Click to enlarge..January 22, 2011 - Back in October 2010 we reported that graphic images warning of the dangers of smoking could be printed on cigarette packets in Jersey. The proposals was due to be debated by the States Assembley in November. Packets already carry written information about the health risks of tobacco. (Jersey and Guernsey - graphic warnings on cigarette packs..)
Jersey politicians have now voted in favour of putting graphic images on cigarette packets in the island. It is hoped the graphic images will help the two thirds of smokers who say they want to quit to do so. Cigarette packets will include images of throat cancer, blackened lungs and ageing skin.
Smoking is thought to be the greatest single cause of preventable illness and early death in Jersey, health officials say it kills about 150 people annually.
Andrew Heaven, head of health improvement, said he also hoped the images will stop young people taking up the habit. "It is just one of a number of measures we are putting in place to try and persuade people not to take up the habit and encourage smokers to quit. These messages and pictures are showing the harm caused by tobacco and encouraging smokers to have a go and quit," he said.
The decision to put graphic warnings on cigarette packets in Jersey has been described as a "welcome step" towards reducing the number of people smoking. Mr Heaven said he was committed to cutting tobacco use. He said: "We have over the past ten years done very well and this is all about momentum and making sure we continue to ensure we give every opportunity for those smokers to quit."
Reference: Jersey smokers to see graphic images on cigarette packs, BBC News, 1/22/2011.
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