Saturday, August 21, 2010

C-store Update - cigar makers are getting a free ride..

August 22, 2010 - Click on any image to enlarge..

Federal health officials banned the sale of flavored cigarettes on Tuesday, September 22nd in its first major action since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was given authority of regulate tobacco. (Clove cigars close but not cigarettes..)The FDA Commissioner, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, was quick to point out that these flavored cigarettes are a gateway for many children and young adults to become regular smokers.

Unfortunately, these flavored cigarettes at present are not even one percent of the cigarette market. Further action on the part of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products must include an expansion of the ban to include all flavored tobacco products such as cigars, cigarillos, snuff, chewing tobacco, dissolvable tobacco products, blunt wraps). As pointed out in an FDA Parental Advisory - these kinds of flavored products make tobacco products especially appealing to kids, and can lead to a lifetime of tobacco addiction.

But nothing is happening - meanwhile tobacco makers are getting bolder and bolder especially in regard to cigarillos (just like cigarettes but wrapped in a tobacco leaf) with the release of new flavored products to entice young adults to give them a try. This means they are indirectly targeting kids because they want to act like young adults.

The Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC) seems to be able to focus on one subject at a time - the future of menthol cigarettes. The last meeting had dissolvable tobacco products (like pellets, sticks and edible strips for the tongue) on the agenda but were removed at the last moment to devote all the time to menthol cigarettes. (FDA CTR Scientific Advisory Committee to meet - dissolvable tobacco products..; Back In April, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg urged the FDA to pull the dissolvable tobacco products from stores until the agency could conduct a study of their effects on children and teenagers.)

What can be accomplished regarding menthol cigarettes. Menthol cigarettes have continued to gain in popularity and represent as much as 35% of market share of a $70-80 billion business. The advisory group should have NO problem in recommending (in the report due on March. 2011) that mentholated cigarettes be removed from the market. The major task will be to determine how this can be accomplished. Just stop and think how many people will lose their jobs. Newport, gives Lorillard 94% of its revenue, 92% of its volumes, 34% share of all menthol cigarette sales in the US, as well as an overall domestic tobacco market share of 10%. The union representing nearly 4,000 tobacco workers sent a letter to the FDA's TPSAC, warning that a ban could lead to "severe jobs loss" and black market cigarettes. (More on the defense of menthol - the Tobacco Industry..)

Today we want to concentrate on cigars - mainly cigarillos.. Cigar makers are getting a free ride.. There are no provision in the rule released by FDA apply to cigars (
U.S. FDA publishes rules to protect our children that restrict advertising and marketing of tobacco products..), the PACT Act does not apply to cigars (Pact Act did not apply to cigars..) and the Head of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products, Dr. Lawrence Deyton last May told a members of the Tobacco Merchants Association they are not sure if they'll do a study to see if cigars should be closely regulated. (FDA CTP Director speaks at Tobacco Merchants Association annual conference..)

As part of the FDA rule that became effective on June 22, 2010 there is a provision that prohibits the sale of cigarette packages with less than 20 cigarettes. But an even more important rule would be to prohibit the sale of inexpensive (cheap, low priced) cigars sold individually (single, loosies) at convenience stores and gas stations. Such cigars are often marketed in youth-friendly flavors such as cherry, apple and lime and are sold for as little as 49 (forty-nine) cents to $1. (John Middleton challenges ban on single cigar sales..) see news brief: Prohibit the sale of inexpensive machine-made cigars..; (C-store update: stop sales of single cigars, smokeless tobacco health warnings, etc..)

John Middleton Co. maker of the multi-flavored Black & Mild Cigars, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altria Group, Inc., also got into the act. Their second flavored cigarillo entry is called Royale. From what c-store personnel tell us it tastes like cognac, a variety of brandy.

Ballers Choice promotion on You Tube..
USA FDA - CTP - highly popular machine made flavored cigars.. Royal Blunts is the manufacture of Royal Blunts Cigar Wraps and Ballers Choice Cigars. (Boston's ban on blunt wraps stands..)

Last c-store update..

The next c-store update on other topics within c-stores will be released in a few days.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Maldives - president ratifies Tobacco Control bill passed by Parliament..

Click to enlarge, Maldives Coat-of-Arms:

August 20, 2010 - MALE, Maldives – President Mohamed Nasheed Wednesday, August 18th ratified Tobacco Control Bill passed by the parliament on August 2.

The bill submitted by the government on July 22, 2009 prohibited public smoking. However, the parliamentary committee that studied the bill amended the article allowing smoking in public places such as parks and halls. (Tobacco control bill passed allowing public smoking,, 8/2/2010)

The Act states measures to control tobacco use including prohibition of growing and advertising tobacco and tobacco products, how such products could be imported and exported, how they can be wholesaled and retailed. It also states standards for packaging and labelling tobacco products and principles for taxing such products.

According to the Act, smoking is not allowed in a workplace or part of a workplace specified by a regulation.

The Act specifies smoking be prohibited in health centres, mosques, child welfare centres, educational institutes, government authorities, sports institutes, and playgrounds. It also makes involving a minor in trade or use of tobacco illegal.

The Act makes it mandatory for the President to appoint a Tobacco Control Board within 60 days of ratification. The board should be headed by a cabinet minister and should consist of representatives from relevant government ministries, tobacco control experts, public health experts, consumer protection groups, civil society and commercial organisations.

Previous news brief: October 2009 - Maldives - tobacco control bill under consideration..

Reference: President ratifies Tobacco Control Bill,, 8/19/2010.

Maldives signed (May 17, 2004) and ratified (May 20, 2004) the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Treaty.

Florida - PM USA to challenge verdict in the Piendle v. RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris USA case..

August 20, 2010 - Philip Morris USA (PM USA) said yesterday, August 19th it would seek further review of a jury verdict in a Palm Beach County case that awarded $4 million in compensatory damages against the defendants and $90,000 in punitive damages against PM USA.

Because the jury allocated 47 percent of the fault to the plaintiff, 27.5 percent to RJ Reynolds and the remainder to PM USA, PM USA’s share of the compensatory damages is expected to be $1.1 million.

The verdict came at the end of a six-week trial of a so-called Engle progeny case (Piendle v. RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris USA) following a 2006 Florida Supreme Court decision that decertified a class action but allowed former class members to file individual lawsuits. (Cigarette Makers Face Thousands of New Florida Lawsuits..)

Florida - tobacco companies ordered to pay $2.2 million to widow of smoker..

