tobacco (Kenya) is diversifying into the export of semi-processed tobacco after investing Sh350 million (4,377,736.25 USD) in a processing plant to increase its revenue sources.

The firm, which begun exporting the leaf this month, has plants in South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey and Kenya serving its Middle East and African markets.

It plans to leverage on the plants in both the East African Community and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa trading blocs.

"We are targeting the trading blocs since we are placed strategically in the region in terms of the processing plants that are available," Mr Lawrence Kimathi, finance director told the Daily Nation.

The export business will be crucial for the firm, which has seen its domestic market shrink over the past four years. In the first half of 2010, the firm only managed to grow its market by 1.5 percent.

According to Mr Kimathi who was speaking on the sidelines of the firm's investor briefing in Nairobi, the initiative is expected to break even in three years. "We expect that this area will be about 40 per cent of our portfolio and pay back on the investments to come in the third year," he noted.

Restricted by the Tobacco Control Act, the company grew its sales by six percent in the period. BAT Kenya has declined to support charity organizations because of tobacco control laws.

Reference: Kenya: BAT Shifts Focus to Export of Tobacco Leaves, Joseph Bonyo, 8/3/2010.

Related news briefs:
Kenya - BAT trying to find ways to circumvent law that outlaws promotion of tobacco products..;
Kenya - educate public on harmful effects of smoking and enforce provisions of tobacco control act..
Kenya - public health officers will be involved in enforcement of smoking regulations..;
Kenya - smoking ban must be enforced - it's the law..;
Kenya - BAT declines to support charities - tobacco control laws..;
Kenya - discrepancies between local smoke-free regulations and Tobacco Control Act..;
Smoking ban starts in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya..;
British American Tobacco (BAT) - 100 years in Africa..

Russia - BATR has an alternative instead of banning cigarette sales from kiosks or by street vendors..

August 4, 2010 - British American Tobacco Russia (BATR), the largest cigarette producer in Russia, has suggested introducing a system of licensing for the sale of tobacco products, rather than face a ban on sales from kiosks and by street vendors, according to an RIA (Russian Information Agency) Novosti story.

The Russian government has been pushing to remove tobacco sales from kiosks and street vendors as a means of restricting the sale of tobacco products to minors.
Under its proposals, tobacco products would be sold only in large supermarkets. Small businesses, in particular kiosks, sell some 40% of tobacco in Russia.

Background: Moscow's top doctor said on March 15, 2010 smoking was leading to a "national catastrophe." Dr. Leonid Lazebnik painted a grim picture of the harm that tobacco was causing Russians, telling a round table that 65 percent of men and 30 percent of women have smoked at some time in their lives. In contrast, Lazebnik said, the figures in the mid-1980s were 48 percent of men and 5 percent of women.

He said 24.6 percent of Muscovites (a native or resident of Moscow )are smokers. "But the scariest thing of all is our future," Lazebnik said. "In Moscow, 73 percent of boys and 65 percent of girls smoke. I see this as a national catastrophe."

Russsia - 73 percent of boys and 65 percent of girls smoke...

Russia's population is decreasing at a loss of about 700,000 to 800,000 citizens each year dying. Russia has a very high death rate of 15 deaths per 1000 people per year. This is far higher than the world's average death rate of just under 9. (Russia's Population Set to Decline From 143 Million Today to 111 Million in 2050)
A BATR spokesperson, Alexander Lyuty said if licensing would be in effect, then those kiosks and street vendors would have to register with the Tabakprom Association, of which BATR is a member. He said that in order for small businesses to sell tobacco, the distributors of tobacco products, for example BATR, would see to it that companies complied with the legal sales of tobacco. If the business sells cigarettes to minors, then BATR would receive a heavy fine and then revoke the business's license to sell cigarettes in the future.

Lyuty said if the government removes the right for kiosks to sell tobacco, "part of the market would fall into uncontrollable hands" with people selling tobacco on the streets and on the black market.

