May 2, 2008 - Swedish Match has two snus production plants in Sweden one in Gothenburg and other in Kungälv. The investment of MSEK 265 (43.7 million USD) is in response to the strong demand for snus in the portion packed format. The Kungälv, built in 2003, plant is specialized in the Swedish Match unique “White Production Technology”, a white, dry portion packed snus with both regular and star formation filling of the cans. The investment is expected to be completed in the first half of 2010. ( Swedish Match AB invests in new production capacity in Sweden, Swedish Match AB, 4/25/2008) Swedish Match is the world's second largest maker of snuff and chewing tobacco and the snuff market leader in Sweden with a volume share of 90% at the end of 2006. Lorillard's Triumph Snus, being test marketed in Ohio and Georgia (March 2008), is a white portioned snus sold in a combi-lid can for used pouches. Triumph snus is the result of a partnership between Swedish Match and Lorillard. (