The Piendle case, like the other pending cases, sprung from a 1994 Miami class-action lawsuit. A jury in 1999 awarded smokers and their survivors $145 billion in damages after finding that cigarette companies negligently omitted and concealed facts about the dangers of smoking. Background: The original Florida lawsuit was filed in 1994 by a Miami Beach pediatrician, Dr. Howard Engle, who had smoked for decades and couldn't quit. The class of smokers was estimated at up to 700,000 when the giant $145 billion award was issued in 2000. (Dr. Howard A. Engle, the veteran pediatrician who lent his name to a landmark class action suit against Big Tobacco, dies..)

PM USA believes the entire verdict nonetheless should be reversed because it is the direct result of numerous errors by the district court, including the court’s rulings eliminating any requirement that this plaintiff prove that the company did anything wrong that caused her injury.”

“This verdict and the plaintiffs’ verdicts in other recent Florida cases all violate Florida law and due process by allowing juries to rely on general findings by a prior jury that are totally unrelated to these particular plaintiffs,” said Murray Garnick, Altria Client Services senior vice president and associate general counsel, speaking on behalf of PM USA.

Reference: PM USA to challenge verdict in Engle case, Tobacco Reporter, 8/20/2010.

Some related news briefs in Florida:
Florida - tobacco companies ordered to pay $2.2 million to widow of smoker..;
Florida - individual cases against big tobacco can move forward, can rely on Engle jury findings..;
Florida - jury awards smoker $21M from Philp Morris USA.;
Florida - can big tobacco survive all these lawsuits they continue to lose??;
Florida - big tobacco loses another case..;
Florida - jury awards $26.6 million to smoker's widow..;
Florida - 9 year old case, appeals court upholds $24.8 million award..;
Florida - $300 million jury award to former smoker overturned..;
Florida - jury awards $300 million in ex-smoker's suit..;
Florida - tobacco companies ask court to block ruling..;
Florida - plaintiff drops case to avoid paying legal fees for Philip Morris USA..;
R.J. Reynolds to appeal plaintiff's award of $30 million..;
R.J. Reynolds loses Florida court trial - widow gets $30 million..;
Broward County Florida jury awards widow of smoker $1.5 million..

PAPER: Headaches in teens related to lifestyle factors..

August 20, 2010 - The study was conducted to examine the relationship between recurrent headache disorders (i.e., migraine and tension-type headache) and lifestyle factors (overweight, low physical activity, and smoking) in an unselected population study among adolescents.

PAPER: An unfavorable lifestyle and recurrent headaches among adolescents. The HUNT Study, L. Robberstad, G. Dyb MD, PhD, K. Hagen MD, PhD, L. J. Stovner MD, PhD, T. L. Holmen MD, PhD, and J. A. Zwart (, MD PhD, Neurology, published online before print August 18, 2010, ABSTRACT..

In this cross-sectional study from Norway, a total of 5,847 students age 13 to 18 were interviewed about headache complaints and completed a comprehensive questionnaire including items concerning physical activity and smoking. In addition, they underwent a clinical examination with height and weight measurements. Adolescents with high physical activity who were not current smokers and not overweight were classified as having a good lifestyle status. These students were compared to those with 1 or more of the negative lifestyle factors present in regard to headache diagnosis and headache frequency.

Out of the group, 36 percent of girls and 21 percent of boys reported having recurrent headaches within the last year. A total of 16 percent of the students were overweight, 19 percent were smokers, and 31 percent exercised less than twice a week.

The results from the present study show that overweight, smoking, or low physical activity are independently and in combination associated with recurrent headache among adolescents. The associations observed and the additive effect of these negative lifestyle factors on the prevalence of recurrent headache indicates possible targets for preventive measures.

Teens with all three of the negative lifestyle factors were 3.4 times more likely to have frequent headaches than those with none of the negative lifestyle factors. Of those with all three negative lifestyle factors, 55 percent had frequent headaches, compared to 25 percent of those with no negative lifestyle factors. Those with two negative factors were 1.8 times more likely to have frequent headaches.

Overweight teens were 40 percent more likely to have frequent headaches than those with no negative factors. Teens who smoked were 50 percent more likely to have frequent headaches, and teens who exercised less than twice a week were 20 percent more likely to have frequent headaches than those who exercised at least twice a week and had no other negative factors.

Study author John-Anker Zwart, MD, PhD, of the University of Oslo said the study suggests that the treatment and prevention of headaches in teens may need to include management of healthy habits such as regular exercise, healthy food choices and stopping smoking.

"These lifestyle factors have rarely been studied in teens," said Andrew D. Hershey, MD, PhD, of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and a member of the American Academy of Neurology, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study. "This study is a vital step toward a better understanding of lifestyle factors and potential preventive measures that can be taken." (EDITORIAL: Lifestyles of the young and migrainous, Andrew D. Hershey and Richard B. Lipton, Neurology, first published on August 18, 2010)

Related study: Smokers Have More Migraine Attacks,

Reference: Headaches in teens tied to overweight, smoking and lack of exercise, EurekAlert, 8/18/2010.

Nova Scotia, Canada - provincial court tobacco display ban violates store owner's rights..

August 20, 2010 - The provincial court (Judge Claudine MacDonald) issued a decision supporting a tobacco shop owner’s claim that the Tobacco Access Act infringed on his right to freedom of expression and his ability to communicate with customers.

Maders Tobacco Shop in Kentville, owned by Bob Gee, was charged in July 2009 for failure to comply with the storage and display requirements of the Tobacco Access Act. The Tobacco Access Act prohibits vendors from advertising and prominently displaying tobacco products behind store counters. The vendor contested the charge under section 2(b)of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, freedom of expression.

In a press release, the Government of Nova Scotia emphasized despite the court decision issued today, provincial tobacco legislation is still in effect. “The most important thing is that this legislation is still valid and will continue to protect the health and safety of young people, non-smokers and tobacco users looking to stop,” said acting Minister of Health Promotion and Protection Graham Steele. “We have a strong argument demonstrating the importance of this legislation. It’s a key piece of our work to reduce smoking rates and improve the health of Nova Scotians.”

A recent Stanford University study found that teens are twice as likely to try smoking if they frequent stores plastered with cigarette displays..

The court case is ongoing. Now that a decision has been reached, the province has an opportunity to present arguments on Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to demonstrate that an infringement on freedom of expression is necessary for the public good. The next court date is October 6, 2010, when a date will be set for the province to present arguments on Section 1.

In the meantime, the legislation remains in effect, said Graham Steele, the acting minister of health promotion and protection.

