February 24, 2011 - Briefly Ghana was the 39th country in the world to sign unto the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the first country in West Africa sub-region to ratify it in 2004. In its efforts at meeting this demand the National Tobacco Steering Committee (NTSC) started formulating a national tobacco control bill in 2005 for the attention of government. It is almost six years now since the drafting of the bill was concluded but, clearly, there is little indication that the bill will be passed into law anytime soon. Then also the issue of whether the bill should form part of the general Public Health Bill or be made to stand alone. (Ghana - smoking and tobacco use now part of general public health bill..)
PAPER: Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in selected public places (PM2.5 and air nicotine) and non-smoking employees (hair nicotine) in Ghana, Wilfred Agbenyikey1, Edith Wellington, John Gyapong, Mark J Travers, Patrick N Breysse, Kathleen M McCarty, Ana Navas-Acien (anavas@jhsph.edu), Tob Control 2011;20:107-111, ABSTRACT/FULL TEXT..
Ghana to ban smoking in public places in November 2008..
To protect all people from the health effects of second-hand smoke (SHS), the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) legally binds signatory countries to implement legislations that eliminate smoking in all indoor public places and workplaces.2 11 Political influence of multinational tobacco companies remains a major obstacle for the implementation of smoke-free legislations in African countries.12 Indeed, despite the large number of African countries that have ratified the FCTC (39 as of July 2009), only a few (Djibouti, Kenya, Mauritius, Niger and South Africa) have passed legislation addressing tobacco control in public places.1
What this paper adds
In Ghana, as in most countries in Africa, little is known about the extent of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure in public places. This study measured particulate matter of 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and air nicotine concentrations in hospitality venues and hair nicotine concentrations in non-smoking employees in Ghana.
SHS levels were unacceptably high in public places in Ghana where smoking is allowed, comparable to those measured in American, Asian and European countries without or before smoking bans.
Implementing a comprehensive smoke-free legislation that protects workers and customers from SHS exposure in indoor public places is urgently needed in Ghana.
References: Where Is Ghana’s Tobacco Control Bill?JEORGE WILSON KINGSON, GhanaWeb, 2/24/2011.
Second hand smoke, passive smoking, environmental smoking, involuntary smoking- sidestream smoke)
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