Let's no forget: Principle 1: There is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the tobacco industry’s interests and public health policy interests. ( Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC))

Reference: Russian tobacco producer pushes for licensing versus sales bans, FINANCIAL, 8/4/2010.

Russia related news briefs:
Russia - health warnings on cigarette packs..;
Russsia - 73 percent of boys and 65 percent of girls smoke..;
Russia - Finance Ministry skeptical about raising taxes on tobacco..;
Russia - tax on tobacco may be quadrupled..;
Russia - tobacco epidemic with no solution in site..;
Russia - public health official discusses tobacco control..;
Russia - making it more difficult for servicemen to smoke..;
Russia - draft tobacco law being considered by Duma..;
Russia among top-10 smoking nations..;
Russian lawmakers discuss smoking ban for restaurants and bars..;
Russia passes new restrictions on tobacco..;
British American Tobacco (BAT) Misleading Russian Consumers..;
Russian State Duma (Parliament) ratified the framework convention of the World Health Organization (WHO) on tobacco control...

Australia - stronger new warnings for Champix (Chantix)..

August 4, 2010 - Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has sent a fresh alert to doctors to remind them of the potential risks of Champix (Chantix in U.S., generic name - varenicline) problems. In its updated bulletin, the TGA said it received 1025 reports of suspected adverse reactions to Champix between January 2008, when it was added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and May this year.

Fifteen people have committed suicide after taking the anti-smoking drug Champix since January 2008. Another 191 patients have reported suicidal thoughts and related effects. The latest figures suggest a doubling in the numbers of suicides linked to Champix since July last year, when the Therapeutic Goods Administration put the tally at six.

Two-thirds, or 691 of these, described "psychiatric symptoms such as depression, agitation, anxiety, altered mood and aggression" after taking the drug, also known by its chemical name of varenicline, the bulletin said.

Use of the drug as a smoking cessation aid is accelerating. There were 250,000 PBS scripts for Champix issued to August last year -- a figure that has soared to more than one million since then.

Champix has long been dogged by reports of suicidal thoughts and its information leaflets warn of the risks. Last year, U.S. regulators ordered these warnings to be strengthened.

A TGA spokeswoman said it was not possible to say Champix caused the suicidal effects, as nicotine withdrawal itself could trigger similar symptoms.

"In general, overseas agencies have taken a similar approach to the TGA in raising consumer and prescriber awareness," the spokeswoman said.

Reference: Anti-smoking drug suicide toll reaches 15, Adam Cresswell, Health editor, The Australian, 8/4/2010.

Some Chantix (Champix) related news briefs:
Champix (Chantix) - Health Canada issues stronger warnings..;
Champix (Chantix) - Canada class-action lawsuit started..;
Champix (Chantix) - more serious psychiatric reactions and death..;
Smoking Cessation - Chantix (Champix) vs. Cold Turkey..;
Chantix - Pfizer faces three lawsuits surely many more to come..;
Champix (Chantix) - the risks are greater then the benefits..;
Chantix - another wrongful death lawsuit filed..;
Anti-smoking drugs (non-nicotine) - Chantix and Zyban to carry mental health warnings..;
Another Chantix Warning in Canada..;
Operators of any form of transportation warned on the use of Pfizer's smoking-cessation drug Chantix..;
Pfizer Changes Chantix Label..;
Chantix Reports of Suicidal Thoughts and Aggressive and Erratic Behavior..;

Australia - big tobacco fighting back against plans to introduce plain cigarette packaging..

August 4, 2010 - The big tobacco companies are fighting back against the Government's plans to introduce plain cigarette packaging by funding small retailers in a massive advertising campaign timed to coincide with the final weeks of the election campaign - the election is on August 21, 2010.

Background: On April 29, 2010 the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced the tax on cigarettes would increase by 25 percent from midnight (adding about $2.16 to a pack of 30 cigarettes) and that tobacco companies would be required to use plain packaging from July 1, 2012.