Back in June 2007 Nova Scotia became the eighth province to ban tobacco advertising in retail stores, joining Saskatchewan (March 11, 2002), Manitoba (January 1, 2004), Nunavut (February 1, 2004, Prince Edward Island (June 1, 2006), Ontario (May 31, 2008), Quebec (May 31, 2008), and Northwest Territories (awaiting proclamation).

Nova Scotia (NS) - ban on point of sale tobacco advertising
The province can appeal to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court if it loses the constitutional hearing. If Gees loses, the charges will stand and the case will continue in the court system.

Canadian Cancer Society lawyer Rob Cunningham expressed disappointment with MacDonald’s decision. All provinces have adopted legislation similar to Nova Scotia’s that bans tobacco displays, he said.

References: Judge: Tobacco-display ban violates store owner’s rights Kentville merchant wins first round in court fight with province by JOHN McPHEE ( Health Reporter,, 8/19/2010; NS: Court rules in favour of Kentville tobacco shop owner by Staff, Transcontinental Media, Source: The Daily Business Buzz, 8/18/2010.

Utah - bill introduced that makes it a misdemeanor to buy or sell flavored tobacco products..

August 20, 2010 - Flavored nicotine candies and mints, tobacco and moist snuff would be outlawed in Utah under a bill introduced yesterday at the state legislature. Representative Paul Ray’s bill is a stricter version of failed proposal from earlier this year. He says it’s intended to protect children attracted to the flavors like bubblegum, grape, cherry and chocolate. And this is something he knows from first-hand experience.

“I actually had some samples of the nicotine candies at home one day. And my seven-year-old came up with the packet one day, I had them sealed in a package, and said, ‘Dad, can I have some of your candy?’ I no longer keep that at my house anymore,” Ray said.

The Utah Department of Health conducted a study on nicotine novelties that shows children are confused by the products, thinking they’re candy, and 40 percent of the children polled said they’d consider trying them just based on the packaging.

The FDA banned flavored cigarettes last year, but exempted menthols, smokeless tobacco and cigars. Ray’s bill makes it a misdemeanor to buy or sell flavored tobacco and nicotine candies, but exempts electronic cigarettes and tobacco cessation products.

Back in March 2010 the Utah County Health Department was turning its attention to tobacco lozenges. Kari Schmidt, with the department's promotions division, said the department will work on a public-education campaign targeting dissolvable tobacco products, such as Camel Orbs. The products look like lozenges, breath strips or candy sticks, yet contain up to three times the amount of nicotine found in a cigarette.

Schmidt told the Utah County Board of Health that an effort to regulate the products, which are packaged like candy or mints, failed to pass the legislature.

Health officials say the products are the tobacco industry's latest attempt to hook people as smoking itself becomes restricted or socially unacceptable. The new products, Schmidt said, appear to be targeted at youth.

Provo, Utah - county warns about dangers of dissolvable tobacco products..

But Dave Davis, who represents Utah merchants, told the committee the flavored products aren’t intended for children. And he said the state would be embarking on a slippery slope.

“Today, we’re talking about tobacco and tomorrow it may be caffeine, because it has some of the same characteristics as well,” Davis said. “And further on down the road, the government may decide that maybe that Twinkie is not so good for you, or trans-fats.”

References: Flavored Tobacco Ban Gets First Legislative Hearing by Elizabeth Ziegler, KCPW, 8/19/2010; Utah lawmaker wants to ban flavored tobacco, Daily Herald - Associated Press, 8/17/2010.

Other Utah news briefs:
Utah - governor does not prevent tobacco tax increase from becoming law..;
Provo, Utah - county warns about dangers of dissolvable tobacco products..;
Utah - lawmakers approve one dollar increase in tax on a pack of cigarettes - now measure goes to governor..;
Utah - increase tobacco excise tax by $1.00 - we doubt it will happen..;
Proposal to increase Utah cigarette tax falters..;
Utah - philanthropist Jon Huntsman Sr., supports big boost in tobacco tax..;
Utah Bars Go Smokefree January 1, 2009..;
Utah moves from a tax based on the percentage of sales price to one based on the weight - independent of price of smokeless tobacco product..

Lorillard claims not liable in a 2004 lawsuit by a former black Newport smoker..

August 20, 2010 - A Boston judge delayed ruling Monday, August 16th on Lorillard Tobacco Co.'s request to reject a lawsuit that accuses the nation's third-largest tobacco company of targeting black youth in its cigarette marketing.

Judge Linda Giles of Suffolk Superior Court told lawyers for both sides she wanted to review the case filings as well as previous court cases before ruling on Lorillard's request for a favorable decision without going to trial. "I have reviewed your submissions," Giles told the lawyers. "I have not digested them.

The case is thought to be the first lawsuit to accuse a tobacco company of targeting black youth in its marketing.

The 2004 lawsuit was filed by Will Evans, the son of Marie Evans, who died of lung cancer in 2002 at age 54. Lawyers for the family say the Greensboro, N.C.-based company should be held responsible for Marie Evans' exposure to cigarettes from the time she was 9 and for her eventual addiction to tobacco.

Attorneys for Lorillard argued at Monday's hearing that the family has not presented enough evidence to prove at trial that the company is responsible for Marie Evans' 40-year smoking addiction and the effect it had on her health.

The judge said if she decides to allow the case to go forward, the trial will begin November 1, 2010.

According to the plaintiff's lawyers, Marie Evans started getting free Newport cigarettes in her Boston neighborhood when she was 9, initially trading the cigarettes for candy then smoking them when she turned 13. As a child, she was too young to recognize the dangers of smoking and was lured into the habit by Lorillard advertising, the lawyers say.

The plaintiff's lawyers also claimed Monday that Lorillard committed battery (an intentional unpermitted act causing harmful or offensive contact with the "person" of another) against Marie Evans when she was offered cigarettes as a child. Attorney Rebecca McIntyre said sales people who frequently distributed cigarettes in Marie Evans' neighborhood wore shirts with Newport's colors on them and sometimes arrived in a van that carried the Newport logo.

But Lorillard attorney Andrew McElaney said, "There is no evidence in this case that will support the finding that Lorillard Tobacco Co. gave Marie Evans cigarettes."

