May 22, 2010 - Click on any image to enlarge..
STOP the sale of single cigars..
Published on March 19, 2010, the FDA issued a final rule that contains a broad set of federal requirements designed to significantly curb access to and appeal of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to children and adolescents in the United States. (U.S. FDA publishes rules to protect our children that restrict advertising and marketing of tobacco products..) The new regulations become effective on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.
As part of the rule there is a provision that prohibits the sale of cigarette packages with less than 20 cigarettes.. But an even more important rule would be to Prohibit the sale of inexpensive (cheap, low priced) cigars sold individually (single, loosies) at convenience stores and gas stations. Such cigars are often marketed in youth-friendly flavors such as cherry, apple and lime and are sold for as little as 49 (forty-nine) cents to $1. (John Middleton challenges ban on single cigar sales..) see news brief: Prohibit the sale of inexpensive machine-made cigars..
Smokeless Tobacco Ads Larger Health Warnings.. another provision in the rule (see above) requires more prominent health warnings on advertisements for smokeless tobacco products beginning June 22 and a year later for cigarette ads. Previously, the warning on smokeless tobacco ads appeared in a small circle in the corner of the ad. Now the bold warning must fill 20 (twenty) percent of the advertising space.
(New Bold Warnings on Tobacco Ads by DUFF WILSON, The New York Times, 5/3/2010)
Some examples: This one is interesting.. The Philip Morris (PM) USA salesperson placed a Skoal sign behind the counter so customers would not be able to see it. The Grizzly salesperson placed their new sign (with the new warning) on the counter where the customer pays. When it was realized that the PM sign was placed where it would not be seen the Reynolds person removed the Grizzly sign.

Marlboro SNUS mailing:
Marlboor SNUS - 4-packs free - see warning message..
American Snuff - special packaging for Grizzly Moist Snuff to celebrate the history of the American Snuff Company.. Conwood Company, LLC, changed its name back to American Snuff Company, LLC, effective January 1, 2010. Conwood, the nation's second largest manufacturer of smokeless tobacco products, is an operating company of Reynolds American Inc. (Conwood maker of Grizzly to change name to American Snuff Company..
PACT Act becomes effective July 1 2010..
-- The U.S. Postal Service will be prohibited from delivering cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products through the U.S. Mail to consumers.
Example of mail-in cigar offer that should go away..

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc., a subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc., manufactures Natural American Spirit cigarettes and other additive-free tobacco products manufactures.

Click to enlarge..

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