Starting July 1, 2012 Australia could become the first nation to ban brand images and colors on cigarette packages under a wide-ranging set of anti-smoking measures the government announced Thursday, April 29th. Promotional text would be restricted to brand and product names in a standard color, position, type style and size.

Outraged tobacco companies blasted the prime minister, the federal leader of the center-left Australian Labor Party new cigarette packaging plans, threatening to challenge them in court and seek compensation.

Australia - tobacco tax increase now in force, next comes plain tobacco packaging...
The Alliance of Australian Retailers (AAR) has taken out full-page advertisements in tomorrow's papers criticising the plan, which they argue will hurt small business and lead to job losses. The Daily Telegraph is reporting that the $5 million campaign has been devised by former Liberal Party strategists and Howard government advisers.

But this morning Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said the Liberal Party had "absolutely nothing to do with any sort of pro-smoking campaign. As far as I am concerned, if we are returned on August 21 we will certainly consider going ahead with the Government's plain packages for cigarettes," he said. And the firm Crosby Textor has issued a statement saying reports that it is connected to the campaign are wrong.

The newly-formed AAR has 19,000 members representing corner stores, petrol stations, and newsagents. It opposes the Labor Government's policy to force retailers to sell all cigarettes in plain packets, devoid of colour, special fonts and branding, by 2012. AAR spokeswoman Sheryle Moon says small businesses depend on cigarette sales. "Plain packaging is not a proven policy," she said. "There's no credible evidence that this policy will stop people smoking, that it will stop kids, young people, taking up cigarette smoking. "It will just make it more difficult for retailers to do their business." Ms Moon says the retailers are taking out full-page advertisements in the daily newspapers to express their discontent.

"We're quite open about our funding arrangements so the three cigarette manufacturers are providing financial support to the alliance," Ms Moon said. "That's not what the issue is; the issue is not about the funding. "The issue is about making sure we have policy that is evidence based."

Health Minister Nicola Roxon says Opposition Leader Tony Abbott must explain any Liberal Party involvement in the campaign. "This is an unprecedented intervention by big tobacco into an election campaign and I think Mr Abbott needs to come clean on whether he's made any commitments to his friends in big tobacco to convince them to take this unprecedented step," she said.

Mike Daube from the Australian Council on Smoking and Health says the advertising campaign is an outrageous effort by the global tobacco industry to influence the Australian election. "This is a lethal industry using its financial muscle to keep people smoking," he said. "What this really tells us is just how effective they fear plain packaging will be. "The real reason they're running this big campaign is they're worried that if it happens in Australia it's going to happen elsewhere."

June 27, 2008 -
Andre Calantzopoulos
, CEO, Philip Morris International (PMI), tells us PMI strongly opposes generic packaging. (PMI presentation at JP Morgan Global Tobacco Conference, London, 6/27/2008), England, UK, United Kingdom..

Reference: Big tobacco bankrolls anti-Labor ad campaign by Jennifer Macey and staff, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp.) News, 8/4/2010.

A few related stories plain packaging:
Australia - new Prime Minister Julia Gillard..;
New Zealand - plain cigarette and tobacco packs could turn teenagers off smoking..;
Australia - tobacco tax increase now in force, next comes plain tobacco packaging..;
Australia - plain packages on all tobacco products within 2-years..;
Australian study - Plainer cigarette packages, perceived as boring or unattractive, would make smoking much less appealing to teens..;
Australia - federal government is currently analyzing recommendations for reducing smoking..;
United Kingdom - cigarette makers oppose plain packaging..;
United Kingdom - halve the number of smokers by end of decade..;
UK - Richard Branson makes high-profile plea for tobacco control measures to protect children..;
UK - House of Lords -debate on tobacco plain packaging..;
British considering banning logos on cigarette packs, other measures..;

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OHIO - smoking ban should be strengthened NOT weakened..