In Richard Kluger's book Ashes to Ashes Ashes pg 700 Joe Tye's organization, Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco (STAT), caught Lorillard in the act of sampling youngsters with Newports from a van painted green and orange and bearing the brand's slogan, "Alive with Pleasure," in large, equally attention-getting letters on the strets of the nation's capital.
In addition, he said, the lawsuit should have been filed within three years of a heart attack Marie Evans suffered in 1985 to meet the statute of limitations.
Reference: Lorillard says not liable for smoker's addiction by LYLE MORAN - Associated Press Writer, Raleigh News & Observer - Associated Press, 8/16/2010.

Massachusetts - some related news briefs:
Boston, Massachusetts - next, ban smoking in all public housing..;
Boston, MA. - gets federal stimulus funding for obesity and tobacco prevention projects..;
Massachusetts - senate votes to license 3-totally no-smoking casinos..;
Massachusetts - City of Everett to ban tobacco sales in pharmacies..;
Massachusetts - may force retailers to display graphic warning signs of perils of tobacco..;
Massachusetts - jury rejects condo owner's lawsuit that realtor did not inform that neighbor smoked..;
Massachusetts - YOUTH - cigars and smokeless tobacco use surpasses cigarettes..;
Successful Massachusetts tobacco cessation program gets national attention..;
Massachusettes - lower income smokers giving up their nicotine addiction..;
Massachusettes - smoker loses job and then loses in federal court..;
Massachusetts - smokeless tobacco purchasers settle class action suit..;
Boston's ban on blunt wraps stands..;
Boston - NO Tobacco Products Sold - Pharmacies/College Campuses..;
Massachusetts cigarette tax jumps $1 per pack..;
Massachusetts (MA) Likely to Increase Tobacco tax..;
Massachusettes - Smoking ban drop in fatal heart attacks..;

BAT COO resigns from Reynolds American board of directors..

August 20, 2010 - Reynolds American Inc. said today that Nicandro Durante, the chief operating officer (COO) of British American Tobacco PLC (BAT), will resign from the Reynolds board of directors, effective December 1, 2010.

In June, Durante was named by BAT, as the heir apparent to its chief executive post. He will take over as chief executive in late February 2011 when Paul Adams retires. Durante will become chief executive designate on September 1, 2010 BAT said. Durante joined BAT in 1981, and has served in senior management in Brazil, Hong Kong and Britain.

Durante joined the Reynolds board in 2008 as one of five BAT appointees. BAT owns 42 percent of Reynolds as part of the 2004 deal in which Reynolds bought Brown & Williamson Corp., the U.S. subsidiary of BAT.

Since that deal was completed, analysts have speculated that BAT would buy a majority ownership stake in Reynolds once a 10-year moratorium on buying more shares ends in 2014.

Reynolds said that John Daly, BAT's regional director for Asia-Pacific, has been nominated to succeed Durante, effective Dec. 1. Reynolds' board of directors will vote on Daly's nomination at its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 1.

Jane Seccombe, a Reynolds spokeswoman, said that under the terms of the governance agreement BAT would have the right to designate Durante's successor.

Reference: Durante to resign from Reynolds American board by Richard Craver Journal Reporter, Winston-Salem Journal, 8/18/2010.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New York - Senecas asking for Bloomberg to resign over remarks he made..

NY State Thruway - 1997..
August 19, 2010 - An upstate Indian tribe is calling on Mayor Bloomberg to resign over "inflammatory and racially insensitive" remarks he made last week. Short of quitting, the Seneca Indian Nation tribal council passed a resolution urging Bloomberg to issue a written apology.

Bloomberg infuriated Senecas by suggesting Gov. Paterson collect disputed cigarette taxes while wearing a cowboy hat and wielding a shotgun.

In 1997, the Senecas burned tires and shut down part of the Thruway following an attempt that year by the state to tax Indian suppliers. (Tax Protest Turns Into A Scuffle As Indians Briefly Block Thruway from Tribune News Services, Chicago Tribune, 4/21/1997)

Bloomberg: "And you know, the Indians said, 'We're going to shut down the roads if you don't let us continue to sell cigarettes without taxes.'

"Now, why every governor -- I've said this to David Paterson, I said, you know, 'Get yourself a cowboy hat and a shotgun. If there's ever a great video, it's you standing in the middle of the New York State Thurway saying, you know, 'Read my lips -- the law of the land is this, and we're going to enforce the law.' But the, just think about it."

Mayor Bloomberg To Gov. Paterson: Become The Sheriff Of Cigarette Street, The Daily Politics by Celeste Katz, NY Daily News, 8/13/2010.

Under recent thearts from NYS Gov. Patterson to collect taxes on cigarettes sold on their reservation, Seneca Nation President, Barry Snyder Sr. said: 'a system for the nation to collect tolls on the NYS Thruway' [interstate 90], is being designed. His
plan includes collecting $2 per car on the 300 acres of Seneca Land inside the Reservation. [this part of RT.90 goes through the reservation] Mr. Snyder is allocating $1 million for 'emergency response personal' to protect his people from a state sponsored attack. (Senaca Indian Nation: Threatens tolls on NYS Thruway, Prison Planet Forum, 1/14/2009)

VIDEO - Will Native American tribe block New York Thruway again?, The Buffalo Post, 6/23/2010..
The tribe is asking a federal judge to block Paterson's push to collect state cigarette taxes sold on reservations next month.

Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser indicated there is no reason to apologize. "The Supreme Court has ruled several times that tribes have no right to sell cigarettes in violation of state tax laws," he said.

Reference: Seneca Indian Nation calls for Mayor Bloomberg to resign over 'racially insensitive' remarks by Kenneth Lovett, DAILY NEWS ALBANY BUREAU CHIEF, NY Daily News, 8/18/2010.

MMWR - Smoking in Top-Grossing Movies --- United States, 1991--2009..

August 19, 2010 - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) - August 20, 2010 / 59(32);1014-1017

Exposure to onscreen smoking in movies increases the probability that youths will start smoking. Youths who are heavily exposed to onscreen smoking are approximately two to three times more likely to begin smoking than youths who are lightly exposed (1); a similar, but smaller effect exists for young adults (2). To monitor the extent to which tobacco use is shown in popular movies, Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down! (TUTD), a project of Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails, counted the occurrences of tobacco use (termed "incidents") shown in U.S. top-grossing movies during 1991--2009. This report summarizes the results of that study, which found that the number of tobacco incidents depicted in the movies during this period peaked in 2005 and then progressively declined.

READ Report: Smoking in Top-Grossing Movies --- United States, 1991--2009..

New York State - Seneca Indian Nation files sued to block enforcement of a plan to collect cigarette taxes..

