September 4, 2010 - The Scottish Parliament has already passed legislation that will enable adults to be prosecuted for buying cigarettes for children, in line with similar laws for alcohol. This will now come into force on April 1 2011. (Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010)
A total of 89% of people surveyed agreed that businesses should have to have a licence to sell tobacco, which could be removed if they were caught selling to under-age youngsters more than once. The research found 82% supported the law banning smoking in enclosed public places, although this fell to 57% amongst those who smoke, with 35% of smokers totally opposed to the ban. The survey, published by anti-smoking group Ash Scotland, also found that four out of five smokers backed such a move. It also found 80% of people backed increasing access to local stop-smoking services in the NHS, with 68% of smokers in support.
Ash Scotland chief executive Sheila Duffy said: "These results show the high support that both smokers and non-smokers in Scotland have for continuing action against the harm caused by smoking. "Scots are very aware of the harm caused by smoking, the deaths and illness due to smoking and the toll it takes on our society, our communities and our families".
"Both smokers and non-smokers alike would like to see changes in Scotland. It is clear that respondents are concerned about preventing young people taking up smoking and want to see restrictions which will stop young people accessing cigarettes. For smokers, they also very much support NHS stop-smoking services, which is unsurprising when 69% of smokers would like to quit."
Reference: 90% of Scots back tobacco sale laws, Press Association Scotland, 9/2/2010.
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Scotland to ban cigarette displays and outlaw cigarette vending machines..;
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17 countries in the world ban indoor smoking - ENFORCEMENT..;
England, Wales to ban tobacco displays in shops..;
Definite Health Benefits of Smoking Bans..;
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