August 3, 2010 - Just over half of Ohio residents want to let tobacco back in the state's bars, a new statewide poll finds, though support remains strong for continuing a smoking ban in restaurants and workplaces.

Voters in 2006 approved a constitutional amendment that banned smoking in indoor public spaces, including workplaces, restaurants and bars. Since then, there's been discussion of revising the law.

Background: Ohio voters approved the indoor smoking ban in November 2006, making Ohio the first Midwestern state and the first tobacco-growing state to enact such a ban. Ohio Department of Health estimates there are some 280,000 public places and places of employment in the State that are covered by the ban. Anyone who visits or works in these places should no longer be exposed to secondhand smoke.

What are penalties for violating the smoking ban??: Businesses: Warning letter, first violation; $100, second violation; $500, third violation; $1,000, fourth violation; and $2,500, fifth and subsequent violations. Note: fines may be doubled for intentional violations at the discretion of the enforcement entity and may be assessed on a daily basis for continuing violations. Individuals: Warning letter; first violation; $100, second and subsequent violations. Retaliation against Complainant: Warning letter, first violation; $1,000, second violation; $2,500 third and subsequent violations.

What are their proprietors’ obligations under the smoking ban??: They are essentially threefold: prohibit smoking, remove ashtrays and post no-smoking signs with the toll-free enforcement number – 1-866-559-OHIO (6446).

Ohio Smoking Ban Frequently Asked Questions - Ohio Department of Health.

Should Ohio end its smoking ban in bars? Yes (578) 52.59%, No (521) 47.41%
Total Votes: 1099
Vovici Online Survey Software

The Ohio Health Issues Poll, conducted on behalf of the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, found that 53 percent of adults surveyed favored repealing the ban in bars.

But while most Ohioans want to have a smoke with their beer, they'd like to keep their jobs and meals out smoke-free, said Jennifer Chubinski, director of health data improvement for the Health Foundation. The survey found 77 percent of respondents favored continuing the smoking ban in workplaces, and 78 percent favored continuing it in restaurants.

Support for the ban in those locations remained strong even among current smokers, results showed: 60 percent of smokers favored continuing smoke-free workplaces, while 62 percent favored smoke-free restaurants.

There's also been talk around the state about increasing the state's cigarette tax. Supporters say a 40-cent hike per pack will generate more revenue for the cash-strapped state and reduce smoking rates, especially among teens. The Health Foundation's poll found 48 percent of Ohio adults support the tax increase. Not surprisingly, support is highest among adults who've never smoked - 65 percent - and lowest among current smokers - 14 percent.

Chubinski was surprised to see anyone in favor of increase. "It's a tough time to ask people to increase taxes on anything," she said. Ohio's cigarette tax is $1.25 per pack, compared to 60 cents a pack in Kentucky and 99.5 cents in Indiana. Nationally, cigarette taxes range from 17 cents a pack in Missouri to $4.35 in New York.

Reference: Ohio poll: Rethink smoking ban by Peggy O'Farrell (,, 8/3/2010.

Some Ohio related news briefs:
Ohio - Supreme Court rules in favor of R.J. Reynolds in Rolling Stones magazine multi-page ad..;
OHIO - Supreme Court to hear the appeal in its case seeking to preserve tobacco funds..;
OHIO - smoking complaints have dropped each year since the start of smoking ban..;
OHIO - judge stops collection of fines against a bar accused of allowing customers to smoke..;
OHIO - Legacy Foundation asks Supreme Court to hear appeal..;
OHIO - American Legacy Foundation will appeal decision to allow state to use tobacco funds..;
Ohio - enforcement of existing smoking ban a must..;
OHIO - appeals court rules state can use money set aside for tobacco prevention..;
OHIO - judge rules money can not be diverted from anti-tobacco fund..;
Ohio - state will provide NO funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs..;
Ohio - don't cut spending on anti-tobacco programs it will cost the state much more in the long run..;
Ohio youth are using cigars and smokeless tobacco products and it is a continuously growing problem...