August 19, 2010 - An increase in tobacco taxes and a plan to collect taxes from cigarettes sold on American Indian reservations was approved Monday, June 21st by New York State lawmakers. (New York State - tobacco taxes increase, will be highest in nation once again..; New York State - as of August 1st OTPs tax goes up such as little cigars will be taxed at same rate as cigarettes..)

The Seneca Indian Nation sued the Governor Paterson administration in U.S. District Court in Buffalo on Tuesday, August 17th to block enforcement of a plan to gain tax collections on sales of cigarettes at Native American stores. Papers were filed around 5 p.m. naming Governor David Paterson, Acting Tax Commissioner Jamie Woodward and the State Police.

The Seneca tribal government said in a statement that a complaint was filed in the Western District of New York challenging "as substantively infirm" recent amendments to state Tax Law and emergency regulations put forth by the Department of Taxation and Finance in an effort to implement the new statutes.

The tax collection is supposed to commence September 1, 2010.

In the meantime, the tribal government -- which is supported by other tribes -- is appealing to Paterson and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to hold off on implementing the collection program while the case is in the court.

Court papers say the Seneca have a tribal tax stamp already, and that the "well-regulated tobacco economy" supports 18 Seneca-licensed stamping agents and 140 licensed cigarette retailers, all of which employ about 3,000 Indian and non-Indian workers. The tribe intends to file a motion for a preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order Friday and ask for a court hearing on August 27. 2010.

Related news brief: Mail order cigarette sellers from the Seneca Nation and elsewhere were handed another setback at federal court..

Reference: Senecas file suit to block state tax by JAMES M. ODATO Capitol Bureau, Times Union, 8/18/2010.

Pennsylvania - appellate court sides with R.J. Reynolds for running ad in Rolling Stones Magazine in 2007..

August 19, 2010 - HARRISBURG, PA. — A Pennsylvania appellate court is siding with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in a lawsuit over advertising that the company ran in Rolling Stone magazine in 2007. The state Commonwealth Court's Tuesday decision overturned a Philadelphia judge who ordered Reynolds to pay a $302,000 fine or pay for an anti-smoking ad in a Pennsylvania edition of the magazine.

At issue was a fold-out Camel ad promoting independent record labels that was placed next to illustrations produced by the magazine. The court concludes that the Reynolds ad contained no cartoons and Reynolds had no control over the placement of the magazine's illustrations.

In California on June 29, 2010 the Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled that same advertisement depicting flying radios with helicopter rotors, jet-propelled tractors and televisions growing from the ground on plant stalks violated a 1998 settlement barring the use of cartoons in cigarette advertising. (California - court of appeal rules against R.J. Reynolds for running ad in Rolling Stones Magazine in 2007..) For further Background Information on the cases regarding this same ad in other states click on the new brief tittle above.

A spokesman for Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett says his office is weighing whether to appeal.

DISAPPOINTMENT: Pennsylvania remains the only state in the nation without a tax on smokeless tobacco. It and Florida don't tax cigars.

Reference: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. wins Pa. appeal in advertising case, Associated Press, 8/17/2010.

Directly related news briefs:
California - court of appeal rules against R.J. Reynolds for running ad in Rolling Stones Magazine in 2007..;
Ohio - Supreme Court rules in favor of R.J. Reynolds in Rolling Stones magazine multi-page ad..;
Connecticut - settlement with R.J. Reynolds cartoon cigarette ads..;
Washington State - R.J. Reynolds found guilty of violating ban on cartoons..;
Pennsylvania - Judge rules Camel Ads Violated Ban On Cartoons..;
RJR drops print ads...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quebec, Canada - one-third of hospital beds occupied by smokers..

Click to enlarge any image..
Study suggests that smokers are taking up hospital beds and costing the Quebec health-care system millions a year. Researchers found that those who smoke, or used to smoke heavily, occupy 32.6 percent of hospital beds in the province. The report concludes that caring for smokers in hospital costs Quebec's health-care system $930 million a year.

"[Quebec is] certainly lagging behind other provinces, and behind ... measures taken by the United States [when it comes to efforts to curb smoking]," said Pierre-Yves Crémieux, a University of Quebec in Montreal economics professor and one of the study's co-authors. Crémieux said Quebec is behind despite recent efforts to regulate and reduce smoking.

Dr. Gaston Ostiguy, a physician at the Montreal Chest Institute, said most of the patients he sees started smoking a long time ago. "What we see at the moment, is that we are facing the hard-core smokers," said Ostiguy, who tells four people a day that they have lung cancer. Ostiguy said he hoped the study would force the province to do more to discourage young people from picking up smoking.

While provincial health officials are not promising any immediate changes in light of the study, the ministry acknowledged that tobacco-related illnesses are taking their toll on the system.

The Health Ministry is preparing to file a multibillion-dollar class-action lawsuit against the tobacco industry to recuperate some of its losses. (Quebec - intends to sue cigarette makers to recoup health costs..)

Officials are also looking into stronger anti-smoking legislation in the fall, including banning smoking in cars when children are around. (June 16, 2008 - Canadian province of Ontario bans smoking in cars with kids under 16..) The majority of Canadians (82%) say they support a ban on smoking in vehicles with children younger than 18 years of age, according to a national poll released today by the Canadian Cancer Society. The poll results also show that more than two-thirds of smokers (69%) support a ban. (Overwhelming majority of Canadians support ban on smoking in cars with kids — two-thirds of smokers also support ban, Canadian Cancer Society, 1/16/2008)

Reference: Smokers occupy one-third of hospital beds: study, CBCNews, 8/16/2010.

Some news briefs with Quebec in tittle:
Quebec, Canada - turning immigrant kids into smokers..;
Quebec - survey finds more teenagers are smoking..;
Quebec - push to stop trade in illicit cigarettes..;
Canadian - McGill University - light smoking damages arteries, reducing bodies' ability to deal with physical stress.;
Canada Ontario/Quebec - make it illegal for minors to possess tobacco products..;
Quebec - intends to sue cigarette makers to recoup health costs..;
Congratulations to the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario for Eliminating the Display of Tobacco Signs and Tobacco Products in Retail Outlets.;
Quebec - Teens Switch from Cigarettes to Cigarillos..;

Philippines - President Aquino has stated he will prioritize increase in the tax on cigarettes..

August 18, 2010 - President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III on Monday, August 16th said he will most likely prioritize increase in the tax on cigarette as recently proposed by the Department of Health (DOH).

