November 25, 2009 - Conwood Company, LLC, is changing its name to American Snuff Company, LLC, effective January 1, 2010. Conwood, the nation's second largest manufacturer of smokeless tobacco products, is an operating company of Reynolds American Inc.
The company name change will not affect any of the company's operations, products or staffing levels.
"Reassuming our historical company name emphasizes our commitment to the core values on which our company was founded," said Bryan K. Stockdale, Conwood's president and chief executive officer. "We are focused on delivering the highest quality smokeless tobacco products to our customers and adult tobacco consumers, and returning to our historical company name drives that home."
American Snuff Company was founded before 1900. In 1912, American Snuff Company's headquarters moved from New York to Memphis, and for 40 years, the company manufactured dry snuff. In the 1950s and 1960s, the company began diversifying, acquiring manufacturers of chewing tobaccos, as well as companies that manufactured shoe polish, popcorn, theater supplies and yogurt. In 1966, to reflect its diversified operations, the company changed its name to Conwood Company.
Since the 1980s, Conwood has divested all its non-tobacco lines of business and focused solely on smokeless tobacco products. Its Grizzly brand is the best-selling brand of moist snuff in the U.S.
Conwood Company, LLC is the nation's second-largest manufacturer of smokeless tobacco products. Its leading brands are Grizzly, Kodiak and Levi Garrett. Conwood also sells and distributes a variety of tobacco products manufactured by Lane, Limited, including Winchester and Captain Black little cigars, and Bugler roll-your-own tobacco.
Reference: Conwood Company to Change Name to American Snuff Company by: PR Newswire, 11/24/2009.

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