WCO - 2009 annual report on illicit trade in tobacco products..

August 3, 2010 - The World Customs Organization (WCO) has released its Customs and Tobacco report for 2009. The report aims to address the global concern of illicit (illegal, smuggling, contraband) trade in tobacco products in the areas of revenue, health and sound economic development. The report mainly focuses on global and regional illicit trade in cigarettes plus illicit trade in other tobacco products. (Framework Convention Alliance (FCA))

Customs and Tobacco Report 2009

Sub Sahara Africa - grants available for anti-tobacco campaigns in Sub Sahara Africa..

August 3, 2010 - The African Tobacco Control Consortium (ATCC), an alliance of about five regional public health institutions involved in the campaign against increasing use of tobacco announced it had launched a call for concept notes for Tobacco Control Action Grants.

Aimed at NGOs and Academic Institutions, the grant, according to a press statement from the Communications office of ATCC, is “to foster the implementation of key tobacco control policies such as tax and price measures, anti-smuggling measures, the establishment of smoke-free work and public places, direct and indirect advertising bans, and health warning labels as per the requirements of the international tobacco treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).”

ATCC is coordinated by the American Cancer Society under a five-year project funded primarily by a $7 million dollar grant awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Its constituent member organizations include the Africa Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA), Africa Tobacco Control Regional Initiative (ATCRI), Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

For more information read reference below.

Reference: Africa: Good news for anti-tobacco activists by Kemo Cham, Africa News, 8/2/2010

Africa - forum held in Mozambique to discuss the tobacco industries invasion..

August 3, 2010 - During a recent meeting in Maputo, Mozambique capital hosted by Africa Tobacco Control Regional Initiative, ATCRI, and a href-"">Framework Convention Alliance, FCA the tobacco industry's invasion into Africa was described as ruthless and insidious in its pursuits of creating markets in developing countries.

The forum accused tobacco companies of taking advantage of the less stringent tobacco control laws in Africa, thereby making it a target for tobacco product.

Bontle Mbongwe, a lecturer at the University of Botswana said the tobacco industry is capitalizing on the legislative shortcoming in Africa to “aggressively advertise and market poison and death to the population.”

Mbongwe observes that the tobacco industry is succeeding to invest in legal actions to silence those who make noise about the harmful effect of tobacco and the poverty it brings to the already poor nations. “Tobacco countries also exploit poorer countries by issuing donations to ensure the support of politicians as well as manipulating scientific evidence to confuse consumers. While the industry benefits from huge profit the customers has a sad reality to face premature death,” she noted.
Tanzania - accepts donations from Alliance One, a leaf tobacco merchant....;
Tanzania - leaf tobacco company donates blankets to government hospital..;
Tanzania - too busy growing tobacco to think about tobacco control..;
Rwanda - accepts donation from BAT for needy students...
The forum which was a common ground to discuss the progress of African countries in tobacco control through the determinant of actual tobacco control situation in Mozambique warns of a global pandemic if tobacco consumption in Africa is not put under serious check.

Dr. Patrick Musavuli, afro regional coordinator of the Framework Convention Alliance provides a shocking statistics from a medical standpoint. Drawn from a quote from World Health Organizations, WHO Director General, Musavuli says “we can no longer standby quietly and watch the spread of an epidemic that is already killing 4 million people a year and is set to cause 10 million deaths annually by 2030”

Musavuli insists that African government must now stand for the health of its citizens through the implementation of a WHO framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC, a document which prescribes guidelines for the control of tobacco products consumption and cultivation.

Many African countries have signed and ratified the Framework Convention document but the issue of implementation of the content is one of the biggest challenges in Africa. In some cases the question of economy and health always comes to mind but in such consideration the cost of health care far outweighs the economic gain derived from tobacco products.

Reference: Tobacco industry under fire, Victor Emeruwa, Africa News reporter in Lagos, Nigeria, African News, 8/2/2010.