Health Secretary Enrique Ona has been pushing for a 400 percent increase in cigarette tax that would adjust price of a cigarette stick from P2 to P7 and a pack from P30 (0.67 USD) to P120 (2.67 USD). (Philippines - DOH pushing for hefty tax increase on cigarettes..)

“Most probably (because) it is sin taxes,” Aquino said in an ambush interview following the oath-taking of newly-appointed Supreme Court associate justice Maria Lourdes Sereno in Malacanang. Sin tax is a tax levied to socially proscribed goods and services such as tobacco and alcohol.

The President, who himself is a smoker, said he favored increasing taxes on sin products such as cigarettes, noting its benefits to public health. “This sin products have a health burden on the people, may peso value yung healt burden na yan tapos yung taxes versus the health burden are not equal,” he stressed. (Philippines - new president smokes but this should not slow tobacco prevention activities..)

This move intends to lessen smokers in the country especially among the youth and mitigate the health cost that would arise from cigarette use.

Reference: Aquino to support cigarette tax (3:30 p.m.), Jill Beltran/Sunnex,, 8/16/2010.

Philippines - some related news briefs:
Philippines - DOH pushing for hefty tax increase on cigarettes..;
Philippines - Muslim council says smoking is forbidden..;
Philippines - PMFTC has 90% of the tobacco market..;
Philippines - Philip Morris report sales higher than annual 2-3% growth..;
Philippines - National Tobacco Assoc. will oppose any move to reduce demand for tobacco unless govt..;
Philippines - tobacco industry has obtained temporary relief from placing graphic warnings on cigarette packs..;
Philippines - govt agencies and employees barred from unnessary interaction with tobacco industry..;
Philippines - Filipino Muslims forbidden to smoke, trade cigarettes..;
Philippine congress proclaims Aquino 15th president..;
Philippines - tobacco firms claim graphic warnings on cigarette packs are illegal..;
Philippines - new president smokes but this should not slow tobacco prevention activities..:
Philippines - Department of Health wants health warnings on cigarette packs within 90 days..;
Philippines - health groups want more protection from the dangers of tobacco..;
Philippines - DOH warns government agencies to avoid partnerships or accepting donations from tobacco manufacturers..;
Philip Morris Philippines..;
Philippines - DoH pushes for picture warnings on cigarette packs..;
Philippines - PMI - FTC merger may lead smokers continuing to smoke and lure children into a life of nicotine addiction..;
Philippines - PMI and Fortune Tobacco Corp. form new company called PMFTC..;
Philippines - Tanauan City names street Philip Morris..;
Philippines - DOH campaign for 100% smoke-free workplaces..;
Philippines - total tobacco industry could be down 10% to 15% this year..;
Philippines - 2003 ban on advertising and skirting the ban..;
Philippines - June is annually observed as 'No Smoking' Month..;
Philippines may be losing the war against smoking..;;
Philip Morris won't postpone Philippines Eraserheads Concert..;
Philip Morris could be criminally liable for its sponsorship of the event .in the Philippines..;
STOP PMI Sponsoring Concert in Philippines..;
Philippines - Smoker to be deported...

Minnesota - thousands of untaxed cigarettes recently seized..

August 18, 2010 - Thousands of untaxed cartons of cigarettes were recently seized across the state, the Minnesota Department of Revenue announced today, August 13th. Nearly 10,300 cartons containing 2 million cigarettes were seized between May 2009 and June 2010 by state and federal authorities.

State law requires that payment of the tax imposed on each pack of cigarettes must be verified with a corresponding value of stamps attached to each package. None of the cigarette packs in the cartons seized had the proper stamps. The unpaid state tax on the cigarettes is approximately $159,000 with an additional unpaid federal tax of $104,000.

Possession of untaxed cigarettes may result in criminal penalty for the buyer.
Purchasing untaxed cigarettes from an unlicensed seller may result in criminal penalties for the reseller. Penalties could range from misdemeanors to felonies and buyers would be subject to tax, penalty and interest.

Minnesotans who purchase untaxed products that are shipped into the state must report the cigarette tax on the Consumer’s Cigarette Tax Return (CT203) and the tobacco tax on the Consumer’s Tobacco Tax Return (CT303). These forms can be found on our website at Cigarette and tobacco taxes not paid by the 18th of the month following the month of purchase are subject to interest and penalty.

Most of the cigarettes were sold by American internet sites but manufactured in Ukraine. In many cases, cigarettes sold over the internet are counterfeit. Often times they are made in unsanitary facilities. (Ukraine - lost cigarettes flooding Europe..)

The Minnesota Department of Revenue has a 24-hour tip line for anyone who suspects an individual or business is violating tax laws, at (651) 297-5195 or 1-800-657-3500. Tipsters may remain anonymous and can also email the department at Last year, citizen tips resulted in 88 percent of the department’s criminal case referrals. For more information, contact the department’s Cigarette and Tobacco Unit at 651-297-1882.

References: Thousands of Untaxed Cigarette Cartons Seized in Minnesota, Lisa Waldrup, Minnesota Department of Revenue IRS), 8/13/2010; Government seizes untaxed cigarettes in Minnesota by John Vomhof Jr. ( Staff writer, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, 8/16/2010.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Australia - Tony Abbott no friend of health care especially when it comes to your children..

Does he really care..
We were quite surprised that Tony Abbott was the best candidate for prime minister that the opposition party could come up with.

We got to know Mr. Abbott back in July, 2009.. New South Wales (NSW) had just introduced a series of new anti-smoking laws. One of the most important laws that were implemented was the law to make it illegal to smoke in a car when children are passengers. (New South Wales - July 1, 2009 - Great Day for Tobacco Control..)

During a debate on this subject at Sydney University, Tony Abbott claimed that NSW was playing nanny state politics with its ban on smoking in cars when children are present. Obviously this man did not prepare for the debate when he spouted off the comment that "smoking in front of children is a trivial issue and states should not intervene" just to gain attention. (July 2009 - New South Wales politician smoking comment totally inaccurate..)

Every parent wants their children to lead healthy and happy lives. There's an abundance of evidence that children are more susceptible to the negative effects of second-hand smoke. Mr. Abbott from what we gather, has three daughters that by now may have their own children. Doesn't he care if his loved ones are exposed to tobacco smoke that could possibly effect their health.

Just recently in the UK the chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners (GPs), Dr. Steve Fields has stated, parents that smoke in front of their children at home at in cars are "committing a form of child abuse".

As pointed out by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Australia in a February 2009 paper the evidence of second-hand smoke harm to children in enclose spaces is extensive and irrefutable. A 2004 survey of over 1300 Australians in 800 households showed over 90 percent (including 73 percent of smokers) support banning smoking in cars carrying children. A Harvard School of Public Health report indicated that secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home.

