Singapore Coat-of-Arms..June 14, 2010 - We have been waiting for a change in the tobacco legislation to address smokeless alternatives, which would include strips, lozenges, snus and nicotine candies. (Singapore - tobacco dissolvables now infesting this health conscious country..)
Singapore has introduced new tobacco legislation regarding smoking cigarettes that requires manufacturers to include health warnings on both of the main faces [both sides] of their cigarette packs. And it has introduced two additional warnings: 'Smoking kills' and 'Smoking harms your family'.
Restaurants, supermarkets, museums, libraries, indoor sports arenas, theaters, public transportation and government offices are all off limits for smokers.
Establishments or people caught selling to minors face fines of S$6,300 (4,510 USD)
Singapore is also hard on teens that smoke. Fines of S$30 (21.5 USD)are imposed on anyone under the age of 18 carrying cigarettes in public, whether or not they were actually smoking. A fine of S$60 (42.95 USD) is assessed for the second and all subsequent offenses. It's the parents' responsibility to see that the fines are paid. If not, parents are subjected to spending a night in jail. Teachers are also required to fine students who break the law.
Members of the armed forces smoking in public while wearing their uniforms will be fined and disciplined.
Reference: Yes sir, no sir, Tobacco Reporter, 6/14/2010; Three cheers for Singapore on smoking bans, BY ROBERT WALLACE write to him c/o The Post-Tribune, 1433 83rd Ave., Merrillville, IN 46410, 6/10/2010.
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