August 24, 2009 - Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is pushing the New Zealand government to ban displays of tobacco products in dairies, supermarkets and service stations.
Back in February 2009 a call to ban tobacco displays from shops had not got the support of the National Government. There is a fresh push for the Government to ban displays of tobacco products in dairies, supermarkets and service stations. ASH chair professor Bruce Arroll says it is astonishing that something that kills half its users is displayed like a bottle of milk or a loaf of bread. He says with most forms of tobacco advertising banned, the displays are a loophole for the industry to show off its wares.
The criticism comes as the Health Ministry is launching a Face The Facts campaign, warning tobacco is a common consumer product with a 50 percent death rate.
Tobacco Control and Smoking British American Tobacco, Inc. (BAT) has 76% of the New Zealand market and owns six of the top 10 brands including the country's top two-brands Horizon and Benson Hedges. BAT awarded worst corporation in New Zealand...
Reference: Pressure on to remove cigarette displays, NZCity, 8/23/2009.
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