If this man is elected advances in tobacco control will most likely be weakened.

The National Preventative Health Strategy to make Australia the healthiest country in the world by 2020 would disappear.

From what we understand Mr Abbott had his chance to reform the health system when he was Minister for Health under the Howard Government instead citizens saw that government strip the public health system of millions of dollars of Commonwealth funding, starving communities' hospitals and limiting health care delivery. (Tony Abbott Taking Health Care Back To The 1800s, Australia, Australian Nursing Federation's Federal, Medical News Today, 2/15/2010)

Tony Abbott is the wrong person to be Prime Minister of Australia..

England - teenage smoking rates dropped since legal age to buy cigarettes raised to 18..

August 17, 2010 - Teenage smoking rates in England have dropped since the legal age for buying cigarettes rose from 16 to 18, research by University College London suggests.

Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 teenagers aged 16 and 17 before and after the age rise in October 2007. (Legal age for buying tobacco raised to 18 from October 1, Patrick Wintour, political editor, The Guardian, 1/1/2007)

Smoking rates in this age group dropped significantly, from 24% before the law change to about 17% after it. Smoking rates in over 18s remained unchanged.

Cancer Research UK said it showed tobacco policy could make a difference.

Experts know that more than 80% of smokers start before the age of 19 and that half of all long-term smokers will die of cancer or other smoking-related diseases.

Stopping young people from starting smoking is vital if the death toll from tobacco is to be reduced, they say in the journal Addiction.

PAPER: RESEARCH REPORT: Changes in smoking prevalence in 16–17-year-old versus older adults following a rise in legal age of sale: findings from an English population study, Jennifer A. Fidler, Robert West, Article first published online: 17 AUG 2010, ABSTRACT..

Jenny Fidler, who led the study and is based at Cancer Research UK's health behaviour research centre at University College London, said: "The new law looks to have helped reduce smoking prevalence among younger age groups.

"This is good news for the future health of this generation of young people and shows that tobacco policies can make a real difference."

Before 2007 it was legal to sell cigarettes to anyone over the age of 16 in England, Scotland or Wales. a href="">The same was true in Northern Ireland until 2008.

Jean King, Cancer Research UK's director of tobacco control, said: "This result is encouraging. We would like to have seen an even bigger drop in the number of young smokers but any measure that helps stops young people from smoking is a step in the right direction.

"We need to do more to protect young people. We urge the government to prevent more lives being lost to an addiction that will kill half of all long term smokers."

She said putting tobacco out of sight in shops and removing cigarette vending machines would be a good place to start.

A Department of Health spokesman said they were in discussions across government on how best to progress to tackle smoking.

He added: "We welcome these findings as nearly all adults who smoke get hooked when they are young. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death in England, causing over 80,000 premature deaths in England each year."

A Scottish cancer specialist (Dr. Jayant Vaidya) had called for the age at which people can buy tobacco be raised to 21.

Reference: Under-18 ban 'cut teenage smoking rates' by Michelle Roberts Health reporter, BBC News, 8/17/2010.

South Korea - study finds higher prices most effective method to discourage smoking..

South Korean Coat-of_Arms..
August 17, 2010 - A study found Monday, August 16th that higher cigarette prices were the most effective method in discouraging Koreans from smoking, prompting a new round of cigarette price disputes.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) analyzed the effects of seven non-smoking policies such as raising prices, restricting tobacco ads and designating non-smoking areas, which were taken between 1995 and 2006. Of the measures, the analysis said, raising prices was much more effective in reducing the smoking rate.

Since the nation’s no-smoking campaign in 1995, the smoking rate of Korean male adults had been decreasing for years. However, the rate began to increase again from 40.9 percent in 2008 to 43.1 percent in 2009. The figure is well over the nation’s 2010 goal of 30 percent and much higher than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average of 28.4 percent.

The report said that if the cigarette price of 2,500 won (2.13 USD) per pack had been raised by 1,000 won (0.85 USD) back in 2007, the smoking rate could have decreased to 33.9 percent by 2010. If the prices were raised to 8,500 won (7.23 USD), the smoking rate would have dropped rapidly to 30.4 percent in 2010 and to 24.6 percent in 2020, the report added.

The nation’s cigarette price per pack has remained the same for five years since it was set at 2,500 won (2.13 USD) in 2005.

The report pointed out that a lack of strong policy efforts recently has led to the failure in achieving this year’s goal and also predicted the nation’s future smoking rate. According to the report, if cigarette prices increase annually by 500 won (0.43 USD) starting this year, the smoking rate of male adults could fall to 35.5 percent within the year and 33.8 percent next year. The rate would continue to drop to 30.2 percent in 2014, 26 percent in 2019 and 25.3 percent in 2020 when the price per pack becomes 8,000 won(6.81 USD), the report said.

“The nation’s nonsmoking campaign is considered to have been successful. Without a further decrease in its smoking rate, however, Korea would face more social and economic burdens and that could affect the nation’s global competitiveness,” the report said.

“The biggest problem is that the cigarette prices in Korea are lower considering the nation’s economic power. The appropriate price, for now, is estimated at more than 6,000 won (5.11 USD),” the report added.

Reference: ‘Higher cigarette prices reduce smoking rate’ by Lee Ji-yoon (, The Korea Herald, 8/16/2010.

South Korea - some related news briefs:
South Korea - a new Raison line extension..;
next month enforcement of ban on smoking by taxi drivers..;
South Korea - fines collected for dumping cigarette butts are down.. ;
South Korea - BAT launches new cigarette seems similar to Camel Crush..;
South Korea - rate of male smokers probably higher than any other OECD country..;
South Korea - BAT to further invest in Sacheon factory..;
South Korea - a look at KT&G Corporation with 63% of the market..;
South Korea - streets and parks of Seoul City could be designated as non-smoking areas..;
PMI - slide presentation South Korean Cigarette Market..;
South Korea - KT&G forms alliance with Imperial Tobacco Group..;
South Korea - more smokers in 2009 than in 2008..;
South Korea - remote island going smoke-free, car-free and night lights-free..;
South Korea - Stressed-out Koreans smoking more..;
South Korea - to ban smoking in public places from 2011..;
Korea - BAT - winning the hearts and minds of customers based on tactics tailored to local tastes..;
Korea - sets target to reduce smoking 10% in 5-years..;
Korea - stricter regulation of the tobacco industry coming..;
South Korea - tobacco imports surge 396-fold over 10-years..;
Korea - slight increase in men smoking.. ;
South Korea - anti-tobacco campaign - body painting..;
Korea - smoking ban just about everywhere by end of 2009..;
Tobacco marketing in South Korea has been deliberately aimed at girls and young women..;
Korea - smoking rates fall for men and women...

