June 9, 2009 - The Camel Dissolvables Products: three forms of delivery: Sticks (twisted) can be placed in the mouth like a toothpick or broken into a pieces that are placed between the upper lip and gum, where they dissolve after 10 minutes; Orbs, which is a pellet that lasts about 15 minutes and film strip delivery - like placing a postage stamp on your tongue which dissolve in about 3 minutes (e.g., Listerine PocketPak, breath strips).
Reason put forward by Reynolds American for moving to tobacco dissolvables: Tobacco companies say snus (Swedish style moist snuff, pronounced snooze) has become so popular, they're taking the next step, totally dissolvable tobacco for traditional smokers that will solve all kinds of problems. - within reference look for "Costello" This statement is NOT true sales of snus have been poor.
Orbs, being test marketed in 3-sites in the U.S., are not to be chewed but like lozenges are placed in the mouth until the product has dissolved.
Candy can be defined as a confection made with sugar and often flavoring and filling.
A confection is a sweet preparation, such as candy.
Camel Dissolvables Flavors - Strips will come in fresh mint flavor and Sticks in Mellow; Orbs are now available in both flavors. Mellow - as an adjective (e.g. mellow Camel ORBS) can be defined as soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness. The other flavor fresh mint like spearmint and peppermint are often the varieties of fresh mint that are used to flavor candy, desserts, and other items.
Camel ORBS - are available in fresh mint and mellow that user places in their mouth but does not chew. We have visually compared ORBS with the Tic Tacs - brand of small, hard sweet pellets centered around breath mints, though the line includes non-mint flavors.

Both products are pellets both are placed in your mouth until dissolved; these pellets are sweet, contain flavoring and other ingredients, of course the ORBS has added powdered tobacco. The original Tic Tac flavor has a fresh mint flavor. We wonder if a user can tell he difference - the tobacco taste surely must be masked.
Camel Dissolvables resemble forms of candy products. It's impossible to prevent our children from giving these products a try. It only takes a few tries for a youngster to soon become addicted to nicotine. We can expect our future leaders - our children to end up as slaves to nicotine never able to reach their full potential.
"Our Highest Priority Has To Be Keeping Children From Beginning To Use Tobacco Products" Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the USA.
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