Bulgaria - customs agents find large scale cigarette contraband..

Photo by the Bulgarian Customs Agency..

August 17, 2010 - The Bulgarian Customs agents from the border cross point Kalotina, between Bulgaria and Serbia prevented a large-scale cigarette contraband Monday, August 16th the Customs Agency informs.

Thousands of packs of cigarettes were found in a compartment of the international train traveling from Serbia to Bulgaria. They were hidden in cavities in the compartment’s ceiling and walls. Most packs and boxes have Serbian excise duty labels from the Victory and Vice Roy brands; there are also boxes of Eva Slims without a label and of Marilyn Slims with Duty Free labels.

The compartment had been empty at the time of the check, so the indictment is against a unknown perpetrator. The contraband train scam is preferred and often used by the smugglers precisely because the authorities have a hard time finding them, experts explain.

Reference: Cigarette Contraband Busted on Serbia-Bulgaria Train, (Sofia News Agency), 8/16/2010.

Bulgaria - cigarette smuggling news briefs:
Bulgaria - customs intercepts 6-tons of smuggled tobacco headed for Romania..;
Bulgaria - were the cigarettes contraband or not..Moldova says NO..;
Bulgaria - Italian authorities arrest 2-Bulgarians smuggling cigarettes..;
Bulgaria - do producers support contraband cigarettes??;
Bulgaria - illegal trade in cigarettes will reach 40% of total trade in 2010..;
Bulgaria -two cigarette smuggling attempts busted on Serbian border..;
Bulgaria - police busts major cigarette contraband ring..;
Bulgaria - MPs Impose Hefty Fines on Cigarette Sales Violators..;
Bulgaria and others - smoking ban, increased cigarette taxes, smuggling..;
Bulgaria - cigarette contraband, government loses BGN 920M yearly..;
Bulgaria - one third of the tobacco products sold are illicit..;
PMI training Bulgarian custom officers to stop cigarette smuggling..;
WHO FCTC Protocol to Prevent Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products Won't Be Completed Until End of 2010..;

Indiana - statewide program offers money to smokers that quit..

August 17, 2010 - An Indiana agency is looking to extinguish smoking statewide. Using money from tobacco company settlements, state health officials will divvy out $5,000 among three Indiana smokers who cut the habit.

The program is called "Quit Now Indiana." To apply, you must have quit after June 1st and remain cigarette free until the end of October. Health officials say that five grand could save the state billions.

"A little over $2 billion is spent in health care costs for smokers and another $2.6 billion is spent in productivity losses. So for the state of Indiana we spend close to $5 billion annually taking care of smokers,” said Jill Sabo of Tobacco Free St. Joseph County.


Reference: Statewide program offers thousand of dollars to Hoosiers who quit smoking,,, 8/16/2010.

A few Indiana related news briefs:
Indiana - again statewide smoking ban passes house but ban still in doubt..;
Indiana - no statewide smoking ban this year for, "The ash tray of the Midwest"..;
Indiana - weak statewide smoke ban being considered..;
Indianapolis, Indiana - tobacco control people are furious - city used as test market again..;
Elkhart, Indiana - smoking ban stands no exemption for bars..;
Indiana - fire-safe cigarettes - July 1, 2009..;
Children in Indiana starting to use smokless tobacco products..;
Congratulations to the Great State of Indiana..;

South Korea - a new Raison line extension..

August 17, 2010 - Some smokers may have grown tired of lighting 20 cigarettes with the same taste from a pack. For such consumers, KT&G has come up with a product that includes two groups of cigarettes with different flavors.

KT&G (formerly Korea Tobacco and Ginseng Corporation), the country’s largest tobacco manufacturer, said Monday, August 16th that the company will release the unique item, dubbed the Raison Pop 17+3, starting this Wednesday, August 18th across the country at the price of 2,500 won (2.12 USD) a pack.

The product will include a total of 17 ordinary cigarettes and three convertible ones equipped with versatile filters, which offer multiple flavors. When people click the filters of the three cigarettes, which have green filters, they will convert into menthol-flavored ones. If customers do not like the menthol flavor, they can smoke the three just like a regular cigarette.

KT&G expects that the branded packs will further boost the popularity of the Raison brand. Raison, which debuted in 2002, is one of the top brands of KT&G. In particular, young smokers loved the brand, which was chosen as the top pick among university students three straight years through 2009. The two-in-one cigarettes contain 6 milligrams of tar. (South Korea - a look at KT&G Corporation with 63% of the market..)

British American Tobacco (BAT), a competitor of KT&G, launched a cigarette similar to 3-cigarettes with the special filter in July 2010. (South Korea - BAT launches new cigarette seems similar to Camel Crush..)

Reference: KT&G debuts unique product, The Korea Times, 8/16/2010.

South Korea - some related news briefs:
South Korea - next month enforcement of ban on smoking by taxi drivers..;
South Korea - fines collected for dumping cigarette butts are down.. ;
South Korea - BAT launches new cigarette seems similar to Camel Crush..;
South Korea - rate of male smokers probably higher than any other OECD country..;
South Korea - BAT to further invest in Sacheon factory..;
South Korea - a look at KT&G Corporation with 63% of the market..;
South Korea - streets and parks of Seoul City could be designated as non-smoking areas..;
PMI - slide presentation South Korean Cigarette Market..;
South Korea - KT&G forms alliance with Imperial Tobacco Group..;
South Korea - more smokers in 2009 than in 2008..;
South Korea - remote island going smoke-free, car-free and night lights-free..;
South Korea - Stressed-out Koreans smoking more..;
South Korea - to ban smoking in public places from 2011..;
Korea - BAT - winning the hearts and minds of customers based on tactics tailored to local tastes..;
Korea - sets target to reduce smoking 10% in 5-years..;
Korea - stricter regulation of the tobacco industry coming..;
South Korea - tobacco imports surge 396-fold over 10-years..;
Korea - slight increase in men smoking.. ;
South Korea - anti-tobacco campaign - body painting..;
Korea - smoking ban just about everywhere by end of 2009..;
Tobacco marketing in South Korea has been deliberately aimed at girls and young women..;
Korea - smoking rates fall for men and women...